Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Maples ticket touts accessibility
By Catherine Hawley
Emerald Assoi iate Editor
At i essihilitv and student
representation are the founda
tions of the (umpaign fot
A St'() president and vit e presi
(lent i ondiu led h\ i undulates
Ste\ e Maples and Diane (lush
Mii|ih's and ( uishnian have
appeared at popular campus
handouts dm mg their i am
paigns to listen to students
i oik erus and both said the\
w ill at tiveh seek student feed
hai k d elei ted
(fill open door polk V is
meet ini; students in comfort
able env ironuienls.' Maples
Rennie s and Hubbas are
mill a start (lush man added
\\ e'd he doing that on top ot
out regular!\ si heduled offic e
hours and we would go to
other pi,n es as w ell
Maples said he and ( ushnian
would like to see students
elei teil instead of appointed
to committees that deal w ith
i rui lal student issues mi hid
mg student health insurant e
"Anything that affei ts stu
dent tees should he elei ted not
appointed. he said
Both i undulates said am at
lion they take on health insur
ame will he based on the re
Candidates Steve Maples and Diane Cushman would like to
pursue an open door polii i
suits of next uivk s advisors
ballot miMMlir vote
Maples <iiicl ( ushin.m s,mi
thus would llkr to bring togeth
i’i tin* I in idenfal In* ( omnut
tut' .Hid thr Student Senate In
form a iimn i ohrsivr rela
tionship riiiiinin the bi.mi hr-, of
student g(>\ cmnii'iil
\I.ipI♦ *s ,md ( ushman s
si.UK rs on other issues .lie
( hild i air I’here are m mir
problems w itli thr s\ stem
Maples said “Quality is good
w e w ant to keep thr ijualitv
hut better funding and shnrtei
waiting lists are issues that
nerd to be addressed
Maples said he and ( ushman
\\ ould ( Inselv follow the pro
gress of the I nited States Sfu
dent Assoiiation .is thr\ lobb\
foi better « hild « air fund mg
leather a< < mmtabil it v M.i
pies said hr would like to have
plull'SSOtS UK IIMSI' (ill'll office
hours ami mi reuse I In? impot
l.iiii r til class evaluations \la
pies saiil hi- is also interested in
investigating merit pay lor pm
lessors ha soil on t lass evalua
I lolls
Revenue sharing Maple,
anil ! ushman said lliev are
wan nl the proposal In have all
monel generating taiiversitv
ilepaitiuenls donate I pen fill
ol then piolits to hind new pm
giams ’ | don't see tin- logn
behind robbing established pro
glams to start lieu ones
( ushman said
However Maples said lie is
w iiling to work u ■ tli the ad
ministration to ensure lumis
generated from revenue sharing
go to programs students need
Turn to Maples, Page 7
Ofd«*r* lo CiOf
(fo«m/ fmxi I* M hml
iM*>r mil mtumt'
I>i»iI\ Spcciuls On Delicious,
Juic> «Jt Krfifshinjj
Siihinuriiu- Samluii hi's
Bur<t«vr. fr. Pin*.
12-0/ ioft drink
SoujtN • Siil.uK * Sauerkraut * I'ittulii
S-iI-kI * Burner. * t rie-' * Huklnn's * lurm.in BtcatK
“Wlr Sprachan Dautach"
'lOt Brnarltt at • \ir<m from Ihinkiii IBinulv.
Mnn.-Jri. lOu.m.-Np.m.
Vote to elect
Steve Maples &
Diane Cushman
to ASUO President & Vice President
Grossnicklaus eyes fairness
Bs Dan t isler
I inerald Reporter
I ail. objet live and impartial
allot atioits nt student funds is
iht' main goal of Iih idental lee
(innunittee candidate ! mi
(irossnii klaus
(.msMiit klaus. s\ lin is mu
mug Ini a one sear seat said lie
HOUR'S In 111. SSltil till' perspei
five ut a Ice paving student and
would take <i lair look at allot a
lions to student groups "It's
lust a numbers game, and urn
i an t come in with personal
agenda.'' he said
The l 'niversity i ap on enroll
ment has meant a reduction in
the amount of student fees
available for student groups
(irossmi klaus said adding that
an im lease in existing inc iden
tal fees would he pru mg sin
dents out of an education
"As a student you don't want
to pas more and more tor stuff
snu're realistii alls not going to
use ' (irossmi klaus said
I units should be alloi ated
"ui lording to boss much tiles
(groups) need and il tiles' can
instils svlis tiles need that
much.' (irossmi k laus said
WII 1 tl \MA,<
Tim Grossni< klaus
Vmi lime In In- sort ill ills
i rnninating and look into
u liiMf lliis money's going tu
"It's niev il.iblo sumr group
w ill imin- asking for ini reuse
lit' said, lull it's essential to
find out the reason for the in
i rease and help groups find al
tentative suurt es ol funding
(Irnssnii klaiis said hi' op
posed IK< defii it spending ami
ai ross the-board i ills for
groups In the III "A little hit
ol eliii ienm is needed ’ he
I'll like to see the budget
problems wiped out
t Irossint k Ians said The III.
funds ol over Si '■ million
should be manageable he said
liu reused i ommutut ation be
tween lit .mil student groups
Turn to Grossnit klaus, Page t>
big (
between y
and ot
„ * > ins)
wi rtba
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