Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    DICKS on a 110LL
Thursday April 19. 1990
7:00 p m
McArthur Court
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\ mi i»rc* I omoi i ow .
\ Oil all r l In* N;»\ > .
Baily plans to lobby Legislature I
Hr ( nthcrme Harrier
I merald \"(m into t dilor
Heller funding lur highei ed
in .ill.mi .uni i htlil t .in- .mil .m
i \ci utive <>tfit i• stall represent
mu .ill students are the prion
in s Ini \SI’() candidates Kirk
Under and Sheila Slit kel
I lie Pi'll legislative \ e.ii w ill
i» high on the priority list in
ihe A SI I I exei nine ullii e s.iul
Stu kel \S1 I ) pulilli lt\ ( mil
She .mil H,iile\ \S1 ( ) I 'm
r ersitr all.iirs i oordinatm plan
lu work ( loselr w itil student
lobbyists lur improved stale
holding lur higher educ alion,
I.ii uIt\ salaries support tor
graduate teai lung fellows as
well as I in tilts lei lulling and
relent ion. Sin kel said
I he two i atididates also plan
In int hide as nun h ol the slu
dent liuiK as possible to stage a
visible campaign lor student is
sues while lire legislature is in
Were alreadv thinking
about letters phone tails and
rail les. St ii kel said We'd
also like to send van loads of
students up to Salem
H.ule\ and Stu kel plan to
work with the I'nited States
Student Association on higher
erlui ation funding issues tiler
Moreover Ihe two i undulates
pledged to include students
representing mans different
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Kirk Hailex and Sheila Slit kel plan to select a diverse e\et u
five M.lll
points «)l vit’vv ami organi/.a
lions on their ever olive slat!
Hailey and Stickrl said they
have met with various student
groups in the last work, includ
mg Mlm k Studont I 'more t ia\
and lesbian Alliance and
I hev said they plan to m
i I udi' representatives from
tliosi1 groups and others on
thru luring committor hrtorr
thr\ srIn t an r\t‘< utivr staff
Hailr\ and St it krl will also
maintain relationships with
studont groups next year
'Wr will bo doing things
like going to mootings and hav
mg niorr i asiial contai I w ith
studont organizations." Hailey
said W r d llkr to do tilings
hkr have a dinner a work with
the different groups
Tilt* two candidates have also
taken positions on the follow
mg issues
Student Health Insurance
ltaile\ and stu krl said they op
pose mandatory health insur
ante Students should have
the option to i house their own
student health insurance Mai
lev said
Revenue sharing We re op
posed to it Hailey said "It's
probably going to he the hist
stiaw tor a lot ot people
( ampiis safety Hailey a
member ot the i ampus lighting
committee, said his office will
oversee the implementation of
the last phases of the lighting
Bailee .1 politii.al si ieni e
major, said he would also like
to see the role of the Student
Response Team expanded to in
( lude an escort service toi
women walking on or near
1 ampus after dark The SK I is a
team ot students \\ ho i urrenth
monitor weekend parties in the
I 'niversitv area
"It's been shown that most
sexual assaults in this area take
place on the periphery of cam
pus not on the ; ampus itself
said Hailev who works on the
I'nwanted Sexual Attention
1 ask Force "Most people live
one or two blot ks oft campus
and 1 mild benefit from an addi
lional servit e to Saferide vans
he said
Both Bailev and Stu kel have
bar kgrounds in student govern
rnent Besides their 1 uncut
ASl’O positions Bailey lias
been involved in the I’re law
Soiietv. t 111 v ersit v Housing
and t he ( mist But ion ( a nu t
Stu kel a journalism mu|or
held several positions in Ini
v ersitv Housing, including iesc
dent assistant and a seal on the
housing area standards board
Final debate slated tonight
Thr set mid .mil Iiii.i 1 AS!'() (ircsuicnli.il iIcImIc ul ibis \c.n ■>
i iiiupaign will be held tmughl .it ? ill in Kuum 1 >il ( Mlumbi.i
1 lie formal of lod.ix's diTi.il>' spiinstuvd bv the VSt () clci
lions board, will lie dillcrcnl Irnm lust week s Alter a two minute
opening statement Irnm t .miliii.itcs Sieve Maples Diane Cuslim.m
and bnk Ha ilex Sheila SI u kel. ink h tii ke| will have the opportuni
ty to gull the other on two issues
Xitel response anil rebuttal candidates will take questions
I rum the .mdieiH e lielore making three minute i losing statements
\ otmg in primary elei tions will take plane l hiirsd.iv and In
.lav Students will select candidates tor A SI l ) president an.I vice
president In. itleiit.il l ee taimmittee Student Senate 1 All Hoard
and President's Advisorv ( ouni il
Students will vote oil ballot measures and .lei ide am run oil
rai es during next week's general elei lions April _!i> and _’T
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