Inside. Remember: Today is (he last day to cast a ballot in the ASl!() primary election _ -Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Volume 111 Number 1 i."> i ridav. A pi il JH. 1‘hlU Kugeue t Jregun Candidates accuse GEC of unfair questioning Say committee strayed into 'unrelated' topics By ( utherim* H«n\U*\ \ mrr«ild Assoc i.Ut* \ ditor Srvend student body « andi • liilrs .nib representatives *>t ( )SI*IK( ■ said Ihursd.n 111<*\ urn* treated unl.iiilv at grrek endorsement Ihmiiii^s \pi it 1 i mu ( andidatrs s«i i« 1 I lit * pm « eedini*s were dominated t»s three or lum men u ho asked tpiestions unrelated In then () t i < 111111 .it inns ini (lit It r Kepi i\rs linm I 111 * t’lri'k system s.dd although <|iiestioniiu; at times ma\ have shaved hum impuitant issues the hearings pint ess was pie dominant!\ tail to t*\ er\ imr I hr rrt*rk endorsement In .ii mr s w nr tan and imp.ii tial. ' said I im Ross » o i hail ol ( • rt*«'k Kndoi srmrnt < jiminit Irr ( )m undo! SUIlUmls lliis \»mi urn* ihr lirs! tjualifird •*V»'! (til I rr I, umniilln1 i andldah* jrnmftM Mills s.iuj mus! ol llii* questions fMl( In hri .11 the hearing Itn llsrtI mi her work u ith thr ( - i\ and 1 eslnan \lliani i* I was asked lint him; if unit in\ budgeting expel ihh »■ she said I he\ asked m«* how mam people ( . \1 \ serves and about 1 . M \ funding \\ 11\ il gets so mm h muiicx Fliriv v\ • It* \ ri\ lew II I oriented quest It ills Mills said si \ or eight ditfn • •ill people asked (|iirshons lull L ._ )rnmln Kills tint1*' m.ilii prnplr (i hi must i*t I hr t.ilkm‘4 \i» Uumn: . rkrti cjtirstinns, s|u* s.ihi I i ( 4 «ituli111 u h«it kind »»t 111 im tnbn I would I>*• hr said < .1 ( inrmbrrs and housr rrp irsriil.ilK i s agirrd m a mrrt mg lift i thr hranng that cjnrs Imuing had stravrd trnm mi pmtant issnrs hut it was nnl luasrd said Jrnnv t.angdou a hnusr I'rpirsrnlallVr Im kappa Alpha Phi la soroiiU at thr hraring I hourstk thought prop I r thought ahoiit thr i andidatrs and dm idrd tail l\ stir said KrprrsiMilat iv rs Imm l )SI*IK<» said thrv u* tr disappointed thr t d t did not rndoisr thru hallot mrasiiir asking tni inn tmurd .student support tor thr organization and an 1 1 pen rut int irasr in tunding l! Mrinri I llkr lhr\ had a plattonu that It m usrd ' m krrp 111 g mi ldrnl.ll trrs a! thr s.imr lt*\«'i w ithout re,»ll\ « onsidei mi; whit I hr i»nui|» does s.iic.1 I'l ai v ( .1 (isr mir of two < )Sl‘IR{. memhn s w ho ap ju .11 n I .iI I In- i ir.ii i in; t .K!(! elites .(Iso ir 11 .is 11 I hr \ tin! not m-t to fit 11 \ explain thru positions on issues .it tin (.It lir.mnrs I’ « .nuinl.ilr Kirk B.nlrv said hr .ind Kiiiinm; until* Shril.i Sfiikrl unr also 11 U s| | iitn | 0111 \ tbfrr o! lout people asked mi. t of the i pars! ions I here w eie ol»\' tonsl v a few mdiv iduals w ith « lent ideas about u hat thev wanteiI Bai lev said I’anhelletiK Pirsidriit I )r anna lindens said she had heaid from otliei members that two oi I hi er men asked mi r.t i if thr ipiestions at tile heal lliv^s It w.e.u t that women unm I asking ipies!lolls she lorn to f ndorsemenfs, Pa^e 4 Holiday for MLK birthday approved B\ ( tins Bunnell 1 merald \ssin i.ilc 1 ditor l he I Diversity w ill nfht ially observe Martin l.u ther King |r I )>11 ri«iI«* lot this university In observe Martin blither K111 y; ll.iv lit,mil s,inl 111 .1 news release Martin blither King provided the leadership hn 1 iv 11 rights al ,1 1 rill ial time in Ibis cutmlrv s history The H(!ll holiday will beobseiveil Mondav Ian ’I and every third Mondav 111 januarv thereafter 1 lasses will be dismissed and i\e will have planned ai aileinu and 1 idtural activities to tele biate the iiiiportani e and value ol diversity said ill his statement lames ( I I allon. I acuity Ad v isorv t ion mil i liair man said Brand asked Ills i oiimiittee to make a lei ommeiidation on setting K mg I lav aside Ret .