Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    DICKS on a ROLL
Thursday April 19 1990
7 00 p m
McArthur Court
$2 00
-y to Ihn ! ! o< O n s.i? ■
-»'»! .t •*•<? f ' >J;V
$? f'() nt the (1 (';!r
MU! Spn.'t*.
I 5 session >
l S sessions
Enhancers offers a cozy, private
room with a fan and headphones
You get...a deep. dark, beautiful tan
c in/umiers
99 W. 10th, 1st Floor Atrium. Downtown
Mon-Sat 8-8 • 345-3491
UO Bookstore
Gen Book Dept M f 7 30 6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 13th & Kincaid 346 4331
Economic systems need overhaul
Earth Day speaker
presses for change
8> I )an f islet
\ merald Reporter
Mat i»h*< onomit s . .intuit ade.juutelv define
the world n unuim lira a use t! ( oncentrates
i»nl\ mi the traditional priv.ite ami puhlit set
tors .:a! doesn't . oiisldef the depletion t if Mat
oral resmmes Ha/el I lenderson said.Undoes
da\ i lie i a i:; he I its III11 on Till Politic S <)l
Allot native im ofiomit theories have been
developed to IN. otpoi.il.- .11 ( mints ol• informal
... non renewable’resource depletion
andmmphmientan inti it .aim s of mm ietv X pm
141 rss Iowan! its goals Henderson said
f h-mb i -.i in who is tiir k * - \ noli sjH-akri loi
}ugene K.irth Hav jonti. t onlrastetl these then
Mi s with iliiu ron nnniiiii s to show tin- ini
portative ol (hanging the national stores aid
used ail ov ei (he world, w hii h is the (gross na
timi.il pnnlin 11
Ihe (.XT is the total value ol goods and
sri vi< es pmdu. ed m .« nation .luring a spe< die
pn iod plus the total amount spent h\ eon
sinners and government and gross private m
\ estment
In til* last two soars more than 300 hooks
about wh\ the l oiled States is dei lining in the
world have been written, mosth by mmn
me.!-- going suit s. . explanations of tin* de
. line mi. li .is low national sav ings sates oi the
federal budget dels. its Henderson said
\h explanation is that (US) investment
is lagging in human resourt.es Henderson
I'lnilli In Si an I'iinIiiii
ILi/rl Ih'iulrrson. l ugt'iic l .irlh l).i i Art •
nnlr spraArr. brr.ilrs (iirrrnt riunnmit s
si s/rrns
said In .idd it ion, iht’rr .irr problems with inrf
In inti usr hr.tlih i are waste manage
immt. ,in t.iv.iinm ami an asking deleaving In
Irastnn tun
1 In' v\ Imle problem "I tliis (I\11 thing is
u r dun I havr am ua\ ot measuring these oili
i i fundamentals I Irndi'i sun said adding
llial tin- (INI' u just a (Hinine Is liasrd ai i mint
lurn to Icnnomiis, Page ">
! he follow me is .1 Its! of
1 ampus .ins1 1 lours taken from
( Iffii 1 of f’ublu Siifrt\ .uni I u
gene I’olli r Department reports
Im Iwi i ii \pril ~ and April 1 fi
• \ k p.n !■ was 11 p■ ■: Ir 1 i si . >
Ifn from tlir Oregon II,ill mini
111.1t Kin desk lo til's mi April
II. t ile tm Her let! the hut k
p.ii k 1 out.lining .1 textbook
.11M f .1 u .diet .it tile desk lo! .Ill
hour heiore ret 111 mug to find it
• Kl'l I . . nit.11 If. I t\\. ■ I 1 oversit\
.111 students April I i .iftel li.ix
in. ohsened them painting on
the street .il 1 1 <111 k11 n lloulev .ml
Hid Onvx Street I lie students
20% OFF 15% OFF
fOUAlH l>* M»l!ISAUDlASH iothinO.
VS '.V * L NfWION not I!) IX».A
I AOCtft • IIIU * H H IX
Michael Rogan will be in our
store to demonstrate airbrush
4:00-7:00PM 1:00-.T:00PM
Pane 4
Police Beat
who ui-ii' mil iliiiru<*<I stall'd
th.it lhi> p.imt was \\.iti*i solu
• \ Ir.K iii-i hum Hrnti.n 1 liuh
Si Imul m Portland was injured
April 1 in .i i onlrontation .it
I .ivlni A Mu rrn Hot I I Ith
A VO I lir Ir.n ! 1 rI W Ini w ,1-.
