Sound of Music satire kicks off Pride Week by celebrating lesbians Bs 1.1 \ lie I akelish I ri( ore Reporter Lvnrvone remembers ihr Sound ol Mini Thev remem hei \l.iriii Hunting through lull sides singing "(’limb L\ n s Mountain'' anil Ms I nvorite i lungs " They grins up to it \mv it s the I 'Mills and a new Maria is gracing the stage 111 is time slie's singing ness songs and speaking a ness message I Ins time Mai la is the stai ol I /ir Sound ol h a king oil the I 'I'll) Lesbian and ( las Pride Week this part) ds ssill be performed Sundas April 12 .it H p m in the Hen Linder Room The shins is free the loom Is ss heeli hail ai i essi hie and Ameiu an Sign gnage interpreter ssill be pres nil (diild i .in- also w ill he pm vi, led I'Ih Sound ol l.t'sbi.uts if.i liin-s Sails Slu-klcm in a one woman performance Shi- ails and sings all tin- roles and all I lie songs It S hke stand up i nine d\ will) songs in between the sto r\ Sheklnw esplamed There s lights and a st.u I in up there I do on slltit k It s tunnv You laugh I hem's musii I sing And there's a lot ol sing along w hi, h people can t hel|i he, ause tlies recog lll/e the songs she added The idea tor I hr Sound ol /.esbiuns was conceived three years ago while driving Irom I'ortlaml to Tiigene after attend iug a leshian worksliop A triend and I wrote the “arN^TTTDirSsToJ^rHU^sTTtrs^^UNfcloim^r'^UE WfD 13 *0 SRsTTidT'ai WAYS 12 TRY OOP HAPPY Hf ART POPCORN' POPPtD IN CANOLA OIL THE HEAL TRY CHCKt! ^ Y M 7 VO. 9 30 • Su-Ih ' 9 • >un Mat « ju ‘.. PROBABLY ONE Of THE MASTER PUCES OF THIS DECADE" c *y i - Isabelle Muppeet I gives • crushing I performancc in • filer ! of uncompromising I realism cm~ v . ^ " a a a a Strong yf stuff shattering and & timely' » STORY OF WOMEN . Con-wg .n ( AMULF ClAUOf i Q 492 E. 13th 686 2458 RHAL WktKI tWS TMUHS . APHIl J9 L I - S« 7 00 • So Th 7 00 y Daniel Day Lewi* in hi* Academy Award winning performance MrLEFTFOOT y f« '»* t ' *> Su Th 9 10 ■ ikrfi Ua» 4 00 Torn l*»«anjo< ■ iU/atmt* Pmktnt ■ Af* • ■ 4 • <*.. Th 11 WRSTlt AUtY ■ JOMNTHAVCXTA LOOK WHO S TALKING I ■ -:-i • t t *>M tl.i\ltil onc-nom,m i nmrth The Sound ol l.cshi.iiis. Sunil,i\ n i if lit I hi' i>,iro NOW FREE DELIVERY FRI & SAT! |vn ill) I..true uodno ) • AIRBRUSH SAL 20% OFF 15%OFF PAASCHE AIRBRUSHES IVVATA AIRBRUSHES OLYMPOS AIRBRUSHFS AZTEK AIRBRUSHES C OMPRESSORS: 10%-15% OFF! AIRBRUSH INKS...1 5% OFF! COM AITS. D* MAIT1N-S »A 01 ANTS. lOTIING. W1NV* A MWION OQUIO A^ITIKS, 04*A 15% OFF ALL FRISKIT FILM • AtX.ll * I USA * lOt II AND MORE!!! AIRBRUSH DEMO: Michael Rogan will be in our ■.lore to demonstrate airbrush techniques... THURSDAY, APRIl 19 4:00-7:00PM FRIDAY, APRIl 20 1:00-.T:OOPM