Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 19, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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    Large cuts in army
first US. response
II took long enough to happen. but (ho I’eulugon is
imalK responding to tin* rapid democratization of Hasl
et u Iauope
Last uivk Defense Secretary Richard Cheney an
i it hi t ii fd a plan that would I’iitninali: 25 pen out of all
Amu members and cut t-l pen out ot tin- existing pro
plains In l‘)‘i7 It is the Inst major overhaul of am
brain h ol tin* L S armed hirers since tin Soviet him
\i tivr• -«Intv soldit'i figures would lie i ut from the
piesenl level ol 7(.-4 otto to 5JS0.00II. while National
(maid and reserve rosters would he slashed from
771)00(1 to (>45.000 In addition, several weapons svs
Ifius. on the drawing hoard would he completely
si rapped
Tliat tin- Pentagon would take such action says
something for puhlii opinion W hile the Sov iet I ebm
debarked on a rapid demilitarization tin I S was
seemingly i cmtenl to c hip away at the defense budge!
W lieu ( lienev submitted .1 proposal amounting to only
a 2 percent i ut in binding, responses ranged from i titi
( ism to onli ighl shot k
l-'aced with this, the emiv choir e w as to begin dis
mantling the armv It won't come ,is any surprise d the
\‘avv and \ir I on e follow suit
from an economic standpoint Cheney s plan is
lisi allv smart liv cutting .! little lot of the hit out of
(hi- bloated A rim he can stie.milme programs and im
prove (mining methods A smaller army will mean a
better armv with a difterenf emphasis of its role in na
Iional defense
But monev matters aside, it's heartening to see the
gov ernment finally In to emphasize peaceful solutions
to inlet national conflicts Deserved or not. the I 'oiled
States is a mle model for the world, and it is hoped
other countries w ill t.ike heed of America's move and
begin to dismantle their armed forces as well.
Recently there lias been a call for severe cuts in the
country's defense structure, and even Cheney's pro
posal has come under fire tor not cutting enough. But
critics should remember that what takes a long time to
build up will .ilso take a long time to take apart. The
I lilted States has been a military power for 50 years,
and it's unrealistic to think that will change in a heart
beat .
The armv t uts. In putting more than 250.000 out
of work, will have a dramatic impact on the economy
These people will need to find other jobs. Sinc e many
ol them are liighlv trained in lei hnical fields, that can
onlv benefit the private sector It is hoped that the gov
ernment will deplov them in other fields and train
them not in wai. hut in peac e.
ODE endorsements
for ASUO elections
Toil,iv is I hr first rl.n of the \Sl!l) primary
eleitioiis. hr suii' .mil Milo today! 111sI .is ,i re
minder here's the list nl people (lie l Jrt'ffun llriih
IjnruUI Inis endorsed loi lin idenl.il l ee (iommil
lee Se.ils ,11 III I lie \S| I ) I \ri IIlive I .ike tills willl
Mill In the polls
•III nnr-\ e.ii se.ils
lennifei Hills
1 ime Hrou n
H.m la\ I ,lovd (havson
|oSon|.i \\ at son
•III luii-ieai seats
Tim I lushes
I km SI,ill
• \St I) president anti \ it e president
Kirk Bader Sheila Slit kel
Keep an eye out for 'dolphin safe' tuna
I'he rr*c i■ ill derision In (hr thief largest
tuna companies In hu\ "dolphin sale" tuna
is ,i surprising imiii at inn ul what public pm
test can iln In change the environmentally
disgusting pi.a In es ol a large industn
In ret cut \ears large-scale tishing tin
tuna killed between 1(H).IMIII and ..’(HI.IKK)
dolphins annually
One ut the most economii al wavs to
i ati h large numbers ol tuna has been the
purse seine method A huge net is i ust
around a school ol tuna and is pulled shut
like a drawstring bag I or reasons unknown
to marine biologists, dolphins swim in
groups with schools ol tuna, and are inad
\ el tenth pulled III
Dolphins are also slaughtered b\ gill and
dull nets, hanging almost invisibly foi miles
in the oi can
()n Ihursdav. Il l Heinz ( o makei ot
St a i k ist tuna. sudden I \ announced that it
would not "purchase, pro* ess or sell any
tuna caught in association with dolphins
Ihe makers ot the other two large tuna
brands him ken ol the Sea and Humble life
billowed suit within hours All three i ited
ungiA i unsumer responses i aids letters
and even tuna bovcotts In large environ
as main reasons tor the
mental groups
While envaronmental groups and dol
phins. no doubt will benefit from the
i hange people in the tuna fishing industry
Here not ns thrilled by the news The\ s.i\
the ban will hurt it not destroy, their busi
One group the American Tunabont As
sociation. claimed it killed "only" I J.<>4 t
dolphins, undei the surprisingly high I S
limit ol LM) 'aIt) Regardless, the bail will give
the tun.1 lishing industry plenty ol moliva
lion to Iiml a salei way to harvest its crop
It i omes as no surprise but is sad
nonetheless that the tuna companies have
made then move so late, and only because
they yvere threatened w 11h losing protits As
Daniel Sullivan, president ol Humble Bee.
told XeusueeA ( aimed tuna is good loi
you. and v\ e want to continue to sell as
min h as we can
Regardless ol the masons, the changes in
the tuna game are welcome, and hopefully
other industries will follow
(onsumers should look lor the spei lally
marked i ails ol "dolphin sale tuna, whu h
should be available in stores within three
(.leg Kni* 1 isli is mori- ili.m .1
i andulutf lor I hi: IM l' Hu,ml.
