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Ins brother Da \ tti and t nurse designer Kit lelfries lee time will tie I 1 III a m w ilh the puhlit ailmittecl tree I he golf i nurse w ill open ihe 1H hole i nurse to the puhlit on I hursdas I lie i oinplelion til the bat k nine is the sei out) phase in the building fit the Riverside i nurse The lirst nine holes were completed in PIMH and f onslrut tion began shortly thereafter on the final nine hnlrs ('onslrui'.lion was com pleted .iiui the grass was plant i-fl for the bar h nini' in 198't Riverside is open to the pub In ami i harges .1 Silt greens fee tor nine holes and $1' for 1H holes \\ itli the completion of tile course. Jeffries ifesi rifled it as '.in 11 pst ale daily i nurse l lie i ondition ol the course is ,1 lot better than most d,ul\ 1 nurses he s.lid A lot of that has to do with the work ol tile i reu and some of the tea tines that are unique to daih golf Jeffries said that most of the uniqueness" to the (.nurse re lali's to the 1 onstriK tion ol the 1 nurse and the drainage system installed Hut the most attention has been on today's 1 elehritv open that 1 ame about bet ause of |n . .ilisen |etft ies said It 1 ame about fiom a gra 1 unis offer from I’eter when he was here for a football game last \ eat. lie said lie told us PLAN EARLY! indoor Storage units. ■>• 11 ■ • i- -n■■in.iT * clan P'lc ■ SuDpa iin-iteo 5x10 $23.00 monthlv 5x8 $18.00 monthly Nr. unit f i'c with ■’ nr >nth renta! PROTECTED STORAGE CO. ;:iiur bS CKr 361 Shelley St. Springfield, OR. 707-4573 Shopping For A Better World MORE THAN 350,000 COPIES SOLD ’ THE EXPANDED. 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UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00 6:00 346 4331 th.it one c thf course \\ .is < um plele he (I love to come down and do it "We looked around at dates and mate hod his si hedule. leffries said With the i ourse being off the Delta Hell lane highway in Ku gene, leffries said it made sense to ini hide Hrooks and Monswi I he event was helped out hv )a i olisen s brother David a lor mer (fregon golfer who on ns a turf i ompany in Cortland I think it s going to he an other fun day ." leffries said of the i elelit ity event "It’s a great wav to kick it off leffries also said he thinks the completion of the Riverside course serves an important pur pose to the community file Kligene-Npi ulgllfld i ommumty is full of re< roatiou al sports and goll is urm he i oming a part of that. he said I think I iddlet s and t )aky\ ay li.ne done a great job hut they le just a small part ot the goll nil he Duck tennis defeats UP krvin ( airv took .1 straight sets will dviM Cortland s Mikr \lalin .mil then teamed with lames Hazard for a doubles win hut Malm and leant knauss 11 > lead the Oregon men's tennis team to an ft 1 win over the I’i lots Tuesdav in kugene I ed Rubin heal Ned I lastings in straight sets in \o 1 singles pla\ and teamed with |on Weinberg to beat Rob Weber and Andrew Cosgrove in don hies Robert \lkin beat Weber in \o -! singles ,uid Christian ( telke beat Andrew ( osgmv 1 Atkin also teamed with kevm Nottlemvre to beat Hastings and and 11ih\ kra\el in doubles Ireshman led rhoreu tin islied singles play for the I )ui ks. taking (an of krav el in straight sets 7-V t> t knauss treat |ou Weinberg it in ns to take Cortland's onh u in -vr BAMdO ® Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hour*: Downstairs M 1 h It .00 7 00 f Sa II 00 4 10 Cloyrd Su< 'days Hours: UpsUIrs M 1h4 30 10 00 r Sa S 00 10 30 Cluvrd Sundays * AMNDOUM) * GREAT FOR PARTUS AND BIRTHDAYS ItfVIDEO t GAMES All GAMES WORK WITH NICKELS ADMISSION ‘1 SO STM STRUT PUIUC MARKET iUCERE • M3-R4K4 L ookmg tor a good deaP Check the Emerald ADS