Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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Exchange council offers student travel discount
K\ Stephanie Holland
F merald Reporter
International flights going quickly
hath\ K\.1 in. m.m.iuci ot Vuli'lt
tine - main office
ltii\inK ■' hulk amount ot
A new MTV k r i »ff»*l<■< 1
through lltc i ampus travel
.Igenr \ sells disi ounletS inter
ii.iinm.il .uni tlomeslii inline
In kets In I 'mversiH si mil ml s
and f.n ullv
Valentines (aimpus Travel
( i*1111• r Iasi week reieiveii the
i mill.n I Ini the I i>tiin il mi In
lern.itinn.il (aim .itinnal I \
t hange. which niters reilineil
.ill lares (iir sevel) airlines
The travel i enter Ini aleil on
the in.mi Ilnur of the f-.MI also
sells disc minted In kets through
the Student I rax e| \ustralia
.i)i(‘iH v whic h offers low fares
on ' airlines
Although the 11 ax el c enter «>1
lets domestic flight tic kets
vs hif h are tic kets used to tlx
within the t inted State's, more*
tu kets .ire available on interna
ttonal flights said 1 itn < arter
manager of \ .dentine s « ampus
ottic e
Manx of the disc minted do
mestu laic s do not benefit t tie
Hun students I arid said niv
inn .in exanipli of .1 flight from
S.m Irani isi o !u Ni'U Ynrk
Some airlines (nil .tge reslrii
tions <m tin' discounted In kets
.uni some M*i|ii!ii‘ lli.it lilt' ‘-In
Hi nt t.iki1 .it least eight 1 reilits .i
lei 111 ini! we i .111 usilillK gel
■iruiind lli.il < artt-r sani
I \ erv airline Ini'' 11> own set
nt rules lie sani
11,111 Valentine im ner of the
Ivvu Valentine travel .igem les
■..ml aliutlt two months ago lie
General Book Department
Second Level of Store
UO Bookstore
<* • r ■> « ♦ • ■ ♦*. .14 ■'
Vita the computer you
need to succeed in the
real world and a chance
to use it there.
Try a Macintosh' anti enter Applt-s Real World Suu-pstakes.
Ton could win a w tvk at one ot these leading oijjuiizatkjns
;uid a Matintt tsh c< tmputer.
Kilter \pnl loth \t.i\ till in the Mienieonipuier Sup|>ort l.th
JOJ (iimpuung Center, Cttv i tO.’
H*M» »n Kn l>am Ajifii
Sr »-x.r i jiii«ti\ (<*nputer Krvdkt tor Suvt^iMaxrs Kuk> and K*>;iilatnins
*• Sr* I ■ * St* * \«* >v a' vu r. V* rx-’At-r-,. t .fT**Jr t4»
arranged .1 round trip student
In f i t Irini! Portland to I el Avi\
tor S:"')(! The puhlished tare
u its $ 1 ltd
\ round tup tit ket from S,tn
I r.ltu tsi o to Km de janeiro
with .1 one-month sta\ is Sdjd
w it In >ot l.i\ tor .i student rate
and Si 1M1 (or a puhlished rate
( .11 ter s.iul Monduv
Intra 1 uropenn an fares are
really ( heap." ( farter added
\ round trip student tu hel
from I niidon to Paris costs
Sl id if pun based in the 1 anted
states Iml i osts S400 it pur
l hast'd 111 f’a I is lie sa id
I n add it ion to i het k mg <11!