In* is .1 lighthotisf to vtoiilf us
into .1 s.ilr futurt' I half known
I ii^lisli lot more 1I1,in loin
m-.iis and nn o|)inion hasn't
t h,muril lii- s lirilliiittl
Ilf Inis ,111 approui li.lhlf pot
sou.illlN w Ini h is .1 1 .in- I mil m
pfoplf 111 this soiiiftinifs inn
lusini; .nut hist p.n fil world ol
str.nigfrs Ilf has t>nuugh fii
tluisi.ism .nnl fiifrgv to pouci
livi* liKlithotisfs
luiglish is ilfilu atfil to ,m\
props I lif puts his iitinif on I
iutvf wolkfd with I nglish
within thf l'nivftsit\ Demo
11.its Ilf is .ilu,i\s willing to
In-Ip out in am w.1 \ hf 1 an
whfthft it hf sittinsi at minima
turn (ninths to li.ikf salfs nr 1 n
1 hairing the t imiinninli I 1,11
son ( dnini il
( llll f Ktlgllsll Is flfl 11M1 In thf
I AH' Board. hf will alw.ns In
up tu itatf and tulh infornlfil
oil thf ISMIfs (till- tine i|U<llit\
ahout I iinlish is hf isn't atraid
In ask 1 pifst 1011s sottif ol whit h
arc tough and poinlfd hut mu
I’avte 2
fi unjust
When tie* isiotis art' to ho
m,iilu I nglisii u ill 111.1 k<- ill
toi lin'd ml in iitfd iiiul lair
t hintrs This I’nhorsiti nt't'ils
Tnglisli Tlic (Ml litt.ird ihtiIs
I nglish \titf (dog Knglisli in
tin- I AH Un.ird lw11 \t-.ti sf.it
I ft Mini slii|i t.omo in ii mil -1
Ills guid.mi o
I’linoh I’ MoiIsmt
1(11 nglish
A wareness
U 1111 tlit- isigorK ,intu ip.ilod
sill I fss nl l.utli I).iv I‘l‘M) .111
| >n i.it lung. I i i iu It I nut holp hut
think nl thf mill ions, nl ..plo
who u ill i nnif In .i bottni un
di'istiimling nt thf problems
th.it t.u f thf fin i n > it ii it-ti t In
odin.iting .uni inlrndut ing
\\.I\S Ini pouplf tn Ilf .111 .It till'
part nt thf solution
I innf mol ui.iin ponplo uhn
.in- i mu otiifd u ith fin into
IIiflit.ll ISSUI'S ,11111 .III' u ill ing tn
I.ilk .ihiiut thf problems. hut mi
lew nl thfsf s.mif pouplf t.ikf
thf simplest stfps tn m.ikf a
diltereiHe M.nho vou kmm
miiif ponplo now who ,iro ro
i vc ling ill.m von did .1 i ear
ago bill until everyone is lining
It 1 Ullsisll'lltlv Ml' l\ ill Ilf till cti
i\ ith mu planet living
(begun St 111it■ iit I'ublii Inti'i
i*sl KesiMii li ('.rmi|i has been
sue,1essful .it raising llu' .in.iif
ness .mil the ,u lion ili.il people
t.lkf nil till' fill I Ii 111II It • I it
III .itltlit ion to proi tiling
qn.iliti infonii.ition on the en
vuonment ttsl'lKt. provides
in.mi qualili sorvic.es here ,it
the I bnversiti I or example,
tin' < .ouMiinet Hotline answers
students' questions about iib.it
tfit*i■ lights .ne as renters a
Hunger Homeless group ac live*
l\ helps those who need it
cjualitl rose,ire li in toxic s. solid
ivaste and other pollution lias
led to statewide legislation pro
lei ling the i oinmoniti in
l\ lilt ll u e all III e
1 hope van u ill support
OSPIKti’s i ontinued elforts in
edilt ation and the quest tin a
clean planet not null at the i ol
mg booths hut hi stopping hi
the ( ISl’IKl. oftu e 11 All ’ Suite
11 and seeing iiliat things mu
can do
Andy Krainard
Based upon the I’re law Soi i
elv s lai k h! i iiuimiuiii alion
(luring (lit* budget process with
its 11 1 tag Steve Maples. 1 sen
Iiush duubl lli.il Maples will
work at length to get the job
done as ASl'O I’resident. as
stated In Stephen Stent 101)1
Api il 1 ri|
beginning m I )et ember and
up until our budget hearing,
nu.nemus attempts were made
and several messages were left
to conlai t Maples At the beat
ing Maples neither apologized
nor gave an explanation win
he didn't i ontai t the I’re law
Sot letv
Rather than atmouni mg that
tiles would be at Rennie s to
answer i|uestions. Kirk Bailev
and Sheba Stii kel have at tivels
sought out student opinion bv
going to dorms gruuk houses
.inii Amazon housing \n
"open-door'’ pi>1 it s is ,i good
• tilt* ,ts lung .is studunt < 11111 > 11111
is ,dso sought out on .1 i anipus
lh.it is musth .ip.ithut it
\ot unit do U.iilus mid Sli
< kul have iniru u spur lent u with
ASl () Ini thus ha\u shim n
ilium iomnntment lor .ill .stu
dents I)v woikmg in tin- ASl ()
M.iplus i nullin'! oven mustui
unough commitment In hu .in
,ippirupri.iti- IH tug fui .i stu
dunt group hu nuvur kupt in
i unt.ii t w ith
Yotu lor souiuonu who has
show n i nmmilinunt rather than
unlv madu an umptv promise to
hu i ommittud
I .aura (iallahan
Pre-law Sot iet\
_Letters Policy_
Letters to the editor must be limited to no more than
250 words, legible, signed and the identification of
the writer must Ire verified when the letter is submit
Thursday, April 19. 1990