Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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( ontinut’d Irom l’,n;c 1
membei pointedly asked how
niiK.li (mi h i andidale know
iihou! Asian orgam/utions on
i ampus iiitd d they know what
issues they have to deal with
even \ oai
St it koi rosjiondod (hat she
and Hailes liav e rei enll\ met
with the International Students
Association. wliieh has II sub
groups u! ethnii urbanizations
The ISA is I, J CIO-strong
vy hu ll makes up .1 lame pel
1 outage ut the student popuia
lion she said Some issues
thin brought up t arn crn not
only the language harriers thin
experieme hut also that within
the \sl I ) nffil es ||le\ have
been severely underrepresent
A\ e propose har ing one m
two rnemhers ol ISA and otllet
elhnn groups to he on 0111 hit
ing committee so that people
ol i olor liar 1 a better ( ham r nl
getting hired lor the |ASI ( )■
ji ihs
Maples answered the ques
lion In say ing his ndmmistra
lion will stress moie outreach
and sti iv e loi better repiesenla
thill h\ going to plat is like
the Chinese Student Assm in
turn and telling them personal
|y AVe want voul repiesenta
turn \\ e vr ant to do more than
gist putting an ad ill I hr I nirl
,ilil asking them to apply
Anothei audience member
raised the issue ol strengthen
mg the libel,d arts piogram at
the I niversity, asking w hat
Slr\ i' M.iplr
rai h i andidutr would do tn srt
th.il libcial ai t -• ■ our- <'■- .ill'll !
I 111 it,I! k .1^ ill t 111' |
(aishman tcphrd that duett
i uiiimuiiii .ition with the ad
ministration is impnatiw to
break down tin1 us versus
thrill garbage Maples nddrd
that instrad ut using all l imn
s 11 \ funding tin I hi • si irni r tie
|>.i11iiii■ 111 tllrsr moneys havr
got to stall bring incur repie
srnlativr of all c ampus depart
Hailey thru said hr and his
running mate haw already
hi ok r 11 down tin' Us versus
them mentality . and will
i iintinur tc' push Im tiindmg ol
Ku k llailri
the 111).-l.l! ills 11n>uI.I:ii Slit ki'l
added ill,it l‘i. iili’iit Mvli'i
Hr,uni is iii\ in■_ thelmii amt
mil mm h .i. Inin uni we II pul
more pressure Inward 1ti.it ill
ri'i linn i mu 1'niiiii; lilreral
.iris In in t i ml;
Anolhei ijtii‘siii>ii from the
.iiiilii'in e cum enied llir i an
il.ili/.ituhi 111 t)n i .ii ill I >.i\ i at
in Ii mil hi llu I Ml which u .is
sc) nitre laic (‘ucsil.iv iuv;ht
Maples s.iul Ins I u ket u mild
first 11 in I mil u In i Im i hci I I lie
i ai anil discover then reasons
ln-liiml the ai lion
Bailee said lie arpees the
inirnint; ol I lie i ai nia i hale
I reel! a Im ill i it 11 ee speei Ii
from Pagi“ I
Smoking would lie banned in
( I.INM onllis .Hill buildings vellti
I<iI<■(i In rei in nlutmg .nr s\ s
Inns is well .is in buildings
design,ili'il In users as a non
sill* ik iilg area
Sintiking wmild also he pin
lliblted ill Idm ersitv \ fllit les
operated In more Ilian line
Ml bun people w lit) testified
favored the new restrictions but
i ailed tor even tighter rules
governing when and where
SI ] 111 k t • I s ( U Li 111 liglll 1111
1.1 i.'.iln-lh I liilm .1 graduatf
If.u luii'' li'llnu in I nglish. s.ik!
