_University_ International studies seminar today \ 11-1: ii\< ;.s Students lor the K.thical Treatment of \ni mals meets tonight at fi m KMl < lenturv Room 1 Asklepiads meets tonight .it t. in I N 11 ’ (Vn 111r\ Room A Students for Creative Anai hronism will meet and hold dance practice tonight at 8 to m _Et als_ KMC Centurv Room I) For more information call ;i4(i <1700 or 141 tiOOr> TRASH iec vcling group meets tonight at n m KMl' ( lenturv Room < Circle K International meets tonight at n III in KMl ’ ( edar Room I Cniversity Democrats will hold a general in lerest meeting tonight at n 1 '> in KM I Suite 1 Chi Alpha Christian ministry meets tonight at 7 to in KMC Cedar Room A for worship and Hilile stuck Kvervone is 111v lied to attend International Assoc iation ot Students in I c o nomic s and Commerce will have an inlroduc tore meeting tonight at ~ III in Room 4 lit t .illicit SPKAkKKS AND 1.1 i I t KKS Todavs lecture hv Mice Avcock li.is been c am elect Deborah t.r.n White, assoc late protess.u ol history at Rutgers I niversitv. will give a presen tat ion tilled "lettered Sisterhood Che Problem ol Class in lilac k Women's National ()i gnnizations | lie Iec lure w ill he held todav at t III p ill in the KMI U alnut Room. Can (ireenherg. visiting c.eiamti e-t eollduc t a tree slide Iec lure ot Ins work tonight at 7 in Room 1 1(1 \V illamette Realistic I labihlv the Rise ol Silas l a pliam and the l imits ol Moral Obligation title ut .1 public lei turf by U.u i bee Ihmoi k hum Rutgers t niversity Ihe presentation will take pi.it e today .it I m Room tt I ( iilbert Marilyn Milme hwiiit nl 11 K I’rniiui turns, will give ,i presenl.ilion tonight .it ■ III ill Knniii L(H Allen I he presentation is sponsored In the I'uhlii Relations Student Sui ietv of \merii a An et olage tbst ussuin and workshop u ill he given In Mike Roselle of Kartli I list' today at noon in the I Ml t unity aid Sharon league udl present an am lent loiest slide show today at 1 til in the I All Hen Lindei Room I alior and t in ironmenlalisls A \ecessary Alliance" is the title ot a presentation and panel dismission to lie made today at i III p m in the 1 Ml I ir Room "l ast Stand lor Ihe \ni ient f orests" is the title ot a presentation to he made tonight at ill in the I All liallroom "International Studies \ Major tor 'i ini'" the title ot a woikshop on i.ueei opportunities, i urrn ula and appln ation pro< edures I he work shop will lie held today at t t|i p in in Room lot 1 iregon 1 la 11 Mist I I I AM t H S \ ( I) K( )M tutorial on tin Si ient e ( it.it ion Index will he held today at 111 a 111 and I p in at the Retereni e I lepartment Knight lihr.uy \ resume intery lew internship help session In Women in ( omnninu ation trill he held today at t ill p 111 I n I MI ( rd.u Room A Hr ad lino Ini submitting I t a/s l<> tin’ hmerahl Irnnl desk /.A//' Suite <00, is IUHUI tlw this brlnir fiuhJit iltion I ! a/s run tlw (/al nl tlw el rut Ufl/ess tlw ■ I i'll; nil ui s hrlnn /’/ease submit It a/s tlw n ' I <** fruitrm o.r^.n •»'*»•« T»>,. ■ , [\iliy I | published M ’> Ihf . -.'sJf' F 1 • ' • Opt iPlUtlQ • •.if .v* » v 1 .it . . the* Otf-i'•" Daily Fm«»aid Publishing (:. at the University of Oregon I ugene. Oregon The t ?ti«*f.1111 is .p.m Him! : i Impendent I y 1 ' the Univervty .vdh Mu i's n the the t *1. - ■* the t Mr M»-mi • \- \ |M, ■ i” Isa M'l-mN'' M fh,. A ss • ated The l ii'*-' i 1 i% private property T he un; larfu! rerru .»• ' I ap«*f*» p'« ’*• mutable by '■»* E ditor 1 tv i f .s i .* When ■ Nomi Editor stophrM H'u Oi.'i Pr>lois Sport* Editor Tfi > Sun" r» M.i'i Vi*- Supplement* E ditor Pa'a Ln ks K> . •Woe Night E ditor - * 1 M • Managing l ditor Editorial E ditor Graphics Editor E ncore Editor Associate l ditor* Community M • .Student Government Activities it* . Higher Education Administration ■ H ''Features • Reporters •• Andrade iVlr Asha*> ( . * D • t •• •** *m*-i o.i •• Holland "I A . K
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