(ignition ot the holiday sends .1 positive mes sage about diversity he said We tell that he was .111 appropriate person to ( omilieinorate, 1)1 allon added Brand said he will hum a i.ommittee ihaiged with the ,iiil\ to plan and implement events lor laultv students and stall that lot us on the illipor lam e and \ alue of dis ersitv The l ’ 1 livers it v ol Oregon is 1 omimt led to equal and )iist treatment ot all persons Brand said 111 Ills statement ( am pus wide ohserv a m e ot Mart in III tliei King |i llav would remforie this 1 oiniiut inenl AM () I’residenl Andv (lark said it about time the I Diversity set aside a day to honor King, hut he said the struggle foi diversity and 1 ivil rights must he a vear round ellorl ■'That there w ill he a day ol oliservam e is an indii allon of luigene’s progressive nature lie said The othel point IS toi student groups t The day oil) may give them a l.hum e to participate is what 11 a lie l .(immunity ( ail lege I sponsors The holiday 1 an he used to 111,nk and reaffirm the struggle tor (ivil ra gilts t dark said In a presentation to the l Diversity Senate last week Brand said he was dismayed when he first lame to rumpus that there no observant e ot Martin I.uthei King. |r 1 lay Although Brand 1 mild have dei lared King I lav a holiday bv dei.ree he (hose instead to lonsiilt all array of 1 ampus groups and 1 ommittees Blacks ushered in era or feminism Turn-of-century club contributed to cause liv Stephanie I merald Reporter Him k women .it (tie turn of the t eritury adopted n lemiflisiii untie,ml ot toi its time I )i Hebulal) (nay W lute s.iiil thursday in ,i speei li on the i omplexitv ot til,ii k women live-, k women exercised then leinmism thiough the National Assoc t.ilion ol ( nluied Women. whit h was a teller,illtm ot dulls |iniinoleil women in r,n e leade l ship roles MilIIV ol these i lulls peliol’ineil sol ial vvellnie wmk sui Ii as finding jnlis lot til,ii k women while ot tiers eui oucaged apprei latum ot mtisti ail anil litet alum White all as sin late pin lessen ol tustorv at Rutgers t niversitv. spoke as part ot \ I 'mversit\ I or I very one pro|ei t t he purpose lit tile pro|ei t IS to make sure tlial raie amt geudei is pail ol everybody's learning amt teat lung at this university saul ('iirradn Hope prtijei t duel tin Hlai k women s i Intis at tin- turn ol the i eulurv eu i tin si -i I the lie I nt tlial women Vveie heltei suit eil than men tin sin ial work anil leadership White said Men t o ill pet ei I with women tor leadership posi trims in tile trial k t ommunilv Irei arise lilack men w ereii t able to i ompete with white men in tin- world Hint k men i onsidered themselves in charge ot rai e leadership and the women involved in the i lulls public tv i hallenged tins Iradilmnal male helit-l W hite said W omen's i outideiu e in then ability to lake i bul ge ot lai e leadership was fostered tiv then sense ot eipi.d il\ w itti til,n k men Hlai k women believed tIlfV were on ail eipial level with 111ai k men hei arise they had sntlered the same mistoitunes as men Until genders had been stihjet ted to slavery and troth were nut atrle to Vote tin example I ot i Inti women part ol the (finale leadership is sia depended on whether hlai k men would deleud hlai k women from verbal and sexual abuse she said W hen women assumed the protec tot role lot othei women to prevent tins abuse tills further insulted lilac k men and i mated tension between men and wom en. I'holu In Mai fin I hu t Dr Deborah (.r.n Whitt' at Kutfters ( niimilt said I hursil.n i rntun old ifender tension hinders the Id .it k lend nisi movement. '(lender tension was tin- pi it i- k women paid t.ii their teminisni U lute said K,it ism not leim instil was set k men .mil women .it h nth el rension Still exists between ill.n k men .liul wtim en White said It is very tlillit lilt tor .1 III,11 k woman to lit- .1 leiniiiisl without people thinking she is working against hei e I II is fort es women to t house bet w een working hn teininism or r.n e bet .lose sot iel\ w ill not let them tin leminist r.n e work White While wrote .1 book \r'n't I .1 Unman ill 1‘IH'i whit h w.ts the tirst st hohirlv wink to deni e\t lusively with the female slave exponent n in the American South. I’ope saiti in a news release A drop in reception to meet White is scheduled today from III a in to I 1 III a in in Room lill't ot I’l l White will be in Ihigene until Sunday speaking to history t lasses and 1 ondui ting yyorkshops