Endorsements ^1 said it's just ili.it tin- <)111• • lkiiis uric dominated bv two or tiller men u lio le.llh knew thru still! Jurgens said she had talked to olhei I’anliellenii members who wore dissatisfied uitli the Iiria codings I have been fool m>{ I rust nil ion from sunn poo pin shf srtid Vmi jusl li.iw In iili.il tIn- (.If n: dorsemfiil is one i oinmilli'i sunwslion No niii- will make V l ill Volt' t il.il w ,i\ Vif i■ pnrsiili iill.il i .milnl.ill' lli.iiio Maples s.ml sin- ihuunhl M.nnl> I 4K < ».'kl Goldworks 1 ri()2 Willamette Mon Fri 10 am 6 pm Sat 10 am l pm 14 1 220K All Work Done on Premises __r RATIFY STICKEL ON THE ISSUES: •We oppose mandatory health insurance. •We will actively advocate tor increased levels of higher education funding. • We will promote a multi-cultural perspective in curriculam, Women's issues, & ASUO events. I- ndorsrmrnts: \nunm l ommunitt IrnanLv Mark Student l mud. Name Vmuruan Mudrnl l nkm.l.av & I nhun Vlliancr. I*re-I.a» Smietv, Safertdr. < (differ leatbook Ksrtiangr. Mudrnl Kconumic A woe.. Students for thr t- ltucal I rrdtmrni of Animats. Sintapore Student tmon. Women In Iransituin. Women s Resource and Referral. WF.ChA. International Student Awotiatioo_ ASUO PRESIDENT & VICE PRESIDENT t hr hearings urn- vrr\ fair I 11«*v asked good C||I»*s1ioms and noted tin* ci.iflnvm e-* i>«* tween ns. thev noted the differ rl1f.es III exponent e she S.lld \ v\ ritten iipplii at inn submit lt d b\ < andidates before tin* hearing provided information about i andidates ba« ^grounds but ijiit’shnns «isk»*«i April 1 J were not alwavs rrlr\ant to th.it mini nuition. said ld.(. meinbei I)onn;i Wallbi'rg M\ piTsnnal tilling was (hat it (tin' ,i)i|)ln at tun | was a vir\ thorough invi'stig.ition into I hr 11u.i111 n at inns til i'.H li i amlidnli’ s.tiil Wallht’ig. v\ Ini wn.s not (iri'si'iit at \ ,illr\ Kivrr Inn \[>ril I .’ ‘ W lien it i .uni' tn ijutrslinning though it i .mm oil as ,i little Iiime It was not as well [Hit togl’thi'l as it ( oulil ll.ivc hern \ member ill thr \SI l) cli’i I lull- ')i • 1 '-.i H1 ! be (III pm I (•'■(lings uitc i.ondui led with in the bounds of elei lions ruli’s ,iikI the AM '() I inisiilulion I vervtlling was l.iir mid .ibove board, |t’iuiili‘i built:*, said It (lies got away from the issues, il was to their own dis •id vantage Earth Day activities end Sunday Sever,il (l■24-40 SALE SALE SALE OVER 12,000 TITLES AND ALL ON SALE l\< ll DIM. IHIM POt\(.K\M Hills OM > Polwlor Mi*r< ur\ MICHELLE SHOCKED — CAPTAIN SWING ATuRING ONTHt G#lENf *SlOf AND C t M f N T lAMENf t.tl t THE MISSION U.K. — CARVED IN SAND iSCLUOfS OfUVfRANCI SIAOftOVl BUTTItf lY ON A *W| H AND AVftlA n v i cl I Karth Kim will begin from the park The event. sponsored bv the I biiversitv Snrviv ,d (am tei. includes ink ,md Jk fun runs (Ipening i eremonies begin .it 1J. noon The Karth I-lag will be raised, and svik lironi/ed drumming will reverberate ar rnss the slate Spe.ikeis w ill ini lude Arthur Unshow from the Shalom I ’em e ( enter M i( liael (uihen of the National Audubon Sih iet\ Margo Adair and Roberto Men do/a speaking on the need for i n r 111 i< nltiii.il com numb at ion w ithin the on ironinental movement, and representatives ol an allianr e between Ivartli I ust' ac tivists and lot al saw mill workers Musii w ill ini lude pertorm alli es h\ Halladina the Kugene Pence (dioir. Hlai k Roses. I’eter I lioiuas Reinembei Valsetz. I.one Wolf tarries and Stone Ills! uit In addition the \\ illamette National forest and Soi letv ol Amerii an foresters will give aw.i\ -1.110(1 i onders \lso on Sundav w ill be a i leanup ol Spent ei Untie start mg at H a m. I’artii ipants are asked to meet in the Speni el liutte parking lot and to brine rakes onion sm ks for trash and i Uppers it possible a 'Colorful' van victim of arson \t approximatoU _. 0i .1.11) U edtIOSliay .1 l III Voi sil V si util'll! 's \ .1II WHS set ,il>l«i/.r iii .in alloy be tween I’atlcrson .ind For l\ si I col s The lire damaged the i uslnmi/.ed l‘l()7 (leiieral Motors (liirp I i.indy-V.m which belonged Id lirii Mi (ill'll.in. id I 127 1 • I oi ly SI. Mi (llellan ilosi rihod the van .is i olnrful. |i.mil l'd in fliitm'suinl oiiliiis iiiul displaying bubble windows .mil .in iinti-mi i lour Inimpcr slii ker Tin* I id's had boon sol ablaze next In Iho gas lank with Iiyilili'i fluid Mi (llellan said and lie hnind a found a whole book ol mall bos noxl lo I In* mar lire Mi ( doll.in said tlio neighbors woke him at I. a m and bo saw a tiro Iriu k pulling bis van out I ..dor dial morning Mi - ( loll.in pii ked up a i op\ of dial day 's luncmlil and road about Tuesday night s destruction of Iho Karll) Week display on iho corner of I till Avenue and University Street, also by fire