School UNMtnr Of OMMM of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave DEAN KRAMER, Piano i Faculty Artist Series Sun., April 22 8 p.m. J4 General Admission $2 Students / Senior Citizens FESTIVAL OF , TRUMPETS Student Ensemble Mon., April 23 8 p.m. $3 Genetal Admission $1 Students / Senior Citizens STEVE CHARPIE i Trumpet Master Class Tues., April 24 1:30 p.m. (Room 186) FREE Admisscn THE CONTEMPORARY , GROUP Guest ensemble from the University ol Washington Thurs., April 26 8 p.m $3 General Admission $1 Students / Senior Citizens For more information, call 346-3761 {Music School) * IMJNDCRIAWD ★ GHI *1 T OH PAH Tit S AND BIRTHDAYS 'CVIDEO 5,_ - GAMES ADMISSION T STM STREET PUBLIC MARKET All GAMtS VYORA WITH NlCKl IS SO EUGENE Atl] I4A4 L Fast break I he /.au Riders easih dipped the (iregiui men s h.isketh.dl te,im during I binsd,i\ night's I hmit\ Ii.ime.d \h \rtlmr Cmirt I’rui eeds tmm the game u ill go to I'niversily sen n es mid S.u red lle.irt's ()regon ReluihiUl.itinn t enter sports program. Photo In Sean Poston Two women's softball games this weekend Thi' Oregon wmmm's softball team i ontinues its late season home si,mil llus weekend with ,1 nun i nnlrretu e liuubli* head cl u illi Portland Stall' Saturday and a Pat 11) twin lull w ill) \'o 1 1 I 1 A Sunday (lam*' uni1 with the Vikings begins al 1 p m and thi' nii'r! Ini; \\ ilh I '( d A bruins al noun l ilt- w omi'ii air i liming nil a double-header sweep of Port land Male Iasi Stindav i irrgun wun llir lust game 1-0 and blew the Viklugs mil n ll in the sri und game l liegun lust a pair i it i t) dei i sluns mi Oregon's llmve Held last Saturday to tbe third ranked At izona U'ildi ats l (l.A leading the I'.ii Id with an 111 league mark swept Arizona Wednesday, ill in the first game. 2-d in the set niul It marked the first time in eight games am team had scored nil the W ildt .its The bruins' only loss in the i n ii fere i it a* this season tame against the I Hit ks on March 27 I t l .A is i I overalI against ()i t'goil this season Oregon is Ml in the bat 111. .'.I IU overal I Birkemfock Step into a healthier environment with Birkenstock. 1 ol our salt's on Saturday .ind Sunday, April 2 1 «S. 22 will ho donated to I arth Day I FOOT WISE i mi BIRKLNSTOCk skwi 5th Street Public Market 2nd Floor 342-6107 a*»>® Formerly Birkenstock of Eugene INDIVIDUAL f ITT INC i • FULL BIRKf NSTOCK • Ml I'AIM SE RVO_| Injury-cursed Ducks face Bears Saturday Hv Ashler Conklin I mernld Sports Reporter Suffering from injuries .mil illness, the (begun men s tin k team limps into ( altfornias |!rI wards Stadium hoping to have era nigh left to ov ere nine tali Inmia in Saturdii\’s dual meet W ilh Kl.iiis U'eigeldt (ham string) and )iimm llowailh ieldi ken |ios) nut until at least the Nebraska dual meet in two weeks, and with injuries limit ing the ettei tiveness iit I.atm Hern and Sjiencer Williams Saturd.n S meet SUtldenlv lie eume a hit i loser than last year's I l i 1 )ui k win I lowe\ ei (begun i o.n h Hill 1 lellinget said the I Jut ks strength in the distant e events COMPACT PISC WORLD'S 1st ANNIVERSARY EVERY DISC IN STOCK IS ON SALE H si \ (iw c;ki \i inns iROM im \u writ i wiin osn $1188 OVER 12,000 TLES AND ALL ON SALE!! ( OME HELP US ( ElEBRME OUR ■1st" ANNIVERSARY k SALE f FROM ROCK, JAZZ NEW \Ct CLASSK \l COL NTRV BLUES REGGAE A\D ML (. H MORE INdUDING THESE IITEEs ONLY $1^88 should In' enough to overcome Iho ui|iii it's .1 mi llii- (udden Bears Its going to hr t.m K ( lost1 .mil no tint; is going to run .n% ,i\ %\ it It it. ' I kellinger said liii thorn to %\ in the\ huvc to bio.ih us up in thu distant o ovonts .md thou guv probably to %% in tho I Mill Bun% shll sultering Iroin .i bruised, will 'detunleh long jump Dellingei said hut may not ti 111It- jump U dll.mis look ollk one unrip last week in the triple jump and Dellinger said he won't know until the last minute d Williams w ill he able to i oinpete That could mean some big points tor t al m the long jump and tuple jump where the (,olden Bears are parte ulurly strong au\ Will Mike Harris the detending I’m itii 10 ( onlereni e ( hump in the triple jump has a best ol i t ■) 1 this season w Inle team mates I l.nold l ie kei and |oe I rank have gone '>-'11 and . I t respei lively It Berry and Williams are unable to go in the triple jump Oregon's best hope %\ ill lie %% ith )uhnn% I a% loi %% ho w on the event al last Turn to Irai k, Page 4 -- We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers • Portable color t% \ "just 2 blocks from campus Stereo Workshop 1621 F. 19th 344 3212 M F 9 6. Sat 10 2 V_- _/