Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1990, supplement, Page 8, Image 8

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Spring Sports RUNDOWN=^^
Year makes difference for Skipper
Bv Ashley Conklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
ll would In- difficult to me,is
uri- the different c m Oregon
l.ivelin throwei Art Skipper this
One can look at Skipper s
best throw of 2 in a this season
also the third best mark in the
i ollegiate ranks and say the
different e is about lit feet sint e
. the sophomore from Samiv had
a best of J.'it last season
But the ditfeieiu e in Skipper
) this season goes tar beyond teet
) and mi lies
> The biggest difference might
j lie Skipper i hanging i oat lies
1-isl veat Skipper was
^ t o.iihed hy link I leld w ho
I i .line to (Jregon to go into busi
I ness with Oregon head ( oat h
Bill Dellinger in a joint venture
1 t..tiled Oregon Track Kquip
I ment.
i I his season Skipper has been
coached bv Stewart Togher.
who despite being known
mosllv as ,i li.immer expert who
got his b,n kground in Kumpe.
( o,i< lies most of tlie other Dm k
throwers .is well
In fart. Skipper thinks the
biggest i flange might be be
cause of Togher.
"The coac h I had last year
wasn't as good as the coal h I
have this gear." Skipper said
Stew art is pist a great i oai h
Skipper had to relv mostly on
older brother Scott the former
sc hool re< old holder in the jav
elm for training purposes last
\long w itii a i hange in
i oai lung came a r hange in
training that has benefited
Skipper this season
In high school I was run
ning all the time and worked
out with the sprinters," he
said "I never got a i ham e to
throw ,i lot and I think lh.it ,u
tually helped
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Now. it’onN it wviv tluu*a>\ to improve
\( >ur tirade pn >int average
The right choice.
With I)i< k Held last year m\
,inn was ready to fall oil
Skipper said "With l)ii k 1 was
doing ,i lot id weird things like
throw ing .1 baseball and pile h
mg With Stewart he knows
what's good
Togher doesn't try to take a
lot of credit lor Skipper's sn<
less hut he knew there were
i ertain tilings that needed to he
i found he needed to work
and train in a system.'' he said
'It's truly hard to explain I
ha\e a different way ot leach
mg (aiming from Kurnpe 1
have a different approach. "
There is no doubting the for
inula Skippei and Togher have
used for Slid ess
It all started in tile Oregon
Preview when Skipper threw
TIB -4 to ipialify tor the N(!AA
meet and break Ins school re
At .1 dual with Washington
State on April 7. Skipper was
pushed In the Oougars' Stefan
Wit kstroni w ho opened up .111
early lead until Skipper 1111
corked a throw ot 244 1
At the Pepsi Team Invitation
al hist Saturday he broke his
own school record again, this
time with a loss of 24tiTi de
spite a bothersome groin in
To the outside observer, it
would appear that Skipper is
just getting better with age At
ter all. be did set the nation,ll
high si.bool record of To')-It)
will) the old implement his se
ninr vear in high si bool
Hut Skipper sais he never
would have imagined himself
where be is now after what
happened last season despite
setting the si bool rei ord and
going to the \< !AA meet and
summed up last season in one
"Had " he said "I had a lot
ol personal problems and I was
try mg to get adjusted to i ollege
and at the same time I was en
gaged. I was doing a lot ot
things but not training "
There were plenty ol tilings
Skipper bad to worn about last
year There was the pressure of
setting the high si hool national
record in the javeliti and being
named national prep athlete ot
the year hi '/'rack A l irlil Yen s
and (;<itor<uh' Si luillislU: (n.n h
And then there was the en
gagement to his girlfriend A1
though they still see t-ai h other
ik i asionally, the engagement
was broken off
One ol the things Skipper
found out last season was |Usl
how mui h people espei ted ot
Turn to Skipper, Page 12
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