Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1990, Page 2, Image 2

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Pick Bailey/Stickel
for ASUO top spot
A tolling question during last week's ASl'O presi
dential debate- between Kirk Bailey-Sheila Shekel and
Stove Maples-Diane Cushman was posed when an au
dience member asked the candidates to state three
wavs m which they differed from their opponents ire
sides their bail c olor
Hie question was indicative of the lar k of interest
in this year's presidential ele< linn There appears to be
a public perception that the candidates are inter
i hangeable and that students are being asked to pi* k
betwei-n blondes Ken and Barbie (Bailey Slicked) and
brunettes Reggie and \ eronioa (Maples < hishman)
Both teams do possess photogenic', good looks, but
the pen option ■ if malleable politicians is unfair be
( a use it short* hanges one set of candidates Bailey and
Stic.kel are clearly belter qualtlied to hold the ASl'O
post than Maples and Cushman are For that reason,
the Orvgon l).n!\ l nu‘i<tl(l endorses Bailey Stic.kid for
\St () president and vk e president
Bailey ami Shekel are already familiar with the
\SI O Bailey is the I uiv r• isity affairs c oordinator and
Shekel is advertising publicity coordinator During
their year in the oilic.e. Bailey and Stic.kel have helped
put together worthwhile projects such as Creating A
Rape-tree Invnonment Week and Taking AIM. and
have served on important task forces dealing with
i bild i aio and gay and lesbian concerns
Bailey and Stic.kid also demonstrate the greater
i otic ern over next year's big issue" higher educa
tion funding iron) the stale They promise to make it
top priority and lobby constantly- for it Their aware
m-ss that next year is a legislative session is espec iallv
i mi nil because they have a bead start in A St'() lobby -
mg Were Maples Cushman to get elec ted, students
would have to wait (or them to get up to speed at a
lime when we < an t give them the luxury of time
On then resume alone, Bailey Shekel have enough
to do the job But they also have an understanding of
student needs their opponents don't have, and that's
wli.il distinguishes them Irom Maples Cushman
During the campaign. Maples and Cushman dem
onstrated how out of touch with students and ASl 'O
politics they really are. Examples are numerous
• In the debate. Maples (Irishman talked about how an
\SI () newsletter would improve communication be
tween tin- office and student groups until it was
pointed out th.it the already existing ASl'O newsletter.
(Ill llir Ki'i (Htl. is being dropped for lack of readership
w ,\i(i|)irs i.UMiMuiii n let»i« mm ii m mni <11 i v >mui i i i \
with .m "open door” policy. where students could
• ti.it with them informally at Rennie's Landing. an olf
( .iiiipus Ir.ii I hat \ Irequenleil mostly liv nvci -21 greeks
Some Open door ‘ When asked to state where else
they would hold "open doors.'' the\ promised to meet
elsewhere hut couldn't mime an alternate plai n
• When <isked about putting together a stall. Ma
ples (lushman pledged to follow affirmative action
guidelines Hut in last week's debate. Cushman dem
onstrated she had no idea w h.it affirmative action is In
our endorsement hearing, we asked where they'd find
staflers Maples suggested dormitories, fraternities and
sororities hut completely failed to mention ethnic stu
dent unions or campus activist organizations
Maples and Cushman .ire nice people. The /■.’iner
a/(/ endorsed Maples tor a seat on the Incidental Fee
Committee last year, and he's done a good job. Cush
man is very involved with her sorority and in philan
thropy pro jet Is Hut the two haven't distinguished
themselves beyond a limited campaign with limited
appeal, Ihc- only major endorsement they've received
lias been from the Greek Endorsement Committee. On
the other hand, Hailey Stickel have been endorsed by
Amazon Community Tenants. Black Student Union.
Gay ami Lesbian Alliance. Native American Student
Union, Saferide. Women's Resource and Referral and
numerous other campus organizations.
Hailey and Stickel are aware of the needs of all stu
dents on campus. They've raised important issues of
higher education funding, child care, women's con
cerns and minority empowerment.
Maples and (Irishman have raised few issues of
substance and have certainly offered no answers. In a
legislative year of such importance we need our ASUO
executive to be a little more decisive, a little less
I or this election, the Emarald prefers blondes. Go
with Hailey Stickel.
