ASUO ( ontinued from Pam* I il \\ ,|S .1 I ItMIl r.K r shr s. iid's thr most impor t. tnl thing Ui- s.iiil Irmn th<• bf (list as thru- v\err from oilier groups I'hr lirst order of husmrss (nr 'We tried to run a positive campaign. I feel like Kirk and I won because we had 2.t)t)t) people voting for us rather than vot ing against Steve and Diane.' — Sheila Stickel ginning. it we're going In lo-a \\ t■ re going In lose l>e< anse s v\ the students want the students wanted Sheila and K11 k and so hr it 1 let linn insults surpr ised ( usliman and Maples ( ush man said Itnl net nngt atulate Sheila and huk she sanl "We wish them the best t it link we slipporI them and we hope that it ever there's anv thing they need we would |o\e to lie there toi them Although they were endorsed by many student ginups. Builev and Sin kel said they were i on i el lied w hen thav didn't get the endorsement ol the I hllVei sitv s Iraternilies and sororities Me were initially disap pointed . ’ St ii kel said "We thought that would have i line hed it Hilt lhi' leedhai k we got from our greek friends was 'Mere behind you. 01 ()ui house is behind you and hv I ridav altemoon. we were lee I lug plet t V good "Me went atlei all groups eipiallv hard Bailev said Idle |{ a eek I llilorsement < oniillittee) eudm sed Stev e and Diane, but there were mam gleeks out there pulling toi us Hailt'V 'iiul SI it krl u il i In In pul lo^i’lhrr .1 i iHmnilli'f In Iic'iI> ilium liiru .1 stall Kirk ,nul ! Iiircl next unk In i oinc up u till .( hiring i mn rrniirc siii ki'l n.ihI Uc (nmtnilli'il mtrsulvrs ilurmu the I ,impawn In hrmgmu III Mime nirmhurs nl ihtli'ii'iil sIihIchI groups awl t'lhiui Krg,iniz,i 111 M l h Ik help ux pul Kill ,1.(11 Ik iM'ihui Ur pi,in Ik h.u i- iinln iilu.ils Irmii ililliMi-ut stiulriit ui.iiipx Ml Ur i .ill make Mllr ilia I Nr W UKl a tlivi'IM' slat! u lirii ur lakr uttii r tin \lav "> Hailiu saul Car Care with a Conscience Ct—:r i i r European Automotive Specialists Audi BMW Porsche VW Alta Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz 1975 W 7th • Eugene 687-0040 Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every clay. It pays. Spring Car Care Tircstone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE LUBE, OIL & FILTER i o Who , an you depend on for (heir in depth training, computerized equip men! and work barked hy long term arranties-> The Masters of Master are, of course 6 MONTHS.'6,000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS 4 LABOR' plus S I shop !r* MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! h:\ hrw'.*-, msUH ry kjf h Atii )t JT ';! H )MRMf HE N! . t BRAKE: OVf RHAUl f E A TURING f HE E RE • *; A f ME NT PARTS A NR . AMOR I >M A i ()N(A‘ • Y( H! i )WN V< H JR ( AH s59" pill's > I sill >p l«*» TUNE-UPS T r,nm»>{J T 1'i.hnii*, 1 ■« - '"*■ 2 000 f ng Problems fcvfry L ■1 Cylindoi 6 Cylinder 8 Cylinder $49.99 $59.99 $69.99 N I simp h r M • , .if, i • V • ■ • , ‘. i *■ - ■ ■ * ■■ ,t No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene —East 11th store only 345-1593 ■NiVv/ OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS Microcomputer Lab Only $20 per term The Social Science Instructional Lab features: • 24 IBM PS/2 Mod 30 Computers • WordPerfect 5.1 • Microsoft Word 5.0 • Microsoft Excel 2.0 • Access to the VAX and beyond • E-Mail • FREE Letter Quality printing Convenient Location PLC 72 Convenient Hours 9 am - 10 pm M-F 12 N - 5 pm Sat 1 2 N - 10 pm Sun Drop in or contact: Cathleen Leue PLC it x(i4fi7H