Second Annual Gay and Lesbian Issues Forum Lesbian and Gay Rights in the 1990’s: Into the Streets As Well As the Courts with Matt Coles, Managing Attorney. ACLC San Francisco Saturday, April 21, 7:30 p.m. G of O Law School, Room 129 12th & Kincaid, Eugene Free • Wheelchair Accessible Childcare • ASL. Interpreted Sponsored h\: l esbian and 0\n / ju Students Association. Women's Law Forum. GAI A and CIO Lj\k School iiiwnuiimii TAVERN 745 8522 • 125 S.W 2nd Corvallis Live MkfiC 0 0 ° V ^ THE MARCY BROTHERS!! jl Ci April 20 in the Ballroom a HENRY VESTINE!! 7 April 20. 21 downstairs A * NINE DAY WONDER!! ° q April 21 in the Ballroom ^ 11 I S|1 \> Ml.III l.maii $195 W I I) MC»II I t fu. ki A H: > <■»*. *395 I III KM) \\ Ml.II I IW.r $4*5 I K11 > \ \ NIC.II I sys Awesome Coffee Great coffee on campus, at these locations: Fresh-roasted for you by >r—^ '■J Breezeway Cafe ' Skylight Refectory ^ Fishbowl Espresso Willamette Atrium Cafe K 1111111111111111 The COFFEE CORNER Ltd. l.ookinq lor .1 good’ Kead the Oregon l)ail\ I nn-raid Classifieds. .......f.. ’Ml limtiiiitiiiii Encore! Sheklow ( untiniH'd from l\iy;r "> i ides that w she realh wants is to go li\i among lesbians and work with issues with other lesbians ' I lii'n amidst this new l\ (rented plot lies nun reworked souks otherwise known as the se k i uts . it I hr Souml nl l.rshi.ins We- startl'd with Ah I avoriti' Things' and .mi a then it s lii'en a lot ot tun and a lot nl wink she sanl I |us! worked with the words and the lines anil the rhymes until it all i aine together Its kmd ot like i hanneling It's like' the song is out there and I |ust have- to he an open medium and it i nines through me she e\ pi.lined w ith a laugh 1 11.' ii'sult nl her three' VISITS o| i reative id torts have i uliiiiu.ited in a song list ini hiding .Sate Sex Sale Sex' instead ol 'So long I a I e' vs i • 11 I exilian \nvii e instead ol lt> doing (In I I.oneh I e'/./ae instead ol l.onelv (loatherd ' and ( litenis instead ol Kdelw mss Ulii'ii the slor\ line and the niiisii is all put logethi'i the null nine Is twofold outra genus I on it'll V and eye-opening thoughts and messages The show was performed mire before to a standing loiinionh i rmvil at last month s In lemational Womens l)av. and Sheklow re i ei\ ed pi on.11 ih positive leedh.H k I had a lot ot i omments from people and tins said 1 peed im pants. I tell oil m\ i han I was laughing so hard and so on Sheklow explained This is a lunm show I vervnne is I 1.11 k mg up ( III the more serious side I hr Sound ot I I's/iia/is also p.u ks a pow erf til pium h when it i nines to messages repression is so pervasive and llus is a i ham e to have lesbian sexuality t ele braled. she said I his is about lesbian sexu ali!v .inil I In- apprei ialiuti nl 21st to get your FREE TREE, and instructions on how to build your futon frame (or Earth Day One earth for humanity NOITHWISI FUTON n KNWflV .S Kt * MOOtXN UVING Kutfrcn* 1030 Willamette St .'M2-1762 • Portland 400 S W 2nd Avt* 2424)057 • 3443 S t Hawthorne Blvd 235-0977 « l‘#th SW KutiMl ( o