I Li 5 %'
Letters _
Go Peg
As Si'll.ill1 \ 1.1H II il\ leader.
i‘vi' worked < losels svrth Sen
I ‘eg lulin 11) ( aittage (.rovi*) .mil
I havt' i ome to respei t lii'i very
Sen |oll!l iv always clear
about where she stamis on is
sues ami it s always on the
side ol tin people she repie
sents She is decisive and de
pendable. she doesn't play
games \\ ilh hei vote
Sen |nhn is also influential
with hei < olleagues and vers
produi live I hose s\ ho has e
any doubts should look at the
landmark consumer protection
legislation she guided through
as I hair ol the I elei oinmilim a
lions and Consumer Affairs
Committee last session (uttk
tax phone solicitation, labeling
tor organiially gross u toods
Sen lolin handled those and
lots more
\\ e all klioss |olin i ail dig in
hei heels too When ss e started
to target slate mones to reliese
tin1 burden in si hool dislrn Is
ssith especially high lax rates
Sen |o!in stood firm, insisting
that si hools in her distrir I ss ilh
the ssoisi lates be included in
the reliet ellort She sson t ap
lur ing a total ol near Is S.t -1
million toi si hool districts in
her area
Sell |olin Is pities tile lies! ill
pubiit offit e holders she lights
lor those ss ho tdei ted hei tor
all the people 111 Senate 1 )|s(i u |
Sen Mill Hradhury
Senate Majority header
I believe
()n April ). I i hulleiigfd
front-runner Have I rohnmuser
to debate the issues I look my
i hullenge to the steps ol I hi
capitol in Salem to show Ore
gomans the seriousness of my
i ampaign
Here’s a look at svhere I
I support e< onomic develop
merit initialises for logging
i ommumties hit hx ens iron
mental logiams Cooperative in
ternational manufar turing sen
tores r an keep these communi
ties svorking Cutler my leader
ship. Oregon ssill torus on
bringing life to finished svood
products value added agrii ul
tural produi ts and tourism
I Ireln>\e (lt.it sustained et 11
immii development in tins
slalf will rest mi till- base ill a
moderate salt's tax coupled
\\ it li a it-il iHri 1 and tapped
prnpertv tax The sales tax is
tlu- tancst \\ av to give ( hegnil's
i hildren a sound sourt e ol
school funding \ew funding
under my propositi, would
i nine from et onomii growth
and rising property values not
int teased tax rales
I support a i rime pat kage ol
t omprehensive diversion pro
grams tor voung offenders: and
guaranteed maximum sen
tent es lot habitual t mutuals
Many issues point to diffet
eiit es between I-ntlinmny er and
myself I propose to bring
down health i are anti workers
t tuiipeilsatum t tists to get the
homeless off the streets, to pro
t ide day t are not null to the
(hildren of working parents,
but also to our ailing and tie
pendent senior citizens
I III mil believe that w hell ( )i
egonians have a real t fioit e
they will make the light ( hoII e
And in the interest ol harness
to I roll Umax ei twill keep m\
offer to debate open
lolin K him
Kepuhln an gubernatorial
t andidate
Go vote
As ,ni involved lit not overly
involved| student in campus
at tivities at the levels ol niv de
partment college and the I'm
V el sit V I teel obliged to make
several suggestions regarding
tile upt tuning elet lion
first, and primarily vote All
too often I hear tin* apallletit
student bitterly complain about
the problems inherent in the
system, about the rising t ost of
student tees, about the power
lessness of the "common stu
dent" m I 'diversity affairs Ab
staining trnm the vote is cmin
terprodm live, in that it actual
Iv serves to amplify these prob
Second, and perhaps more
important, make an educated
vote Research both the issues
and the r undulates Remember,
m dealing with serious issues
mere popularity does not an el
let live leader make
f inally and definitely most
upinionatedly. I encourage you
to vote the Hailey Slit kel tit ket
in the ASl'O executive rate
I'pan llir following the above
guidelines. I think you tan tt ill
find this a i 11*.ir and obvious
i hail e
lirian S.imlt
Psy< Imlogy
I ,1111 \\riting in regard to tIn*
Ilersonal c Inn.11 tcristii s ol
Steve Maples and I finne l dish
m.m. i andidntes Ini AS! (I
president .ind \ it e president
Maples and Cushman have
proven to lie lenders not only ill
their i nmpus at tivities. hut in
then relation to theii peers and
I nit ersity olf it iahs As moti
t ated iudit iduuls llie\ hn\ e
the intelligence organizational
and communication skills and
abilities that enable them to be
otter live leaders in the oHit e ol
\SI ’( ) president and vii e presi
\ot only have Maples and
t usliman held esperieni e in
side AM '( ) they hat e had in
tensiy e leadership exponent e
outside, which provides them
w ith all edge to \ iert the pro
spei live situations as both lead
ers and students
Mv support is with Maples
and Cushman and I hope touts
is too on Apt il l'l and JO
Paul Terjeson
In defense ol I hr Simpsons.
the lettei Had Hart" {1)1)1.
April 1A| shows that Cart Hat
lit has missed the poult I hr
Simpsons is a modern satire et
posing multiple l.ivers ol mu
sin ial machine
Tile show is scheduled for
Sund.it nights rather than Sat
urdat mornings Its target audi
fin e is primarily high st bool
and i allege students, and w hile
there are components ol the
show i hildren find amusing
the bulk ol the humor IS de
rived from painful childhood
memories and adult hypocris
ies tv It it h many ol us i an relate
Being reminded of these
things is, il anything, good, as
we will more easily recognize,
and therefore more easily stop,
similar situations mi the [ires
Jeffrey Hawkins