Spring Sports RUNDOWN_ Softball starts charging admission Prices set to offset costs l or the first lime sin< r its in (eption ill 11174. the (Iregon women's softball team has he { ome .in event with an admis sion charge Saturdav's double header with Arizona was the tirsl tor the admission i liarge. whii h is $ t for adults and SJ for i liil dren and senior i iti/ens I ni versitv students and children under five are admitted tree l‘he det ision to i liarge ad mission to Oregon softball games was a departmental one assistant Atliletii IJirei toi Hai hara Walker said She said ad mission i barges are to olfset I he costs of tilings like Howe f ield upkeep and pa\ foi uni pires Walkei said (Jregon softball fans will be happ\ to ottsel the i osts of running a softball pro gram at the 1 'niversiU 'People want to support the program and I don't think the\ mind i hipping in the $:! to help out," Walker said I think people are glad to help out " Oregon first-vear softball coach Tami Brown said the nil tertainment her team provides is well worth the small price of admission "I don't think $ t is too mm h to ask to see a quality team, es pei i.dh when von pa\ 0 to see a true k meet." Brown said "This team deserves to be showcased I \ mi w ith the admission charge about wo softball tans i aiue out to Satind.w 's doti bleheader loss to the thud ranked U ildi .its I hat. said Walkei Is a good t low'd f rom w hat h ve been told attendance Saturdav was sum l.ll to last Veal s." Walkei said PIhHU t>» Marlin fhirl L_ Despite admission chaws ot up to S.t tor women's sotthall, about 7.111 tans show fit up last Sat unt a i to see the Dm As' dou hie header with third-ranked \n/ona I'hc soft hall team last year it hat ted i|Uitf ,i Ini .11 tollim 111 u ,is it \\M'. ">4 HI overall and went mi to finish tilth in the \( \ A Culler- Win Id Scries Despite th.it Walkei said the Athletit Department isn’t try ing tn cash iu mi the team s I Am with big attrmlaru »• ()regon athlrtu s v\ ouldn t make .1 lot on softball, Walker S.l 11 1 W •• i r not ^oing to m.ikr a lot on soft bdll likr loot bill I oi baskrthaiI \\ alkn said li r-e-p-a-i-r Make your road to success...Smoother! Specializing in Tune-Ups • Brakes • Fuel Injection Bosch Authorized Service • A.S.E Certified Technician Close to Campus 1917 Franklin Blvd., Eugene ★ 485-8226 CONTACT LENSES FROM RAINBOW Sjw i.ili/mj' sn v»MiLut lenses iru/muing inn ed hikuats extended vseat .Hid lenses f«n jvopk* sMih astigmatism 1 he lull tange **l o>n!,Kl lenses serxucs me ludmg ou-r s t «•«> . mu .tv I lenses if) sttnA f»*i nuns siiik' \i.»\ lutings ; s35 0ff {soft contact lenses j (with complete exam) ' t iptres April JO IMO VI * * \ \ \ ^ t ,»>! 1 Mh rainbow optics vvti Gear Your Car Up For Spring! r L LUBE, OIL & FILTER ) ill % $ i shop In Who i .in you depend on for their in depth training, computerized equip ment and work backed by long term warranties ? The Masters of Master Care, of course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR1 M i .! * .r . S f,}u .iM n i • i Tirestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE 345-1593 No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene — East 11th Store Only Dairy Queen SALE! PEANUT BUSTER PARfAIT $1?* i j GOOD £ THROUGH W APRIL 29 We re having a real sale on a real treat Three thick layers of real hot fudge and crisp crunchy peanuts Withcooi and creamy DAIRY QUEEN ’ soft serve in between The Peanut Buster ParfaitNow only $1 29 at your partici patmg DAIRY QUEEN* store WE TREAT YOU RIGHT