it mm He me ent ol me mm II m learn your car at Home. Ride LTD buses tor free on ’’Clean dir Commuter Day" Thursday April win. On Thursday, April 19th, you'll have a perfect chance to show you care about the earth, and our environ ment All you have to do is leave your car at home. And to make it easier on you, LTD is offering free bus rides all day! Clean Air Commuter Day is a great time to explore less polluting means of transportation You could try walking to work. Riding a bike. Car pooling with friends or fellow employees. Or ride LTD anywhere you want for free. You 'll see that you can go anywhere and do just about anything—without your car ever leaving the dnveway. Please join us in celebrating Earth Week. April 16th-22nd. and Clean Air Commuter Day on Thursday, the 19th. Remember, it won 't hurt to get out of your car for a day. And just one day without being a ‘ ‘single occupant commuter'' can help make a world of difference for all of us. Express YourseIII tine Transit District 687-5555 Think Globally. Act Locally. This message sponsored by LTD & The University of Oregon