_Encore!_ Experience the power of gay pride Sund.n, \pri! 22 Ihe Sound nt lesbians \ p.imih play tealur mi; Sally Sheklovs will lie performed lur ,il ,'! p.m. in the Ren I inder mom Mond.n, April 2 I C..1V Pride Week kirk-off rally ( ome with the power ot pride I oc ated in the I Ml' i ourt \ard at 4: Id p.m. lesbians and gays of color; On the front lines of freedom lecture by marvist feminist and writer Merle Woo w ill lie presented in the hr Room at (> p.m. IVedncsr/.iv, April 21 C hrvstos poetry reading famous Native American poet will read trom 12 I p.m in Ihe ICC Boardroom I lie reading is tree Political Video Nijdit Hetore s/ooew.r// will be shown at (>: it) p.m and Ihe lli'tom Marc/) o/t IVis/i/ntpon will tollovv at ') m the I ir Room. \ S I donation is requested. //nrrsi/.n \pril 2i> Homocrotii Horror Night Ihr HiU lu'i will hr shown .11 t> tU p in. lollowvd In Ihr lluni;rr at Both shows will run in the In Room \ s I donation is requested I rid.l v, April 2" fori h Song 1rilni;\ Ihr Har\cv I irrstrm film will hr shown at "and ‘I pm I ot at inn to hr anmnun rd S.ilurd.iy, April 2H Dame loiatrd m thr I Ml Ballroom the ilamr will run trom 7-10 pan In krts air St at thr doi n C lirvstos |)I.|\ Ihr \ati\r \mrri» an s pla\ will hr shown at ft pan. in ( iinilon Si Bool with a distussion following \dmission is lire Sund.n, \pril 2‘> Women's (..tillering I his nirrting toi appir tutting wotmn s ail writing and music will lakr pl.it r at t t() pm in thr l o Nit htnld mg TELEPHONE £ -—■—.... ■” »-■»■"'■■■...—-y jk I THI HI A H f 1 U ( I U M A . O P f O R HJ N i 11 [ Ni Ml MM!.-, A '. • , ! i ! 11 H f INI. iif M Of M ■ > H N I N , I [!f W AHUUNU HUM YOU AN ME T To IV f MY oNI ON !h| (t u •■> MU » VALID U Of O STUDi Nf I 0 IS A BU:> PASS I ARI I OR IHf I I MM INOI.UOH) IN STUDENT INCIOI NTAl f i i S PROVIDED IN COOPERATION WITH ASSOCIATED STUDf NTS UNIVERSITY OF OREGON "Tight spaces make me nervous M\ taste leans more toward opera l r I I I I I I I I BOY 1 qet 1 FREE* POSTERS • CDs VANS & CONVERSE SHOES uMHfiiaasairacaBsasa u p 10PK CZ Whip Cream Charges $3 99 n ■nimiH n 57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall 687 0139 * I I t I I I I I I Unbleached 100% Recycled Paper kinlfO'S Open 24 Hours Great copies. Great people 860 E 13th 344-7894 Weekend Spei ials .11 ENGLAND AUDIO N.ik.imit hi KU-2M) AM I \i i .issrlli- Do k \ Listtunn^ hsprnnu t ; a ttlrM'llf I'li^l.llll Sn4 I itii! I uiii'i S< p.iruti' Hass A I irlih I *MU' ( tUltlols 1 h>U»\ H uhim* n*nlJ4 I'l'lll