_Inside_ ■ Planetary politics. Page 4 ■ Police beat, Page 4 ■ Travel discounts, Page 8 ■ No nukes debate, Page 8 _ -Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Thursilav April I'l. 1 *1*1(1 Kllgenr t )lf gull Yulumt' 'I 1 Xiliulii'i 1 i t ASUO candidates face off before today's test Final debate before the primary illustrates candidates' contrasts Bv D.irl.i |ac kson Emerald Assoc iate Editor the ( .Hidill.lies tin ASl'l) president anil m - ... i drill grilled e.n li othei on various ( ampins issues and expanded on then opponents ddierentes Wedfiesdav night in the tinal deh.ite before lodav s pnm.irv elei lions file lonil.ll ot I lie debate i ailed tor both sets of i a 11 didates Sieve Maples Diane Cushman and kuk Hai lev Sheila Stir krl to present live i|Ueslloie to then opponents w ith questions bom the audirm e i uiiiini; altern arils During the tai e off segment St 11 hr! i.used a hv po thetieal situation in wliitli the t iuveisilv admmistia lion derides In reinvest ill tlllalliial interests with South Atm a the lilac, h St lull m I Assm lat ion is v erv vim allv • -p posed to this dei ision, and it is railing lot immediate at turn from the AS! t ) to respond to tin matter, she said Sill hrl asked what steps Maples and < ie.liman would take in this hv pot bet u a I situation it thev were in oftii r I he problem w ith that is that we i mild stall with ( ni a Cola tor example Maples said So here is Coke then their is l ahsloga then then is Nestle U hat I m saving is we re not sending a message laboiit no no in it sant I ions | it we do it w it ti (list one i oitipali v he need a toll program or no program at all In response. Bailev said the reason thev posed stu h a question was to determine bow the \Sl ( ) undei Mil pies I ustiui.iu would respond to doei I pressme to take a stand 1'bnlt. lit Mj.l 1 I. IS/ () r\n utn r i .inilitl.itrs S few M.i/ilr s l)i.inr( uslim.m Kirk ll.ulrs .mil Khril.i Ktii krl ilrb.itnl thru liusitinns im l nnrr\it\ •*tutlrnt\'i mu mis 11 nlnrsil.i i nii;ht I his issue h.is been very heated at loss the « nun li\ . he S.iui ( )U I position is th.it it Olll students have .1 ie.il interest in something 11lf \St ( ) umild hike a full stand In- it rallying oi protesting on the steps ot )(ihitson I la11 "\\ e don t need a student hods president and Vit e president wattling on an issue that seems vetv < I**ar c ut to us Hailey said (’llshman then directed a cjuestion at liailev and Stic h * • l i uni emmi! the issue ot fiscal i espunsihilit v Student tees situ e jMH i have* gone up 100 pen ent ( ushtnan -aid and she asked u hat hei opposing In kel s\ould do about the issue Hades said his administration believes that unit h ot the problem relates In how the system ot internal budgeting is organized n.nnels in the comptroller *. 11 MU* pri l< m I I III (hr )((l) I ’In* it IN -i lug IIIIII- m I hr pri i< ii I when our t omp Imlln ir.tvrs «uul mu* t.ikrs o\ri hr suit. I "VVr pm {"*•.. ,j i.' month position th.it would go limn Srplrm hrl to Sr p| i *| II hr | so tll.lt I. i w* tlMir |s Out thru* ,111 \ moo \l.lplrs igrrrd lii.it fhr l,ig tim*1 Ir.ids to inisl.ikrs in tin* lit (minting prorrss hut h* s.ud tli.it n just thr hrsinnilUi of thr poihirm Wr w.illt to lli.lk.r r.it h ot thr ptOgl.UUs moir ii i omit.ihlr for thru hudgrts M.tplrs s.inl Wr would 11 r\ r{o|• .i tr.im to go mound to m.ikr sun- r.n h group funding irtlri Is list ,il rrsponsihilits \udiriu r mrmhers thru p.utit ipntrd in thr drh.itr 11\ dms tmg ipirstions .it tin* < .mdid.ilrs ( )nr .mdirm r him to ( .mdid.itrs, P.igr ”» Wheeler named Emerald editor Bv Ashlev ( onklin I merald Reporter \1k t- U heeler was named Wednesdax nis4111 .is (hi- Orr go/i D.iih linrmhls lh'tlioi c< 1 it<>i m i hid h\ tin1 / inri.ihl s Board o! I )in*i tors \\ heell'I ! s.iiil sin- hopes In iiii 11\ist■ student ,u\ nieness i it the new spaper next \ (Ml I want tu hrlp orient the i ampiis rnon- t learlx In tin* papi*i sin- said ' I want linin' ,iu.iii-ness I mm sltidi'iil 4nhips and ii.jvi• them know w lii'it' v\t- ii- i iiininn from Hdort' i>«■ 111st'lci h'd as tin* newspaper s editin' Wheelei served as managing editor ul lllls ve.II S I 111fhlltl A pre |uui i i.i I ism maim vvlm hopes to In' admitted to the I imersiH s jiuimalism si hind next tall. U lieelei also served as a reporter loi I lir Inn h