and SI \ prues when hooking
flights foi students and teai h
ets ( artel said fie also ( hecks
w ilh i omineii lal I u ket agen
ins and wholesalers hei arise
sometimes the puhlished ail
tales ale i heapei thilJl tile stu
dent rates
I It ket uhiilesalers or t oil
sohdatnrs such as (III and
S I \ are aide to otter i heapei
t K kels tm si udents h\ i ontiai I
mg w ilfi an I ine i ompanies
I lie an lines sell a huge mini
fiei of seats at a tlist oiinted
|II ll e to U holes.!lers W ho glial
antee the sale ol the seats said
lie ki ts .11 ,i ihs< mini enables the
wholesaler In pass ,i portion ol
the disc mint In lr.i\ nl agents
who mav p.iss part ol the dis
count to the consumer, siie
International students c\
pec ting to tly liome alter spring
term ami others w ho are plan
ning to Iravcd overseas should
hu\ their In kets now ( alter
( )ne nt the problems now is
evervont* wants to leave cm the
same time, lie said
\o student discount tickets
are a\ ailahle lor (line 14. ( '.li ter
said and student tii kets for
lime 1.1 are sell mg cpi ic k I\
U e have literalh been over
whelmed in the last two weeks
w it It people I la vel ing." lie
I low evei c uai h and lust
c hiss I ii kets are available at
published pi ic es he said
( artel emphasized I hat an
Ian's are guaranteed when tic k
els ale pun husetI A lot of
people don't nuclei stand that
he said
Although seals mav he re
sei \ I'd ill ad v am e. the pi le e
Iliac c liange until the I u ket is
In night he said
No nukes battle rages
as elections approach
K\ P.H M.iI.h h
1 morale) Rcportor
\i tiv ists mi both sides cl tin- I ugene mu Ir.ii tree zoni
issue met Iuesdav III the I Ml I 11 Kuiilll In deli.lie thru
\ lews mi proposed ( it_\ li.dlol measure JO HI
The me.isure would .imeild tile ( Itv l ll.utel III ifM ludr .1
v ei sum ul tin 11111 le.u lice zone on 11 ii.mi e which is slrongei
tli.iu tin our thr i it\ i i in ill d adopted m IUKH
H.illnl measure oppuneiil .mil i il\ i iiiiih il mriiihrr Kogei
Kut.m s.dd thr existing ordinance is siilln lent and .m\ more
rxtieinr laws would hr detrimental to lllgene
"I hr i unent ordinance th.it we have m place dors pro
h11>it the design development m.iiud.u lute pioduction
testing nuiinten.iU( e .mil storage nl mu le.ir weapons i ompo
nents Kut.in said lit this .mieruimenl |i.isses| sou re going
to send a very distiiu t anti business message to businesses
and industries that either want to locate line or those husi
nesses that want to expand here We re alreadv seen one ex
ample ot that in terms ol Kohl Industries
Kut.in said the vague wording ot the proposed amend
ment let! uni ert.untv in the minds ol husinesses They
weien t stue how they would be nttn ted it then products
were eventually Used m a weapons delivery system
I his ihartei amendment sent a real t leal message to
Rohr Industries And that is d this is passed you can't Ire
i ertain ol how the public set tin is going to real t to your husi
ness and what you're selling ten years Irom now or two years
trom now Kut.in said And Kolu dri ided that uncertainty
was l.u hevond what they would have to deal with anywhere
else 111 the l ’lilted States
Steve Johnson a member ot the committee to keep Kit
gene Nut lear I tee said the wcircling of measure 20 (11 is mud
eled after the i ity s anti-drug paraphernalia law
I lie charter amendment says a nuclear weapons compo
nent consists ut anything w hose primary intended purpose
is to contribute to the operation of a nuclear weapon or a
nuclear weapons system, (ohnson said "So paint and tires
and things like that unless their primary intended purpose is
for nut lear weapons would not Ire i overetl
The proposed i barter amendment < losely resembles the
original ordinance that local voters passed in I'lMO Ural or
dinani e was revised by the i itv count il after the i itv attorney
advised them that it was unenforceable, unconstitutional and
poorly written
Members of the Committer to Keep Kugene Nut lear 1 ice
have said the existing ordinance is purely symbolic and is
much weaker than the one voters had passed Committee
members have said the amendment is necessary because the
i itv count il would not he able to revise it without a vote of
the people
There will Ire another debate on the topic today at noon
at the Hilton conferem e center.