i hapiiuntni; tlir men k I \ .is
somhlv lirit) on i .impus was
!l .Iiisportril ||\ 1 I'l) to Hill klrv
liousr .1 ilrtos it I. .it Ion i riitri
■ It I ill 5 U Itll Avr
• I ht-lt . •: vt > > in pioprrtx
liom I {.i mi It on (smiplrv w ,is
irpoitril !•. Kl’l) April I t I In
mvtit’t li.ui Irtt In*i dour tin
lot krd lot .ipproMin.itrh In
mi null's whrn slii’ returned to
II lid tiller w .ill hrs jew elr\ .i
(.11 krl and a SHI bill stolen
from tin room I'lirre are no
susprt Is
• I HI) i itrd and rrlr r.nl a tian
sii'irt for illegal possession ot
tin-works April 1 1
Karlin in tin1 evening an t )I*S
ol’fii cr in tlir arra ol 1 titi) Avr
nur and Aldei Stirrt obsrivi'd
tin- sub|i'i t i basing i .its nr.u
tin- Law Si bool I atrr an ofli
in obsriA rd tlir sublet t i ai i \
inn .ill opened bai k|).i( k .uni
in it H ml ivh.it .i|i|)t'.il i'il In be .1
loin mi h |i.ipi■! tape fust; on
tin' tip i it .1 i iii bun 11 it i x lift* i \ I
Tlif bl’l) bomb squad 11•
sponded to .1 i .ill .uni M'l/i'ii
the ub|i'i t. vvhu h it lii'ti'rmiiu'ii
to bn t pi pi* In uni) Ibi' bimib
tv .I-, desl rov nil
• I .I’l) ,ii U“ ti-ii .i w .mti'il '.ii!'
jut t .it I "itb A\ i'ihii• .uni \i^.it'
St 11 i -t Apt ill! I In- sub|i'i t.
wbu w.is nut .i l mvi'isitv xtu
ili'ilt. w.is w,mti'il bn driving
with u suspi'iuli'il lit.mist* .uni
two counts ill lining .i minm in
possession nl .tic i• 111>I as wi'll
•is billing In iippc.ti in limit un
.ill i barges
• A p.m i it S Hit i sjitwki-i w •
reported stolen Irtmi tin- In
strut tion.il Media ( eiitei to
( )I’S Apt il I 1 1 ben- were nu
signs ul Ion ed entr\ anil a ke\
in.i\ have possible been used to
enter tin- room
• rheit of $iiHt) m toroo equip
intuit from the Bean (simplex
parking lot was repuili I to
()1’S A | >111 i 1
831 EAST 13TH
Hours 8:00 lo HI M E
0:00 lo 1:00 SjI
Lowest Fares Anywhere
Major credit cards accepted
Thursday. April 10. 1000
Candidates m
iiirmln'1 pomledlv asked him
mm h e.u h i .imIni.ilr knew
.itiiml \si.in organizations nn
i Millin'. .1 m t it t lit a knew w hit
issues ihev li.ive in ileal with
ev en \ ear
Stil kl'l responded lh.it she
.mil H.iilev have lecentlv met
with the International Students
Assoi iation. vvt»it h has II sub
unnips ot fthnii iirgani/atiims
l lie ISA is I. J110 strong
vv hti h makes up a large per
( eniage ol the student popula
lion.'’ she said. Some issues
tliev brought up com ei n not
unlv the language harriers Ihev
experience hut also that within
the ASI () uffic es thev have
been seveiek iiiulei represent
We propose having one oi
two members ol |S \ and olhel
cthnit groups to he on out hir
mg committee so that people
i )l ( i ih n have a better t tiano’ < it
getting hired tot the IASl ( h
Maples answered the ipn
lion In suv ing his administra
lion will stress more outre.nil
and sli iv e lor better represent,!
lion In going to places like
tile t 'hmese Student Assoi la
lion and telling them personal
Iv AVe want vain repiesentn
Imn We want to do more than
lust putting an ad m I lir I met
a/(/ asking them to upplv
Anothei nudteni e memhei
raised the issue ol strengthen
log the libel,il arts program at
the I 'niversil v asking w hat
( ontinued from P
Smoking would In- banned in
( Inssronins and buildings vend
luted In lei in illilting an sys
tents is vvidl as m buildings
designated In users as a linn
smoking ale.l
Smoking would also he pro
hibited m t uiveisitv veliii les
operated In mure than one
\ll tout people who testilied
favored the new restrii lions hut
i ailed for even t igliter rules
governing when and where
Economics _i=i
rile (list redltillg ill HUH III
i:( minimi theory results Innn
the process ui ecoiminu gloha
ii/.itiun llender'soil said I hr
i rdl problem with ecnnomii
theory is th.it It s based mi thr
idea ol rqinliliritim
U Ill'll i in uinstaiu rs change
they're supposed to rrtum It) In
,i state nl normalcy she added
but "there am t nu animal to
go bai k In.
\u ongoing ei iiiiiiltiii debate
concerns delmmu u ii.it is valu
able, and ei unontlsts arr bar
10am-6{ >m
■ 726-9176
■ 1124 Main St.
' Springfield
■ ■■■■■■■■