Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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( onlmiit'd trom l\ii;e '*
rhr higgosl surprisr v\ a. in
Ihn 5.0(10. U hern lilt' (hildeil
Hoars' l :.ilvni (..i/i.inn won m .1
1 uni- nt 1 t 1 i l In hi-.it ()i i
gull's I i'll,1111 l' Villili HI
I 1 ■(. 1.1 n i ,md Hr.nl I hiilsini
I I ) 5 t i) Mahon's Ii 1111 • w.is 1
I it it si) ii.i I in nnl .mil ( Ji'ogon s
Sin r Kit hauls. despite tin
ishing .1 mm si oriitg Imolli
• llso sfl ,1 I'K U Itll .1 tlllll' nt
I l i2 0
Delli 111/1*1 s.iiil hr u.isn't hap
II \ losing ihn BOO. 1 soil . 1 n<I
S oon lint said In ll.ltI In /III
1 11'ilil to t d tin i timing up
\\ itll sntlli' ginnl jit■ 1 f 1 n main ns
I don't I ike losing tin'
■ 000 lull thru hid ( la/i.iiio ran
a tough. guts\ raci'." Dellinger
s.iiil 1 was disappointed that
Krad i mildn’t respond In the
1 1 inipi'l it inn
In tlm I ..500 t al’-s Koggir
Williams w no tin' 1.11 c in
I: to I.!. hut I)i• 11 i 11 sic*t said tin
on c w ould liav■(• hi'i'ti a 1 lose
nun between U i 11 id ills and t he
gnu’s Danny hope/. had Lopez
nut hurii i aught "It guard and
fallen 1 low n ill till' lai i> I .opr,
1 inislifd .1 in in si ori ng lulu ill
Still. I hr I llli ks Wi'l'1 allli' In
purser itc thanks in sunups in
nt In 'I OV ruts
lavolin thrnwei \ 11 Skipper
wild had srt new si lion! in
mils tlir last tun Works won
Ducks beat
Viks twice
lulic ( .i\ aiiaugh singled ft r
right Iit'ld to sroiv Anna Poore
in llu' lnlli inning Satmdav In
give Oregon s soft! >.* 11 tram a
1 i W 111 111 cl I 'liftI,llltl SI,lie .nnl
a (InutilchtMiici sweep (it the
Vikings .(I I low e l iehl
I begun limk (1 I (I h ill in the
first inning when I'm ire stored
111) .1 l’St' emu
kelh I inlev i in I k list I ( ) k u
ll.na e,u !i si Died in the hiiirlh
inning on Kitts in (iavanatigh
■ mil leann.i king hetnie I’m!
1.11 li 1 State tied it with three
inns mi sis hits in the sixth in
Neither team i null! seme in
three extra innings, so tin- in
lei national softball rule was put
into client Ihe rule allows
teams to plate a runner on see
iind base w ith nt) outs
( begun retired Port land Mate
anti put Pool e on set olid kfllv
I inlet drew a walk and t )ku
hara got a base hi! to set up
< uvunaugh s game-winning
I’itehei katie U iese got llei
ninth shutout of the season in
the Iu st game as the I Jut ks
st tiled three runs m the tilth in
mug to lake a i ll det isit >11
( begun w as st hedilled to
meet no I ranked I 'l I A 'sun
(lav but the t onfereilt e double
header was lamed out
M () R E
Graph ics
MH) I 'll • T U> I Ml I
r.i'.ih v' illl a loss■ of i ’ II
t he mat k wax inmr than eitiht
feet i it I ills lies! n| n, , tint
u.is still a meet Iiml Its inure
than 1-I teet reanimate I i n
U H k i;raliliri! .mil u liii .1 l*K
throw ill ihi i
Brian ('itHim had his host
outing III tliriv unis in the
pole \ anil u inninu tin- m mil
In si alini> I ii 1 u 1 i l Iii i;i m s
llmi llcnsiin also i leared (In
same height in finishing m
ond. a I’K In1 si\ mi lies
In I ho I I (i high hurdles Boh
(,ia\ Brian Wright and Pedro
daSilva sped In another Dink
so i'i-|i (has won I In- in mil in
M » t u hile U i mill m Inis i , ail
daSiU a Ini sei ond
( Jregihi also ria inv ecI the e\
pel led 1 finish III tin steeple
I llase Ironl Kuk Mestlel and
I \e \ an Si hoiai k and a i Iuli it
I J pm Imana nee in tile hainiuer
I I'll 111 St nil Ml ( .ee and \|| k
Mesllei and \ an St hoiai k
l lot kcil 'I to i and ‘I ! * 1. ie
11\ i*I v m Ihv stuuplu v\!m!t
\!« i .»■* fci'.ssi-iI thn h.immi'i
10 i i i i: i ({ \ UU'dnsMndus U a
^ « »* n < 1 with .t 1HJ i ii>ss An, i
st.issi,nit's .ilso pit k'-ij up t In-:
I! 1 *f*i piiii i* in thn (iisi us w ith .i
f’R throw yl ! * | K
\!tiiniiv»h tin- i)ii( ks u mi ilu
muut I hi un ( nddrn Ilu.u s
tmnud in dm rnuH t<>p m,uk
1**11 Koprrs wnn tin* li i&* !i
pimp Ini tilt- ( '.niijen Hnars u itJI
i in v\ in« rf u-t i ,i c! ol ♦ and
just mi.ssuti i .ir.ii ifu* i .
h'.IIIIIU.llr Mlkr I (urns Lis!
vi'iic s Luc lo < Lamp m fin- h i
pin jump s.iilnti to i wind .ml
c<l In st nl )'» p1 , ami .ilsu had a
In p-d hnst n t * I 1 , t o ri I i p .t •
thn old mnnl rm onl |)V *• \a* t i%
out* fm if
Sprintm Minn M.thont who
( omp.'inl in thn I'-iHM I )|\ mpn '
tor his nativ *• ( anada won both
thn 100 and ..'00 iiintur d.ishns
Mahoi u spud to a SO I w ind
ahLm! ( LM kii»U in dir 100 and
toppud thn tmid in thn J00 in
*o i»
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