the 1 .ane ( aiinmiinitv College newspaper during the HIH7-HH si hool year and was editor of l'hr l\m h last veal Besides im teasing student awareness ot the /' inrr.ilil next year. Wheelei has several nth er goals she would like to at i omplish Better i ommunii at ion in side the newsroom between all ol the departments and the new s side is important she said ' I would also like to have .1 i leaner hard ness s li li )k ()ne iit U heeler s other goals is to improvethi- giaph ii took o! the newspapei In i muring mure double |».iii> spreads mi issues lli.it .ire mi purt.int to (lie i oin mu it it \ .uni I niversits students I ti like to see mole i met age ol things I ike intei n.it ion al students and ddterent stn dent groups, she said U heelel said she believes that higher edm .ition funding and relations between the I niversits and i omtminilv are two issues the Init-i.thl needs to monitor i losels next s ear ! lighel eilur .it 11 >11 hi tiding is a real problem and we need to sta\ on top ot that she said We need to let the stu dents know about the dei I sums that are made and how it attei Is them 1 'niversits and i ommunits relations is a problem that needs to be addressed \\ heel ei said ( it mg the Max 1 UH'i not and last month's teat gas sing of a parts at I 4th Avenue and t errs Street as two exam pies ot strained I tits ersltv i omnmnits relations ’'( ummiiiiits relations has always been a problem she said It's not something that ss ill be sols ed os emight We need to look into it and do Alic e Wheeler some in 11<'|)t)i slum's on what i .in hr linin' in i mpnivi' tilings \\ illi thr ()rcgnn I .egisla tun' li.n k in session during the nest si liunl ve.ii Wheeler s.mi she pi.ms tu .iiiil .1 puli t II s editor Id nest \ e.il \ I'm rmlti st.ill ()tliei stall i hanges U heeler plans tu in.ike nest year in i lude bringing li.u k two edi tuts to the editorial be.it .mil i hanging the tun! lion nl the Morulas In depth set turn to UK ire i il a teat u res sei t ion W heeler whose term be gins m |iilie was one ol two people running lot the editoi position Hearing airs support for smoking, umbrella bans Bv ( liris Bounell t merald -\ssoi iate f ditor I'svo |iiu|iiisi'i 1 rules resitit ting umhiell.i use >iml -minkim; .il I niversits • 11111eti< i■ \ enIs m*( 1'iU'il nversvlielmi ng support I uesdas ■ it 11 ptlt till hi Ml I tig Ill-Ill til 11 INI OSS till' Mile 1111 Mil'll I -■ l tin- ptuposed i haiige to tin- I ’niversil\ s administrative rules would prohibit 11j>en umljieIl.is in Aul/eii St.ulium scaling areas .11s 1 es .mil standing loom mils Im .ilimis during football .jcinii's I In- sci mill mil- ti,uis smoking in .ill athletic l.ii ilitics cm cpt Im posted .in-,is .ind lightens restric lions m i ampus buildings Nthlclii i lc| i.i it ii ici 11 uftii nils proposed both rules alter rei eis illg nutnermis letters and ( .ills i ompl.lining about umbrellas ob slim ting v less ot the field and sei olid.us smoke AYc leel that non-smokers base the same lights that people ss ho smoke do said Stese llellser sports information direi tin Mmeosei llellset said open umbrellas pose a salets risk ssitli pointed ends that i mild illjllie other Ians It s\as deemed that there are people ss ho leel threatened when tiles have to sit behind someone ssitli an umbrella. Ilcllsei said Ue had rei eived complaints and dei idl'd to ,u t ai i Hiding Is • \'o one at luesdas s hearing testified against the limbielld ban and ol the four letters sent to the I niversits about the pro posed rule mils one opposed the idea Sands Walton, assistant uthlelu director submitted scsen more letters i mu erning the umbrella ban and smoking regulations ( tills one ot the sesen opposed either rule i h.illge Mthough the athletic department first proposed smoking re strii lions Assistant \’u e I’resident Muriel lackson expanded the rule i liauge to mi hide t uinpiis buddings '[Kxpandmgl ssas ms idea based on an emplosee suises con dm ted the previous VI-.II at this olflies leipiest hs the (tttue ut lluiuan Kesouri es |,u kson said flu- l'ltl'l siirses showed that id peri cut ot I nisersits emplos ees favored a building ss ide smoking ban Ki-quests hs Student Health ( a-nler and Knight I a lira i s off ii ials to ban smoking Irom then buildings required that the rules be mollified jai kson said Turn to Rules, Page Y