Businesses earn Earth Day awards Bv |iil Newsom F morald ( ontrihutor Idm i ugene K.irtli l)ii\ Business ( nmmiltee presented awards lo lour local businesses and recognized nine others I hursdav lor then out standing I'm perfnriuauc e Ihe businesses were evaluated in ureas in i hiding transportation, rei vi ling energy ettii ien i \ and toxins and pollutants The awards were based on nominations from individuals in tin business i.ouuminitv Norma (, ii < ■ i e.haii ol the loi a I l.iith l)a\ Husines- (loin mittee. said the nominations were primarilv trig gered In a Workplace I n\ itoiimental Assessment i in ulated In the committee as an edui at nuial tool (iriet presented an award to Burhu Design t Inoperative tor its eltnrts lo increase the u11111x and usage ot Inc \c les tor transportation. BRIM. Reeve.ling received a per tm main e award tor sustained snr < css in its recycling pro gram Itnir «• I’lnllrrii k MH1\(. s y:i• rn• 1.11 managei tiiiir 1 k<*(i tin' r ominittt'r tor ils rei -(ignition nt 1 hi' program s work m reduction reuse .nut in n I iny; and said HKINt . look-- forward to the i onlm lied i eh'bra I ion ot I artil I ).t\ er ei y d.i\ Sage \dv.nii e ( airpnration was honored tor its i oiilrdiiitions lo energy ellu iem \ In luring a i upper i m kel ' a solar hoi water heat er w ilh no nun my; parts that is designed to opei ale perpetually Organically (irown (.imperative renewed an award fm its work in distributing its Irtnl and \ eget.lilies in ( tregoil Otliel businesses rei ogni/ed tor their envi rontnenlal i ontriliulloiis 11it Inded the ( ity ot 1 u gene. Karl s Sanitary Servile Knierald I'eople s t’lililv Uistru I. Kmpnmim Department Stores, laigene Si hool Distrut i| Northwest li’Nt Pearl I tin k Kei \ t line s,u 11 i i I lea 11 Hospital and Sell o ( l ed it I mi in Women s Center to hold meeting \u.i nxcs \\ nmrn's Conlor u si.ill nii'i'lms4 IihI.iV ill i: III in KMl i i‘iilui\ Kinun I. Womans Sosual lilontity I iroup : I Ml I 'ontnry Ki Him \ si’i: \Ki :ks a\I) u:i h ki s ' 11 is Mm dm h Moral I’hi Insnphv and tin- Nm id lillr ot ,i pmsontalion In In1 y>iv _F t a Is_ on by I..111A Him bleu, profossor ui philosophy .it Portland Stall I dm orsilv I ho piosontalnm is sjnuisiirod In lilt' Philnsoplu I lull and will bo Ind.n at ) p in in Ktmm III I'l l Mi< haol ( nhon ad! pi al l ai!h kinship Thu Intuit id I’nisomil and I Tubal II.dam o lumolil at Id in lllo KMl I ii Ktmm l)iol lor a Sow \moi ii a tbo I it lo nl a pi osonlal inn to bo nmdo b\ |nbn Knbbins Saluid.n mylil al in tbo 1 All ' Hall rimni Tbo ptosonlatinn w ill bo Itdlnvvod In a danoo porfor mam o In I ho Kadat Annals Shanon I itus will -■ poah mi tho lu|ii( nl I Inman Ki«hts \i 11\ ism today al d p in in iho I Ml 1 Hon l.indoi Room Icshian ami (■ .<\ Kiyhls in Iht* 1‘1‘IOs Into the Streets as V\ I'll .IS U »*l I .IS I 111’ (units 111*' I'll., ul |if<‘M’u!alnut to In' U i v * * n In Matt (loirs managing attorney with thr S.m i r.ini 1st o A( l.t lilt |i| loll Will hr 11 it 1.1 \ night .it Ul m Room L") ul thr I ,\\\ < enter .11 ul is part ot thr (,a v ami I rsbuii Is snrs I or uni Mist I ! I. \\l ( )l S jnhn Si ntt o ill gi\e a * > mi n t t kt UmI I hr (harness ot I vrr\ thing .1 multi « I rlr bration for faith I )nv tonight .it in in thr I Ml Ballroom Br\oml feelings ul domi nation : thr iihjri t ul a u a k shop vv ith Margo Adair ami Ro hrrto Mrmio/a toda\ from H\UI a m to > ji m in thr I Ml ! u Room Newman (enters weekend h.irhu ur . .1 in- I n : 1 i s.i 1 u 11 ia ■■ aftri la > I > |» m ). Mnnhri stop forms tm \lpha l ambda Delta Phi I ta Sigma arr due today Turn forms in .it Room -11>4 ( hegon I hill I nreign friendship I*.litmus get together mail hup will b* held Sunday night at ' Ul in tlie i Ml International Lounge International e !Ml ' Intern tr 1t m ‘ ai ( oflee i loin v .it t p m in ( odium ting ( ampus anil ( omimmits Rekindling a Woincii s Mm c rnent tin- lit!. .! i pub workshop to bo^in tonight at i> f» m in Room I M of tin- ( enter I he luriim u hit h is w hreh ban at < es able u ill he eondueteil In \lei le W oil an \sian Ament an leminist edn < ator and lesbian at twist I or moo- information i all n. nun i lugene ( handlers Singers diret t»*d bv IVofessoi James Mil lei will present .1 sat red < nneert at the Newman ( enter c hapel 1H >u Knterald St Sal urda\ night at ft burning Issues Rue m the \\ estern ( b egun I .mdse ape the title of an exhibit to be shown .ill dav Satunla\ at the Museum ot Natural llistor\ lUbn I t ali st [he exhibit deals w ith the ettec |s ot tire on wi Id life and the environment I lie Sound of I eshians the title of a music at « omedv .satire to hi- performed by Sails Shek low Sumiav night at H in the I Ml Hen l.inder Room the event is part ot ( . a \ bride Week ASUO PRES. AND VICE PRES. STEVE MAPLES & DIANE CUSHMAN • I OR C HIU) CARP • AGAINST MANDATORY SIT DI-NT HEALTH INSl RANT I • FOR I FACHFR ACCOUNTABILITY • FOR OPEN DOOR VOTE APRIL 19th & 20th I’.ml Im l>\ MikU-iiIo tor M.iplt ' -V < ti'liiM.oi U'old Pxoceooinq & A U'Me Lot Wrw Large Experienced Staff COMPLETE COPY CENTER Graduate School Approved M i ' A; ; • V 344-4510 605 E. 13th Engine Service 1000 S BerteKen Rd *8tugenn OR 9740? One Bloch North o! W 11th Nolan Inti Pla/a Spec j :: " l c Sr 32 342-3952 10% Student Discount DOS PATOS MEXICAN FOOD Bean Burrito & 16oz. drink nk $3.00 ft 1219 Alder St. 687-8616 CHlUMCrtttf Disney and Looney Tunes Cartoon Character Collection • Fun & Unique Clothing • Stationery & infants thru adults Paper Products • Toys & Books • Jewelry CHAHACrERl f:SS • Housewares clothing . Novelty Items 45 P Division Ave. In the Santa Clara Square 689-8517 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON fftjf /f)i t w '.If.-nrj h ,i <>* l ye-if hf\id < d (! w»n«3 , >u f.y :> if -1 ■My, rriiXyb* ..mb tip tbfv y.w 'w ! Well. ‘ * V 1 J 7 e*rr fVVt v odDuUh rt& j rvrr / Semi desperadoes