Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1990, Image 1

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■ Candidate profiles, Pages 4*5
■ Campus events. Page 6
■ Graduation pledge, Page 7
■ Club sports, Page 9
■—-^.Oregon Daily_ _
W i'(l ll('S(l,l\ \ 1 > I 11 lii. 1‘1'H)
Kiu’ciuv ( ht'gon
\ ulumi' '11. Xunilii’r 1 i.i
McGovern proposes new peacetime Gl Bill
B\ Peter ( ogswcll
f mernld Reporter
I lie hist \ (Ml .mil ,| li.ill has lid'll olli'
iii the most momentous periods in poli
IK", lh.it (Inline Mil.mmi i an lemeiii
l)tT, lie s.iiil .it .1 Id tun- in tlir (iei'lingei
Alumni I.nurtgn Tuesdav
1'iH'i will hr l.ilii'ldi .is .i turning
I>i>i■ 11 in world |i(ililiis " Met Iiiiitii
s.iiil It w ill hr remembered .is tlir time
the I iold War ciuidi
1 lie nnr word that lias des< libed I S
foreign policy since World War II is
anti i omiminism Mi (iovern said
\uu events are moving so last it is
hard for people to keep up with them,
he said l lie Warsaw Par t has tail
lapsed and the Soviet I'ninn is intlii.il
ing a w illingness to reduce inn le.u
w eapims
I houghts are m the an that not onl\
has the ( old War ended, but now a
large ntimbci ol troops i an be safety
brought home, lie said
Mi (iovern attributed this new attitude
to a philosophical I hange in leaders ot
both the Soviet I'nion and the t niled
I think Mr (lorharhev was acting
from real economic pressure when he
realized that nucle.n weapons were not
worth it financially. he said It’s a
no w in situation for lioth ( ountries
Mi (iiivei n said the emphasis on mill
I.iia piodiii lion has tailed to meet con
Sllitler needs Pile things that ale being
produced are products people i an I
use M( (invent said 1 dull I think
anVoile here wants to Inn a submarine
oi a tank
Mi (iovern asked the audleni e to t cm
sidei what kinds ol tilings i oidd lie at
i oinptislied in the I uited Stales it nidi
I.iia spending w ere t ut in hall
Sureh at a time when no one seems
to be threatening us one would think
Photo Ik MjiIi.i 11... I
I ornwr /i/csii/i'/ilw/ i .miluLilr (irori;r Miluivrrn s.ml Ihv I S. i;<n rrnmnil
should pros ulr lor disfil.u nl drlrnsr norkors il thr milil,ir\ hud^rt is i ul ilur lo
Ihf ( old ll or s rod
substantial cuts could be m.nit' hr
lllrse proposed i uts would < .til tui
Millie (otiversiuu planning Mil.ovrrn
l ilt- I' s government also nerds In
plan lor workers who are laid oil be
i ause ol budget i tils
Mi ( invent t ailed for a owiseui of the
Id lid! llial was m filet I lor soltlit i a!
ler World Uni 11
This bill would provide lunding loi
1,11(1 off workers fo go 1 )ti< k to st hool in
older to get started on a new (nieei
path I he (.1 Hill helped Mr( iovern ie
turn to s. hool at Northwestern Ihiiveisi
t\ ctftei In* served as a bomher pilot in
World War II
\\ e need this program again tor de
tense Wolkels to tie given a i (lam e to go
hat k to a university to relearn.” he said
We need to give people a second shot
at lite to do what they want to do
Me (iovern finished In pointing out
f'holti h* \tuik ) /i'ii
\lsu I'uesil.n. Mitunern met with
journ.ilism students in Mini ll.ill in
ilisi iiss Uifiu s nun;iin; hum /nilitii s
tu the mnli.i's rule in i*m eminent
th.it im M.H IlirrlHitJs will hr licit! in
towns .mil i itirN amiss thr rnuntiv In
disc iinn thr |ir.H r clivicli'licl
Earth Week display set on fire
B\ Mu t* \\ heeler
I mt'r.lld Managing I ditor
At approxnnateh 1 l |i m
I uesthn >i ( nr un lilt- I Ul llri
hI 1 llh Avenue .mil I nu i*rsi
l\ Slu'd w.ix set ablu/.e
l'hr i .ii w (ill Ii wax lilli'il
with diiI).iu;)' .uni plastii s .mil
11tt*ii i overed w illi xml .un!
plants w .is .i Minimi m I li<.
