Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1990, Image 1

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■ Shoiih Week remembers. Page 3
■ Arsonists arrested. Page H
■ One windy track meet. Page ‘I
■ Duck draft news, Page 12
_ _ Oregon Daily_ —
\ 1 <11111,i\, \|>r11 .'.I I'Hio
I'liHcnr. ( begun
Volume I Number 1 in
Voters tab Bailey/Stickel for ASUO in landslide
Candidates pleased with
clean race, high turnout
B\ D.iralv 11 fi.i|)|)c
t imi.ili! ( ontribulur
kirk B.nhn .ind sin'll.i sin k
i'l vvnr easy winners I i iday in
the r,n e Im t'lBO-'l 1 ASl I )
president .imi vi( e president
detecting nppnnnits Sieve M.i
pies mid Di.iue ( usliman with
nr pen enl ol tile 11.dints i ,ist in
a high turnout
Bailee said minimal polls
taken helore the elti linn iiuli
rated lie and Sin kel li.nl a guild
chain *1 uf yy inning Hut the
margin nl victim vv.is a sin
prise.' lie said We expelled
it to he chisel
AI ii nit 1 pen enl ul I lie sill
dent body voted in Iasi week s
primaries said I !y Ian ( iiultei
elec I iuiis hoard < hair man \ n
estimated total ot ‘i'l"i h.dints
Were I ast
"I was pleased with that
it s the seiunil highest turnout
m III vi'.us or mi. (.on I ter said
Sti( kf•! .itt ribuicfI I hr n \ u to
r\ to artive i ampaigmng ami
oufreai h
We \MTi‘ able to mobilize
the independents she said
W’f U ••ill 11 > (inf ills. ( o nps
and a lot of different student
groups We had a positive .is
live ( ainpaign on not a w hole
h it t it inoinn
both bail<*\ and Sin kei said
Ih«*\ an- proud of the fat ! that
the campaign lot used on < am
pus matters rattier than person
id issues
! here was no mud siiin:
ill'.: St II kel said "We tried to
i nn a posit i\ e campaign i lee!
like kuk and I uon because ue
hati J.OOU people voting tor us
rather than voting against Sieve
and I)i.uu*
( ushrnan said she also was
proud i it the vvav hi>t h t h kets
i.m their i ampaigus
Turn to AMK), Page 1 \
I'iioiii In \l.ii L ^ Ini
kirk ll.iilm .mil ‘sliril.i 'shi krl n ill I,ikr iitlu r in l.ilr \l.i\ .illri lunnx clr< li'il hi I'l'lll'll IS( II
Ini‘sn11‘iiI ,inil t it c pirsulvnt In ./ I I pm ml in.until in List wrrk's prim.nirs
Invitation to a lesbian wedding
Maureen Burke and Robin Mailed have found
happiness and a future together, despite the problems
society imposes on lesbian relationships.
I'hitld In M» v i- I j»*l
W.iurt'fli Iturkr llrlll .mil Kubin \t.iilrll it itll thru ilin;
\ini. ill.in In hvttin ,i l.inuli in lunr .ittrr .1 str.uli rrl.i
tinnshi[> i)t nmrr th.in tlnrr \r.us
!i\ I )emse t litton
I merald \smi( i.iti- t ilitor
tilltni i Note \ - jl.,11 ot (,,(>.
tiiut I rsln.in I'lltlr 11 rrk this
week •• \ h iiii/.n III <lij>lh fakes
,1 SfM‘1 l,ll liMlk .It Sillllr Ne\ II I.i
liinishijis .uni il.ithiu \ m i mill
.ll tll If II ill .llijir.lt 11 t ’lltll*SIhi\
'I'lu’V .lit- planaing then wed
Mint iin.ii tli,in tliui reals
ill .i steady anil wynderlul
relationship M.ilinril Hurhe
and Kutnn Madell an1 i boosing
thru (lowers i Iilurs and musii
Ibex an- writing their Vows (it
love, and about 1 ail flic nils and
t.ldliiV membeis u ill witness
tliese promises nil tin'll s|iri nil
day in June
lake ollvei prnspei li\ e nru
Ivweds. these women are also
i'M iled about tiled lionevmuon
u lui h is tentatively planned
Ini the ( Iregnii ( aiasl Ixenttnd
l\ the\ hupe In settle dim n in
Seattle u itb ..I jobs and
la Iking aninuitedlv alinul
then plans the two vninisi
women exhibit then deep love
tot eat li other and how ibex
look lorwaid In spending the
lest ul then Iw es together
I nlortun.itelv then i ominit
inenl will not lie rerugni/nd h\
most ot silt iet\ lhe\ won t lie
eligible lor tax breaks uifiin
am e henetits or I hsiiex land s
lamily ilisi mints
lorn to I esbi.tns, Page -
_Elections at a Glance_
llciv .iii tin- n sult-. hum |tii- I'l'iii ASl'O I.I• inmv
U iii|lci>. 111(1 ( .uII111l.i11-.', li hd .Ifl\ ,|Hi <■ III ill* •H’lii'i.il t !t•« linns
iii'il ui-i’k .iii- }>1 tnii'd in ii.ilics
1'ri‘suliMil \ iiii Pri»sidnnt
Kirk Hailes 'slivihi ^in kcl I ‘i ’ll
Slc\. \!,i|iIiin Di.nir I tisluti.m • M• 4
\>.m>i i.ilcil Students President s \iIiimiu I (mm il
Imu Ohriinn nm
Itclham sirnslniim It I i
Christine S.illn <•4)1
K illi.in A1
\ Hi! I. I ,l(
II ( 12 w.tr)
\ln had 1 1 ilsun I in> I
I iin I Incites II lit
lias is t If ceil ill"
I Inn Stull 1 IH
lit (I \n.ir)
Kari . \ihln son 1 4 /,>■;
Irnnitei Hills I mill
II.in Li 1 (has sun <// >
fnSunja 11 .ilsun It I'l
1,1111. 1 '
iidt III.
I nui- llrmvii MM
11111 ( uiisMiii I. Inns
lulu,'irtl ilundm'tin
KMt H0.1 nl (I vi-.ir)
1 a ait) \aiiihn I n,
Hindi K uniy Mil
KMl Honrd (2 ve;tr|
Si lift IhlnLlj) I a ll,
t iivn I intlisli Hit 1
Mat'k UflMfl HI. I
Four claim IFC seats;
next week's election
to fill two vacancies
B\ Birgit Sc hreiher Sivesind
I merald ( ontrilmtor
\ i iters ii.ii i m\ ed I tie rat i t<»i
.1 |),nr ill two \isii Im idental
I ri- ( omiiiittee openings tu
tutu i ,nuliii,tti*s .lint elei teil
tuur other stmtrnts tu line \e,u
• sits ili!rj 1114 VSt () prim,nv
f let I Hills I I lil.U
ill the I.ti e Im tvvn-vear seats
I redd\ Viti lies led three othei
dualists with I III rotes lol
lowed hr Mil liael t olson ! mi
I lug lies and 1 ravis ( lleen.
t'liiversitv students will vote
tm two of these linn liitalisls
durrm; pener.il elei lions I'liurs
<i.i\ .uni I i ida\
Students will also vide nil
Mine liallul ineasuies and He
i die ,l I till oil l.d e Im Inn I'res
idetit ■■ Advisnrv (ilium d seats
I lushes. \ ill hes I iolsuti .111(1
( iccti said lhe\ will h.i\c .1
hus». ncci hiindini; out Huts
.iikI i ampai$;ning for iillii c
Vili lies said lie tecls d is mi
portant lor students to vote
• main tins i'eek
lorn to IM , Page lb