_Letters Persecution Human spirit is annealed in adversity Letters from other front h inkers independently < onfirm they Inn. are subjec toil to persistent persei ulinn In (Christian hooligans whenever their (ontrovorsial views are published in loi al media Mam organized Ghrislians .ire prepared to devote energv. money and leisure to i riminal Iv impiise their so< i.il. edm a tional. political and religious agenda on i itizens l lie tighter an area's ei mio mv the more pervasive the rear h of religion whii h places many people in employment through i huri h networks Atheists who state their y iew s openly find their auto mobiles vandalized; thin slop driving I'heii use ot public transportation places them un der III) i omiminic .itions sur veillam e Thin are targets ol abusive phone calls, linn give up their phones 1 here are in dications devout ((inspirators employed bv the phone i ompa in are able to exploit the min i a< ies ol elei Ironic s to violate opponents' pri\ ac\ Ghristians trash, vandalize and steal properlv Atheists are harassed and sabotaged al work bv devout ( o workers in leder al stale, county and ( 11\ work places so performatH e evalua lions suffer and they are Ion ed to (|iiit well paving but less than sec lire government etn plovment made demeaning In conspiratorial followers ol (.in inexistent) "( aid by en some lugene polu.e have part it ip.it ed m stu h harassment One is amazed at the Inch i rous i hums ol an all pouei lid" (Christian "God. app.u ently so lazy that be allows (us devotees to so disgrace them selves in dishonorable conduct in his name that they put the lie to all claims ol < hush,in moral rec titude when he might resolve the issue himself1 Meet lr\hn f-.ugene The future Some ot the letters regarding the March II party riot have maligned the c harm let ot i lid dren l ihildren do Inn e a plac e in tills disc ussioli. hut not as negatire examples Kevin Dalllstrom (()/)/ April 'll tells c ullage students to grow up and ac t like adults \\ In do "adults ai I w rough some tunes' liec arise as very young independent minded til illinnt babies and c hildren yy e are all taught to be like someone else like out parents our siblings our parents' role models etc TERIYAKI ALLEY Japanese Chicken Curry With Rice & salad $2.95 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 This preot eupation u ilh what others think instead ol wli.it our inn,iti' inner beings think results in mot) |>s\i holt) gv .is well .is verv Iragit losses ol human potential (Ireg dhapman (()/)/•. April 0) talks about reat lions from "junior high kills upon being told In their parents to go to betl " There is no parallel be tween junior high kids wanting to make their ow n det isions and partvgoers disturbing then neighbors It allowi>tl freedom. t hildren might make some mistakes Ooh. horrors! Adults are al lowetl to make det isions anti mistakes as long as thev tlon’l infringe on others rights Win not children? How ran voung adults ever take responsibility for them selves when their lives until re tenth have been so largely tie termined bv then parents det i slims7 Are thev even t apable of handling freedom in a high el stakes world after years of op pression in a lower stakes w orltl ’ People are not born w itli the unfeeling, antagonist it pow erplaving behav ior of some po lit e nor w ith tint onlrollahle partv drives Thev got that w av (I row in not up Alice Hern tvugene Three points This letter addresses Rob jet ferson’s letter " Presenlat ion" |( )l H Api d 1 _!