strungii mil's ,iii' nm-tlcd In it*
Jiii.i' llit« linngfrs <il sin oiiil.iry
Ah niuthei is thing of lung
t ,iiii t*i and slir has nt*\ m
s l lit ik ft I llidin said Ah
iimlhi-i is tiling lift atisf nllit-r
I It •{ > I > i t ■ 1111 k til . ll Ilf I
Itolm ahtt t.outjil,lined of tlit*
siiiuking m tlif kmglil l.i
Iirars s h.isfiiifiil Imingf when*
( onlmucd lium I’,u;e 4
I'hr ciist rrtiitmg ol iii.ii in
>'( oiiuiuu thrciis results fnint
thr jiitiirss ill rt imnillil gloli.i
11/,It liMl Hrnilrlsull salli 1 hr
iral problem u ith ri nnnmii
thriiis is that it s based on thr
iilt*a ol «•!ju1111»r111in
U hen i in iinistaut rs ehungr
tiles're sii pposrt i til return to to
a stair ol ilurmaU \ - sill- aitiiril
hut "there ain't no nunnal to
go I hit h to
All ongoing ft utloniK lirhatr
i out tuns defining \\ hat is vain
able ami ft tiuonnsts air has
11*>4 tumble
(dubalizntion li.h ( re,ili'il .1
tdnbal casino uhi'ii- munev is
|usi fmni'il into blips on com
puli'! SI n ulls : .mil) mini lli.i
linn .mil mu!ii'\ uru pra< In:,illy
eqim .ilrii!. I li'iuii'isim said
I . nnuimsts have losl trui h ul
I tiii ii Inal lull w Ini h is an m
i reasinglv valuable ctimmodi
l\ nil ■ ■■ i'i mu i mists dill a ii I lies
.'ii dal.i In-i ansi tin- standard
model ul what's valuable is
based on si an il\ . she said
1124 Main St.
s7.99 doz.
Phoiu* orders u«*U om**
Dvlivrrv available
In thf Paikinq Structure*
l»V Stat'd Mf«rt on 13th Si
I t OWI RS VM.) C/ll ! S
Musique Gourinet
Catering to the
Dis mating Collector
CD s FROM $5.95
In the Fitthpearl Building
' f h A\>" 343-9000
■ill’. •
V- Ml.
i-it t>«i<
ik tutjuu* tm<
I 1AC.»t uui kill’s f“i
?M .»v(tci'V,i! Mil Hk lull liHHV «*!
I t « « 1 - mii u l U n ,m -!'»\ i, t> .iin
x.«!if day nttm^
! s35 off
| soft contact lenses
(with complete exam)
” I April JO I MO
VI \ \ \ \ \
l)«>i*\ this sound like what \t>u would 11k#* to do toi tin*
summer' V\e hav e positions open m ill as pet Is ol i esort
wor k ,if two till iff i *n t ( > r«• vp »n lot at ions ( rater lake National
I’.nk .nid < )o i*on ( .ivt‘s \titm>n a I Monument this is .1 in. it
w.iv to meet new people .md develop iue.it friendships in .in
mt redihle outdoor environment l‘le.ise t onl.it f vour Mu
• lent I mplovment otfn e tor an apj)lu ation and interview
tune \\e will In- (in the l mvt utv <)t < tii-ijon < ampus April
•f kS "
I <|ii,il ()()|)nrlimit\ I mplowr
Big Spring So
* Soup to Snacks
Vitamins, Specialty Foods & more
0 All 30% to 50% off
Amiic an Gram*
Organic Rice Bites
•9 1»« $ 1.29
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••g I is $1.19
Cranberry Juice
'•9 3« >1.19
Notut* t Ijfw
Vit. C Complex
nwtnxud Wy Btoflcivtnoldi
Ramen Soup Mixes »•» ? ?»/»ooo $4.50
D«*«p S#(j
Tongol Tuna
'•9 i if $ 1.09
N©w Morning
'•9 2 69 $ 1.89
Borbaro s
Raisin Bran
• 9 j « $ 1 99
Santa Cruz
Organic Apple
-•g 3 3i $ 1.39
41m Ar?»>«rt*ad Spi».t Mir< 'to*. .- ....
:s H.^4 .f*s Mn r\44f uBJ ■* **.*" ■* **’*'' * i4
•M • * » - . • - . . mmi , , ‘ * * ' •
'•y ’ 49
Pasta Bow Ties
•9 i w $ l .39
Mega food
One Daily
Whote Food Concentrate
'•y to?o/44ct $7.50
Cotrrtry Lite
Tropical Papaya
•ug ret 10 00/ct $5.50
c , .. . «(««800dA(« or „pi„
_undance Natural Foods 24th & Hilyahd Open 8am - nPM 343-Qia?
set linns exist tor siuokeis .uni
mm sun ikers Imt the rot mi is
tilu .u 1 moke 11 lleil het ,ne.t nt
the l.ll'ite 111 I 111 he I ot smokers
\l II h.iel Shel lellhiii lie 1 ,u i In
lei tore .isxot l.ite prolessoi s.tnl
lest! It lions sin mill llli hide
those huddlin', lh.it li.ive no
nieih.niii.il veiiHliition svslein
so lintel ini’ smoke is rediii ed
\Ii I ' letters ret eiveil on the
|ito|iosed sliiokim: rules t.i
\ i Ill'll tile ide.t ., hut ,llso el ll
oed the iness.irte ot those lestl
King hv i iitlini’ lot strnnuei re
sli ii turns
Ain e (Arties .i business
si liool .issist.mt ile,m unite I
u holehe.ii tedlv sii|)|)iirt the
proposed .iiiieiiiluienis to the
siritiklie.', rule 1 would like to
see suioklll‘4 h. Hilled from tile
phinet .n tii.illv