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Inside Southside Fitness Open 7 days a week at 2681 Willamette St. 687-0138 __University— ASUO debate to be held tonight M! 1 1 INt.S Im I it (lommittee will hold ,1 budyi’i hoariitk 1 'hursdas mu,lit ,il i' tl) in KM1 I 1'il.U Kim mi I) In buili’rt icijucsts (mm the Mhlctli I)•■ (i.irtmi'iit ill needed) .uni the nvt a Men \kmihsI Rape \\ 11 i meet luninht .it 7 in I Ml ( cntiii\ _Kt als_ Kiiiiiii I) New members .ire weh nine For more informa lion. i .ill U4t> l.'ttti Students tor t inted Nations meets 1011111111 .it I. in Room 1H0 str.mli Druids meet toni|jhl .it n lot membership selei lion m Room I Ml Slr.mli InterfraterniH ('.oumil I’resi dents ( oilIII il meets tonii>lit .it i. .it the k.ipp.i Sigma fraternils Ballroom Dame (.lull meets tonight at H to in Room tall 1 lei lintel Amies ' f xm. Men's and women's belted and quilt-lined black motorcycle jackets for an unbelievably low price. Plus, Free leather bike gloves and belt bag with each jacket! 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Both and I’syi he: I lie Kn\ironmental ( risis and rranslormation ol Human N.i lure" is ihr title of ail Karth Week presentation to hr given In Mark I a airs I *1 i II today at 1 ill p m in the 1 All lien Kin del Room 1 f oIIIimil s ot t tie Kef \a I mg Market " 1 i. . •( an Karth Week panel discussion leatui illg I’alUeia Hmiiett to he held lod.n at 1 id in the I Alt I n Room MISt 1 I KAM I II S I lie 1111 (Alumina The iIi'ImIi1 is sponsored In the A SI () lid linns President Myles Brand will hold open ollii r 11• >11 r>- todii\ Ironi I In ,"i p m in Ins offi< e I in Johnson Ii.dl Students l.n uIt\ .ind shift .ire u eh nine (hill Mh III lb In m,ike ,i Jll minute .ippnintment Wednesday night Student Mass will he held tonight at *i ,il the New man ('enter. lHntl Kmerald St A short so< ial will lollou Student Bible Sharing mg on "(tommunitv" will tie held tonight at 7 III at the New man ( rntei. 1850 Kmerald St Poetrv reading featuring (!)ii nese Amerii an poet I i Young w ill he held tonight at 8 in Room toil Willamette Moving t)\er Stone is the title of a video about rex h i limbing to he shown today at I J ill p m in the (lutdour Pro gram's nlfii e in the basement ol the KMt' CiO-KOM Tutorial on the Alii INT’ORM (business) data base will be held todav at ■) |> ill 111 the Ret ere in e I Jepart ment. knight l,ibrar\ Iteadluu■ Inr suhmittinp I t ills In thr I merald Inml desk I A// ' Suite Util, is in a hi tin' da\ before publication It .ils run the iin\ nl the e\enl unless 'he evi'lll occurs before noon /'/ease submit 1.1 a/s the il.n be fore the\ ,ire to run onli Vo lues ul events with ,i ilunation oi admission rh,uve w ill not he ai i epted (ianipils events ■uni those sclietluled nearest the puhlit ation date w ill he i>i\ en priority The Kmerald reserves the i iphl to edit tin grammar and st\ le Grossmcklaus ( ontinucd Irom Pam1 <> and unrkuii: with groups hue I<> 1.11«• are I Ik1 sttint n ms ti i gioups failing In slum lui their budget hearings (imssiiit said In agreed \v iih this ve.ii s IM rule (it not binding groups that tall to slum at then s< heduled heal lugs It the\ don't come it seems they don't need (lie mini e\ lie snid ( dnssmi kl.itis .1 juiiiiii in.i joiing in Imsuiess marketing .mil management is i urrenlh rush i h.m ot the hi lerfrateinity (!oiini il .md tins heel i j i.i st rush i 11.Ill 111,111 III the Sigma Phi I psilon frater il it \ "25 Years of Qualify Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 342-2912 Eugene. Oregon 97403 In the name ol God the Beneficent, the Merciful THE WORLD WIDE DAY OF QUDS (JERUSALEM) DEMONSTRATION I «»N ( \ \ »• i I ifaiftli Hark HI am HaUas 1\ Kt iim-iH HI am In .i«m of the ongoing oppression throughout the world especially m Palestine where the Zionist usurpers nave >e#n .nvolved in a genocide agamst me indigenous inhatu ant» the i«te Imam Khomeini proclaimed the Day of Quds . s.iiem. as a day of solidarity with the oppressed throughout the world Wejiwite you to participate m the demonstration to be this occasion \|t X| |\| X| | lit \ I \ x SSI M i V 1 l< >\ 1‘hhm X|t l \ » MIH»X| Ul' will \ \ V11 x I’d ii.^ iii:: \iimhi i \ 94'u». < Pul k M'liiiml.