SWING INTO SPRING AT LAURELWOOD GOLF COURSE Driving Range. Club Rentals Electric Carts 2700 Columbia 68' 5321 Engine Service 1000 S Bnrtclscn Hd »t fugonc OR 97*02 Onr Block North ol W 11th Nolan Ind PI a/a Spec ah:/' VO: Service 342-3952 10% Student Discount Sports Oregon women lose to California Ducks miss sprinter specialist Williams Hv ( am Sivesind I met aid Sports Reporter I or art Oregon women s ton k team Ivpn allv doinmanl hi tin dlst,mi es it w .is a sprint el who was missed the most Saturdav 111 the i till ks ' 1 l> > loss to ( all Im nia Oregon, w ho hadn't lost to the t aihlen Hears in se\ en prior meetings, sorely missed Hill and JIHI metei sper ialist Kosle Williams at lalwards Stadium ill Her kele\ ( aid Williams pulled up in the toil with a strained hamstring hi the Pepsi learn Invitational \pril t •) at I lav w aid I leld -Shi did run I he Kill at id Satur llav hut tailed to si ore ( ilegoli i oat ll I oill I leinoiien said W illiams last year's Par it it 11) ! lonferem e i hainpion in tin* .'Uil was positive heiore tin I >11 e 'Rosie went • ut in the 100 with not just winning in mind. I»ut running 1 4 t I I ' > while T^ishinc Season Is Open At The Bookstore! APRIL 23-28 No trout about it , Fishing Season is here, and we’re up to our gills in rainbow of up-scale fishing mementos, perfect for any fin-nicky fisher. Perched on our shelves are beautiful handcrafted wood carvings and quality gifts , fanciful t-shirts and hats , and some very fishy pillows , just for fun . We've cruised around and reeled in a * interest whale of a variety of books of from fly-tying to fish frying . Hook into our DAILY PRIZE DRAWINGS and you could net a guided fly-fishing trip on the McKenzie River, a t- shirt, book , tote bag , pepsi 6-pack , or our GRAND PRIZE , a life-sized handcrafted wood carving of a trout or duck . Swim on down during APRIL 23 - 28 and land a great catch! 1 Mh and Kincaid M » 7.30 - b Sal 10-6 Phone 346-4331 Ii'.mim.iti' I J.imi'llr U ilsou grabbed llic se< oih! |)lri( i' spill nn illi .1 I’K 'it It (Iregon's javelin throw ers pn -n ided mi surprises In sweeping Illi' event I'aula Hei r\ ,mil k mi I In all si.i\ nI li hil: enough In linisli I J helore i iiii uing oft in the* Mount S V Re lays Sunil.in m \\alnut ( alii Hi■ I I N llllCVN the SpiSIl In I'M u illi I In .ill not tar 111-11111(1 al Mi i-'l Oregon didn'l disappoint in tin- disl.mi c mi t-s cilhi-i I,i/. Wilson took liisl m llic t.llOD (!l IM | In lend a I )ui k snn i I• |» I is,i karnopp (111 Illi H) and An drea Audit son | III DM 11 i ap lurud sot ond and third 111 lilt- I illll ( ami I Ifllfill'll had a I Ms tulle of 4 ill (ID and NNim (In event The time ei lipsed die I ’.if 10 slandanl ipi.ililN lie.: lie] loi the i ham pionxhips m May in Seattle I al s sheila I lltdson and Simmons i onipeled in hud ON el its apiei e to rai k lip points tor the Hears I ludsoii, Nn ho has the league's longest jump of the season al .11 D ( allie close lo dial 111 a I k Sal ill 11 .IN NN till a I i. i leap lo nn hi the eN ell! \ttri running the first leg on I a! s winning i \ I (ID relaN team. Hudson set a meet rei ord lei in winning the triple jump She then nni-uI on In jilai e set i mi I ill I lie I Oil nn illi a ! I 0 Simmons had an equallv im pre-.-ave d.iN taking sec.ond m the long jump I 1*1 D ' < I behind Hudson She ran the third leg m the i\ Mill relaN then nipped I ludson till llle tils! time m the 1 (Ml Nvith a time ot 1 t M Simmons finished her day nniIIi the n n ti n n in the .'(III i Im king a J-) 2,1 ( Ither (Iregon n n tm ies i nine m the high jump and the 80(1 High jumpei Laurel Roberts returned to hei nn an s altei a loss to teammate kelly Hlail at tile Pepsi meet Roberts and Ilian both jumped VT hut Roberts won on attempts kiln I lutson i Im bed a II > in the MOD to edge ( al s I., ura Hakei Iin a tenth of a sei mid Oregon's l.rika kluin was a i lose third at 2 1 2 D knn Hutson won her first i oilegiate rat e I leinoneit said I hat nn as hei goal Mar\ Anderson and knn t at lisle finished l -l in the triple jump hut more importantly both passed the I'ai 111 i|ualitN mg standard Anderson jumped IM 1 nn illi the nn ind nn bile ( ku lisle had