| To begin w it h I wholeheartedly agree with |ef ferson I’m sit k and I iretl of hearing about the spotted ow 1 I tlo believe, however the harvesting of old growth must stop tin the sake of humans (more specific allv latei genera turns), not tin the sake of owls It is niv contention the old growth is more valuable in the long run standing The argument feffersnn gives ignores three verv important points first ol all tintbei. es pet i.tllv old grow 111 is a finite t ommoditv The tilt 000 people referred to in the letter would be taken i are ol today . but w hat about the years 01 i tune ’ I'he set ond problem is that technology not spotted owls is what has put the most log gers out ol work I'he thud point is even though tubs dropped continual Iv through the lilts ( tregoli s eronomv was restarted from a major ret ession and t ontinues to grow Hus growth has come and must continue to (time from divorsifit at ion of the economy Albeit in a del reusing pro portion Oregon still ladies on timbei for a large share ol its In a t u ral F I B E R S |Q U A L I T V j;CLOTH ING j: AFFORDABLE J P R I C E S 1 3 Banyan 'Iree i k s i i s i h J j t, o A S S |l | | ft M .. fl s i I ! revenue Bui let s use tins dwindling ii'sinm i' wisely \nil lei s not strip (begun ol the tew nlil growth sl.iiuis re inclining Kndnev I dvIon I i nnninii s Failures As ,in Xinerii .in studies me jnr. 1 .mi estremek upset with the ddnunislr.it ion s l.iilure In iiddress the prnhleni lit finding .1 repldi ement lor the t urrenl AMS itiret tm w Im lids Been nf lered ,1 lielter position .it .1 (lit ferenl mm ersitv Although the department is sin.ill the field ot Aitiern .111 Studies is \ irtualk unrei og 111 zed .is important enough to retdin .is .1 nidjm with the t im ersit\ t here is .1 signili 1 .ml number ot students ,ind Idi nils w ho support keeping the department vet the admin istraticin lulls to answer our ipieries 1 ike the Kliet (loin dep.irt inent. which h.is been severeU reduced, the WtS dep.irtmenl is t.u mg .1 simildi sitn.ition How m.im progrums will the ddininistr.itlon phase out hetoie the I niversitv liei nines .inothei inetiii►( 1 e school ’ Not ill ot us w ,inl to tie 1111 s 1 ness or si lent e majors .mil it’s time lh.it the administration rei ugni/es th.it t.u t 11 ill 1 ( ooper \merii an Studies For OSPIRG If wr lhr individual i iti/cns ul Kartli. wish In work tu rr \ ri se Ihr trrricl low aril trashing ihr |)liiIH'l. ur lim'd In rsaniHir suinr sui.irl.il .ill iludrs U I- t mild si,111 hv Util .issiim mg Iti.it prtiplr n h11 rnlr Ihi hits tin mi bn atlsr thrv i annul ailurd .111 autnmohilr Ur (mild also stall h\ mil assuming thal |iruplr u ho pit k up i ails lllrrr l\ nrnl Ihr nu krl U r i oulil start In blinking of in \i ling as a iinrss.us pail ul 1 itr inslrail nt snnirlhing linin' In a para mini sector nl sni irlv Ur lin'd In rladII air ihr sin; mas llial tlirsr and similar alii tlldrs i rralr so that nil h (it Us will hr 11 rr In dn u hid uc can In imprint' tin- plant'! and make ha a Inglici ipialilv nt life I think (begun SIiji11• nt I’iiii In Inlrirst Krsran h I Iroup is making I'ttnrts in this dun linn and hi'lit'Vr llial ur as sill drills, shnuld continue In slip purl thi'sr rllnrls In voting Ini OSIMRI! in ihr upcoming rln linn I !hrr\ I Ursrlrr Student ✓ Classic World v Travel 343-1992 | • • Railway • 1 July 27, \ hit the So\ u i L nion 1 I imileJ ('So C h.iriu lion s.(' M l 10-4 '■■u (trepan It;iiI\ _ _ Emerald I’M H..\ »l<1 U(rw l»irg.>fl,»'4U« Th**0 < ;• ■ i i , ! nv » l ••• , r shed V i n thr .gt f -id.iy *•. u ept ■h.■ ■; ••t.,"' aiv'H v.1 i! i n* f>y |h# Oregon D*»ly Erne i d Put thing C .it the Umver«nty at 0»eg-on Eugene Oregon The f fT’**'.u• 1 s ■U'«*tat«Kj independently if I ho University with oMu w» . -n IN* thud " • * the i ft- Mc"i, •• .,i U'm -• and is i member • ' the As*. cited P-•••>>. 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