Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. CLASSIFIEDS 105 PERSONALS SBK. Kl ( V( l.l J THIS h I*AIM K Klf L —^-1 PHIVAU Mf.lP » ROM FRIENDS Fim Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 6A ; ftf<‘ ■ n>u Th.w>»*- for the party on F nday IB* I3lh' j.i• on •. I» fun' \ r;; AP ANCHOR SPLASH JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO GO BACK INTO THE WATER. April id i .10 le.yhton Pool Yi S' with -vHir* FREE! If your birthday is this month. place an ad (up to 3 lines) for free! Proof ol bulhdrifr’ required limit one ad per customer pet month Oregon Daily Emerald Room 300. EMU IPS PERSONALS Vote For Steve Maples ASUO President AND Diane Cushman ASUO Vice-President EXPERIENCE/ACTIVISM OBJECTlVITVfCOMMITMENT ELECTIONS Thursday Apnl 19 Friday April 2d VOTE! FOR STUDENT RIGHTS TODAY! VOTE FOR ALL THESE 2 YEAR IFC * FREDDY VILCHES * TIM HUGHES 1 YEAR IFC * ERNIE BROWN * JENNIFER BILLS * JOSONJA WATSON * ED HENDERSON VOTE FOR STUDENTS WHO CARE! »!Ai-[ » OH U • M- . Y CANI'HMU S 105 PERSONALS ATTE NT ION 1 I'.t' ! prUn.^'v-ly B'.'B A NEW CONCEPT WE ARE ADVOCATES OF AMBIGUITY. DIVERSITY AND OBSCURITY WE OFFER NO IDENTITY ARE YOU INTERESTED9 YOU RE IN 345 5786 CHRIS CELLARS SI NAU Sf AT NO 1 EXPERIENCE COUNTS Vole f o' Mr paid foi by ibe Committee lo Het l HALF-PRICE PERSONALS Any pmofl involved with Gay Plid« Week w*l| be able lO personal ads 104 hall off thy regular price This I'M.rnr.hOn i* good fo» the wn-e* O* Apr,I 23 27 LET S GET IT ON! We- v an Make A Dtfleiencr The*. Is You* Lasl Chance’ Vole Today fot DON STULL Student parent endorsed with lop biding by the Oregon Daily Emerald IFC 2 YR. Never underestimate me! Brett J HIM KM PLANNED PARENTHOOD PLANNING Don i to>ge< lo file you* .NT l NT TO RE GIST | R CARD 105 PERSONALS KRISTI S & TORY C I heard you're having a party Sat night Is it true9 ito LOST & FOUND tistOvVN ‘.ut'OI ; -• * 115 TYPING SERVICES CYA TYPING SI RVICI S JO 1 Hf TYPING PRO 68 3 6068 TYPING UNLIMITED m 485 0890 Bulb*** l BIJOU T Hi A T Ml HUH D»Ni. lASfR WORD PROCl SSING Hoftin 344 o;S9 344 4510 60S £ 13th A*e PROF ( SSIONAI TYPING [Th# WORD SPECIALISTS] * («udu4lc Si hi ml \ppim r U * * l-hvicitatumv ! hr *cs. 1’*pcr> • IBM t <>mp4Uhlc. I >»'k ' tinuhi-in ► I {‘tinting, < »t *phi- ' • I tilling Kt Minif CINDY ! in-ikl WIST WIND VYORDSMITHING : .! t • . • IBM ( a 1 Shtiby 344 sift'I Wen) Piocoivmg V • Text Scanning S C A N N E R S 747-4S&9 'CAROL YN .1 Nt 130 fOR SALE ADVERTISE FOR FREE!! Want to sell your... Cars. Bicycles, Furniture. Computers. Art. Books. Scooters. Skates. Skis. Stereos, etc...? Advertise with the Oregon Oaily E nter Aid to sell almost anything Advertise tor 4 days at regular rates and it the item does not sell we will continue to run it at no additional cost until the item does sell This promotion does not apply to retail businesses W* t.m- y K.v r • Vrn.»fc ' FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting * Posters ‘ Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W Broadway 343 3622 Ub BUY OR TRADE MEMORY LANE THI BU* S SELl CENIER Huy * Sell * Trade 361 W 5th usCABS-CYCLES-SfcOQTERS CLASSIC bit CHEVY pi kut t RNMEN 1 ; i \:l. us CARS-CYCLES-SCQOTERS ■ • AM f M T . 1 artfl Umv O! Mil U(> i4? ’ B<*M of rtf. m< 'Nil/. SMUf; 150 BICYCLES 165 INSTRUMENTS i?o RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen's Encore We pay TOP dollar for Men s and Women s clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING iso AUTO REPAIR TODAY BEER GARDEN MUSIC 5-7 NO COVER TAYLORS 190 OUTDOOR RECREATION EQUIPMENT SWAP TUE . APRIL 24. 7:30PM EMU BALLROOM LOSE I AT ESPM560 OlAAv i ow*)r CXf-y ✓ Classic World V Travel 343-1992 • I ' : \ i'U tlii Soviet I’nion 1 (■> il.i\ tour Sp.uv i> / imiicJ t'St' Charnilton s t' M I 10 4 Sat NATU RALl P I B P R S J Q U A I- I T Y I clothing f APPORDABPP \ ! P R I C P Si | - i j 3 Banyan 'tree [ ! I h s t I < i I ! |j I S 0 * A A I 11 i Mull ■- ( J| ’ S s u ii il -i \ | i»rv^iMlu(Miaii fJ ww- w MMOO m ^ kl STAUkAMl Oriental Bullet Lunch Downstairs C Try Out Dinner Upstairs Hours Downstairs M !h ! I 00 Or; f S* I i H, 4 Closed Sundays Hours Upstairs ••• rh4 ' t SaSOO 10:30 1«?7* Al [re<« » Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU i can7 mm. wseu I PACC UP ‘Y4UAP& ONLY . TO BUY A ' ^ ; HOT POO ST" r The looks i m oemNe; &&& OHt KNOWS H/hATS IN ONE Of These.' I KAN FtfL Them HOT DISAPPROVAL-’ V , -- r HOPE YOU EH JOY )OUR MEAT1 / 7HE-RE 60ES LOOK! HE'S WEARING LEATHER SHOES. TOO' „ AbbAUNN' *■ S- _ ANOTHER RAIN /, FOREST'**£, / my Be if i STANP ABSOLUTELY 1 STILL... ’SO""' 7* - Vt LOOK AT HIM STANP tNG THBFB SP&UIHO OUT CO i! n- - co & Saturday Market Earthday at the Market April 211 rnMsm Kt'fwx & Tzipuru & um.. Emm Fox inevoid Crvutb Rental i^d nip. \rlis tbe Spuunmn wp. fartbsong u.,. local Cats Great Food live E010111 ".meet 1Cam ta 5pm MAIN OR SHtM 6’’' A Q.i«