Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    _U niversit y_
Pledge more than symbolic act
K\ C hristopher Bl.iir
i mcr.ild \ov\s I ditor
It ItaHot Measure b passes in
nest week's campus elections,
graduating seniors will be
asked to sign .1 voluntaiv
pledge stating the\ w ill im esli
gate the environmental ( nnse
(|ttenees ot jobs thev eonsidei
rhe idea ol .1 1 ninment ement
ecology pledge is not new The
!‘IH7 graduating 1 lass .it ( ali
forma's Humboldt State I'm
versitv was presented with a si
milar pledge
Matt N'ie.ndemus. foundet ot
the (Iraduation Pledge ot Soi i.d
and Ian imnmenlal Kesponst
hilitv and head ol (hadu.lte
Pledge Alliam e at I lutnholdl
Slate l hiivorsitv. said at a small
group presentation I'uesdav
that the voluntary pledge is
more than a symbolic <u t
\'n odemus said the pledge
represented a need tin environ
mental editi ation not gist at
i ommeiK ement. hut in all
phases ot undergraduate edui a
t ion
Students are not being e\
posed to a lot ol ideas about the
environment in I lieu 1 lass
rooms," he said "They re not
being taught to i onnet I w hat
th«\ re being taught in 1 lass to
the outside w 01 Id
\ieodemus said the pledge
alteaiK ottered at several other
colleges around the country
1 mild 1 hange the wav students
v lew i oinmeni ement ai tiv ities
"What would happen d Id
vc.irs Irmn now il .it si hools .ill
miM thr world people took into
.11 c.mint thr rm ironmrnt.il ini
|i.li t ot thr |()hs they i imsidrl
\n minims .iskril \\ r think it
is ,t real possibility th.it thr
graduation ceremony wr know
in thr w urlil i on hi mill r
I Ian ( Host! I liimhohlt Stiitr s
slmlrllt ho(K vii r president
rln I .mil ,i proponrill ot his
si .hold's pledge program. ot
fered Ins views on the pledge,
saying it w.is linin' Ih.m an is
sue ot politic <d i.orrri tness
t o mi' it s enlightening
I lose s.nil It makes glailua
lioil w li.it It should hr 'l ou'Ve
all heard thr expression 'Think
glohalli ,11 t lot alK I low loi al
ran mui get' What's more loi a I
Ih.m vomself ’
( lose said opposition to thr
pledge m.i\ come either hum
students who do not under
stand it is voluntary or Irotu
those who will i onsider onh
material profit in their i areers
A lot ot people take this
pledge as ottensive.* he said
I lie onh ollen.se a person i an
take is that there's no i lausr
that sals unless the |ol) pays a
lot nl money It you re from
the ideology where monel is
the liiittniii line then yes, this
pledge null he offensive to
\snle from that aspri t t dose
said signing the pledge had
nothing to do w ith politic x
the pledge is nellhel lett
uni right he said It's up
(Itliel I olleges hal e imple
mented a similar rmiiineiue
(. unturned trom t’.n;e I
culture Me said ill** t niversitv
.urn-i il In mount .1 mural lit.it
depicts the stiUKult'"I l 'hit .mu
people. 1’liis (Minima util he
till' I n st mural 1 in 1 .1 mpus tll.lt
represents | >i *c 1 p 11 ■ ill culm
Hf,Illl'S Sfiill -
\|| ( li.\ ri'i iiltunetuied th.it
the I iiivi isity hue linin' people
ut i idol .tnd strive tin lietlei ie
1 rmtuient .uni retelltinn ut mi
iionlv t.u ult\ members I he
ertiup .ilso recommended uth-l
ing more classes in Native
Altierii an studies ( liicanu
studies Atrn an A merit an
studies and Asian Amerii an
Project Safertde stall memliei
him Young said the I'niversitv
must take a greater stand in the
light In prevent rape mi 1 am
l)n<' til three women will Ih■
niped iii her lifetime. Young
said And mi college (.mt
pilM'S. 'Ml [tell cut III those
women aren't going to le prill
it Mi is shows .1 m, t |i > i oppres
sioii tit wmiii'ii .11it) it s nut be
ing sulfa lent 1 v ( onfrinill'll
Sitalent I ampaign ioi 1 hsar
mament co-direi tor Shannon
( MlVI'l s.lld llll'lc lld-S lll'l'll .1 I dll
!u repeal the bans on unlit.uv
funding ill Imsit st ientitn re
seen b on i ampu.s and a! Rivet
imiil Resean li Park She
stressed the importance id
keeping these bans int.ii t add
ing. Repealing them would
pumtedh tty in the tai e ot ai a
demil freedom
Wcipics (i,ntinut‘(*in,,n *
■\W'r,. going id fight it but ui' ii' n-.ilistii cnuugh to so- th.it v\r
need In work with it Maples said w«int a due. t sav mi
where the monev goes
(ommunitv relations Maples and t le-hmait n ! th.it th.-v
would look in a biggei trame tor wavs to improve relations hr
Ivn.tii students and then I iiiversitv area neighbors
It s not thr t ’ni\fisit\’s responsibiht v to find things to do everv
night o| the week tor underage students. ( ushman - aid I lie i uin
inunit\ should provide u< tivities tor high school students and oth
ei people under 2 1 she added
Maples and (aishman said then strength lies m then ms,d
ei outsider ha. kground Maples a current I Id member lias been
a..live in student hndv government as due. tor ot the I.MI Hoaid ot
Dire, tors and .is a member ot the Asso. lated Students Presidents
\dv isorv (iouiu il
( dishman said her outsider point ot view comes from vvoiking
m her sorontv and from her t.innly s involvement in San Diego
polities which im hides fund raising and . haritv work
I have had a lot experience working with groups and dealing
w itli people, she said
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Malt \i< odornus
lilt'll! plf tlgf '.lu ll .is I Ilf l (
Hi i kflf\ t lifinisli \ tlf|>.irl
lllfllt S.lll I Mill 1S( o Si,Ilf . .mil
Stanford I imcrsits
As l.tr .is mvostig.iling potru
11.11 omplovors goes \n utlf
mus s,inl iii.iiu fnvirimnifiil.il
groups i lift k ( tmip.iiiit's Ini
llifii fiivirtiiimt'iiliil li.tints, ami
lliat sltiilfills should go lo llifsf
groups Ini uifonn.ition
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