Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Club Hockey plays for league title
A first plat i' finish in the
"A" league ut I hr I ..inn Aim
Icur I tui k.es \ssni hit inn \\ lit be
at slake tonight at 7 pm tm
the ( '!ul> Spurts hoi kes team
will'll till' I tin k s take l HI
l )Sl ( i>r\ al!is at I.ane t Hunts
li -■
(begun is lii'i! willi tin? l ai
gene Hi,nil's at 7 t 1 w itli mils
thf OSl! garni! remaining on
tile rngulai si h«'iiuit* Oregon is
1 2-1 against the Hlailes tins
The I )ui ks piiunileil ()Sl
1 *1-0 in tiie teams' mils meeting
ot tile sear The Hlailes mas
have a rougher time ol it as
tlies meet tile lets from Pint
land. It Oregon s\ ins anil the
Hlailes lose, the I lurks ssill lie
league t hampiuus It both tin
Ducks and Hlailes svin. the
teams ssill finish in a tie and a
plas oil game ss ill he si lied
lilt'd to dei iile the league i haul
Admission to the game at the
Lane Counts fairgrounds is
( luh Cycling
The Oregon men's (dull < s
( ling team swept the lop three
positions Saturday in the >0
minute ( riterium escut in .1
(inn .litis, meet 1 s i lists from
l)Sl Washington .inti (trcgiin
part it ip.iteii
H1.11I (iebhard \t.itt l-'loti hei
.mil Sieve Maris fimslieii I .'
tin the 1 tin ks tolioUeii In Hill
K.tmiletimn .mil Will I la 11 .it
tilth .uni ninth . rospet tivel\
()ther l begun finishers u ere
Haul Silimrholl/ (fifth) Kob
♦flail I 1 till) .lllll Hetel ( ..|l. ".'.ell
I irihi
lennitei Vendetti was the
highest women's tllilshi'i with
a third plai e show mg. followed
in t i 1 mI\ Israel at fourth and
Tiin.1 Allen at ninth
The I tin £s then 11 a\ eled to
Portland tor a meet against t tie
gon Stale on Similar
Cloiirogen rebounded from
his 17th plai e finish the day
before to take first ( ourogen
one ot the top triathletes on the
West Coast, broke away early
w ith I fall to take the w in I lall
finished fourth 1 Ins leftress
and Blair finished sixth and
ninth, respt'i tiv els
()n the women s side Israel
and Veiidette finished (list and
second. respectively lor the
I fill ks
The I tin ks have a meet tills
Saturday at l.osvell and host
then own criterion! r.u e Sun
( lull I ai rosse
Andress ( lousks ami |ohn
(ilerenhach scored four goals
apiei e to lead the (Iregon (iluti
Sports 1 .<n.rosst* tram t«> an r<is\
! I win m or laigenr Mi'll s
luirnsse ('lull Saturd.n .it i n
gene s Monroe Middle Si hoot
()rngon took .111 I'.irU lr.nl
.1 ml It'll witf to win' Inr thf
( .ill White tilled in .it go.ilii'
tut Kh!i I mu aliti lifiii tin' In
vr.• nt> i lull to tihii goal-.
Oregon hosts tin1 l imi r-iiU
hI Puget SoiiiiiI Saturday .it
SmitllllUIlk I' ll'lll
( lull ( ll'U
(iregon t lull i ii'ii teams tuuk
.1 tol.il ill si\ first plat !• finishes
Sunday in tin' f 11\iii'il bridge
Regatta in Hester Reservoir
I II!' U mill'll s light u eight I
ti'.iin st.irtcil tilings ntf taking
lust hv less than three sec mills
mil a team from IhimlMildl
Stall- t ’mversily \ sei mill I tie
gmi team tuuk third in the
ev eut
( iregon was first in the worn
i'll s ntivu e H event tlV less than
jive sei mills m i l I Inmliiihll
Oregon wmnen also giahlieil
first m the women's nuv it e 1
event bv a wide margin
I fie men took their fust win
in the open H event while two
separate Humboldt teams look
sei mid and third I lie I hit k
men also grabbed lust in the
men's open 4 pist barely two
sei mills ahead of fluiuhohlt
Chi' ( dub t new team u ill take
part m the I'mtland \ am ouver
Regatta this Saturday at fan
i ouver Lake in Washington
W«‘ v?t»' vou to enjoy the* same suthentu
. !■ ’ ’ mJ r ’ • m ,r '."A J. • ,vn''>*VH l«> t! '•
.* •, i j f-> . t,! i' ■>.] — Mo> - r
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