1 .ii Ih V\ eek i fli'hi. it uni
l.mil.i Un k ,i hugene [m
In i- i it I n mi mi i .iilljnis drl.nl
said witnesses reported a
loud lxxiin tin'll sail Illi' i ai
i ati Ii on lire Tin1 w iIiimssms
saw lour i ollege age siis)imi Is
rn nil i Ix'h nit I I riendU I tall
iIimii west dow n Pith Avenue
Hmi k said
1 hr i nr was doused ill
gasoline she said I’olii e
linind one empt\ gasoline
i an hugene firefighters were
i ailed lo [lilt out till' Ini'
Mall Snider, direi tor ol the
Sur\ ival I elite! said 'The
i ar was here to svmhnlize the
over consumptive attitude ot
the 1‘MIO's The plants s\ in
Ixili/i'd the re-greening ot the
I he i ai w as tow ed to i aill
Wu.li. lai M.,,k k J,-„
/•.//yr/je flretiithti-r (irun>r ( h.ii^nlLin tim-.hrs putting nut
thr tirr th.it tlrslrtn ril the Earth It rrk ilisiila v
|uis Moiidav atlrriioon Ur
were hoping* it would hr ,t
posit|\ e tool to eiluuitr slu
drills s,nd Hr 1,111 I loiip I 'm
vrrsilv l .iltll Wrrk I oordlll.i
lor To tn.ikr tlirin think
about their individii.il rrspon
sibilllV to s.ivr till' caltll ( )b
\ iouslv wr got ,1 nrg.it IV r rr
spoils** from soini’inii' who
iliiln't agree with this It is an
at t ot l rv rngr
Hoop s.ud Wo intend mi
u*storinK the (.ir In painting il
.111(1 If 111.1II t i llp> tile IldU its
I tllilTH' 11 rt*f i|> lllfl ( .''ill
( li.iKoll.iii, u ini helped cxtin
ipush tin Inc s.nd We know
\\ ii.it u.is in tin' i .11 A lul iit
non liiudi'ur.id.ihli' garbage
\\ Iiiti thi'\ liurnt d it li-t oil ,i
lot III l(l\|( fast's ullllll | (pit
to lirc.ithe I didn't .ipprci i.ite
it "
Audit results released
K\ I ).ii Li |.K kson
I merald \ssiu iale t ditnr
I'll,, n‘su11s ul a i aiitpus audit show mg the ri'latinnslii|> ul so
rial justiii' issues tu the environment Were presented 11\ fourteen
student organizations Tuesday
(Irgani/ul ii ills i ■ 111 v, i ii u I rum Student ( auipaign toi Itisnriuu
lilt'll! to Saleiide tu (ISPIKf. vuieed grievances and ideas tor im
pi uv erne lit within the i a inpus in in mu nil v
I lie Survival ( enter s Kaivn Kaplan said the papei lei voting
program started last \e.u un i ainptls is in danger ul being eliiniii.il
ed Pearl Mm k Kei v< ling vvhuli had provided rei vi ling pit h up
iiv ii e tree ul i bulge tu I lie t ! iliv ers it v i an nu luugei a I lord to up
eiale the pnigrain she said
Slid den I v . vv e rei eiv ed todays nut ii e tn ha lush t he prog! am
i nui|detelv Kaplan said In one veai people on < ainpus have
i nine tn utilize the program well People will VVondel vvlial hap
peued tu all the hills lliev d been using lur papei rei vi ling
' I he I 'niv ersitv must continue working tu establish a perma
nent rei vi ling program." she said To let it slip hv us at this
point vv nuld he a 11 agedv
lonali Huokstein director ul the jewash Student t'nion said
there are I otto tu I ato |ew ish Americans on campus hut anti
Seinitisin has not been addressed adequatelv espei iallv m the rai
lsin task too e arena of administrative work
Huokstein rei ailed seeing graffiti in the IAII Hree/.evvav that
i ailed tor the killing ul |evvs and the extolling ul white povvei The
writing was left on the wall for quite some time he added
' i a at I it i to stop homophobia or i lilting down trees is removed
on mediately, su w hv hid it take so long to get tills olflie asked
Ihd thev think it was harmless’ I don't think so and I don't think
othei lews oil i umpils think so
l.dtlie Mealies ot MIvCIiA the ( Ini auo l atino Student I'nioii
audited the t niv ersitv s support of people ot the ( liliano batino
Turn to Audit, Page 7