Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 20, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Women's team to take on Bears
B\ (.ini Sivesind
Emerald Sports Reporter
i he (Iregon women s tr.n k
le.im returns to Herkelev < .11it
Saturdav to t.ike on ( .llitornia
,nul New Mexico. but tins time
the m ores roilnt
Hie Hui ks traveled south last
month to 1 ompete in the (old
mi Hear Meet ot ( diampions a
nun si oring affair
Oregon has deleated the
(iolden Hears in all seven ot
their previous meetings, with
last year's HH 4tt triumph break
mg the Dm ks' string ot live
straight till point outings Ore
gun and New Mevii o have nev
er met in team si oring 1 oinpeti
()n*gnn's Kosu* \\ illuuus. I<isl
veal ’s Pacific in ( ontereni e
200 i hampion. nun not bo able
to perform in her spot ialties
Saturdus Alter pulling up m
the too s\ 11h .1 strained liain
string in lust week s Pepsi
IV,on Invitational Williams is
still questionable for the too
and 200
\\ ith \\ illiams in doubt
1 ail's Mina I luluInns | 1 1 00)
and |osl\ n M.u k 111 HO) mas
grab a 1 2 sweep in the too
Kfimala hohlmeier and Kells
Hlair are looking to qualits tor
the I’ai 10 meet in the long
jump I bes svilI taoe tsvo ot tlie
league's best junipers in ( al s
Sheila Hudson and Mona
Simmons Hudson osvns the
year's best conference mark ot
2 1 0' follosved In Simmons
20 7 W
Simmons has also qualified
tor the Pm 10s in the 200 svilh
C unturned Iron) Page tt
weekend's I’epsi Team Invilti
I inn.d with a iii<i .tided jnnip
ot ".()• . .
(al tlsti lias a lut ot strenglb
m the long lump w illi < Hills
Rogers and Kevin Smith Pen
el's has an mdour liesl ot ..'t> .
this seasiiii while Smith has
leaped ^'ij'i Oregon tresit
mall Knit Poster. who went the
hint’ |timp at the Pepsi meet
made the traveling team to give
the Dm ks mure depth there
With Weigeldt uut ut the lull
meter mbit det athlete Pedro
daSilva will take Ins plane in
the stunt relat and also i mu
pete ill high hurdles and |at e
()ni' ul the premiere perform
els in the meet w ill be ( al
sprintei A t lee Maliorn wlui
redshirted a year ago.
Malinin i.ompeted in the
piKtl Oltmpits foi < anaila and
has i loi ked 111 in in the 100
meters this season and a time ot
JO Oil in the JOII
I’hi 1 Jut ks ai e expei ted to
w in the meet in the distnm e
events with Damn l ope/ Pat
Haller and Dustin Welt h duel
mg with Hal s Reggie Williams
m the i 'i(H) meters Dellinger
is also expel ling a I J sweep in
the ),000-meter Steepler base
with Kit k Mi st lei and I ve V an
St liniat k
Tht* mens portion oi the
meet begins at 1 i! SO p m tt ith
the hammer throw I lie meet
will lie ailed no a tape debit
basis on I SPN Wednesday
L ooking tor a good deaP
^ Check the Emerald ADS
.i time ul 2 1 2 Again the
Itucks i ould ri-ally suffer u ith
nut Williams in tlm lineup
t als ( riss\ ( ei kel lias cjuali
lied tor the I’.li Itt meet 111 Imtli
the long jump and triple lump
w ilh marks ol l‘l lit' i and
ta t1 hnlilmcier's best leap is
t'l IP i w mb aided \\ hilt* Blau
has a lop leap ut 1H 2 (wind
aided) this vear
kirn llvatl and Paula Bern
possess tile si*i olid and third
Best throws in the nation tin
Oregon hut liolh are still in
scan h ot the \( A A ipialdy mg
standard ol 12 1 11 Hvatt has a
loss ot 1 li'l-H. w liile Hem s lies!
etlort on the ve.ir is tliH I
( Ail is strong m the di.stanc.es
as heing well led hs Sahrin.i
Hand owner ol the league's
fastest I . >00 time ( i 2 1 2) and
second fastest i.tHM) mark
(lh. .1 7 7) print to last w eek s
compelition I eammate 1 r.n ey
Williams has tpiahlied for the
I'ai tils m the I (OH with a
time nt 1 ,’n IJ
Oregon’s l.iz Wilson .mil
S!(*p!l.lTllt' Wfssell hope to liet
ter Oil's distance runners .ind
it previous meets tins \e.tr .ire
am indication the\ should do
just that
Wessell who defeated
Wilson 111 the i 000 last week
with a time ol 1 li .!!> 00 will
run the ! ">00 Saturday Her
host time ot the veai in the
e\ ent (4 I t .!) i .line against the
Hears in the earlier meet
I he Iv 100 rel.iv hrought m a
si hool ret ord last week tort a!
rile lx lot) sipi.ld till t :<d blew
Oregon aw av h\ live set anils ill
the earlier meeting
( al is a good team and lhe\
malt h up real I \ w ell igainst
us. (liegon i oach i inn
I lemoiien said I he\ re good
m the sprints the hori/onlal
tumps and the hurdles
We’ve gia to exploit them
ill the Ihrow s, and w e re hettei
than the\ are ill the distant es
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