Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    mots on a ROLL
Thursday April 19, 1990
7:00 p m
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Vilches offers dedication to IFC
Looking tor second term
Bv Julie Andrade
Emerald Reporter
I?i( ident.il l ee < andidate
I teddy \'il< lies ->.0(1 he t an of
ter the li t the dedication, or
ganization and experient e that
it needs to allot ate student fees
\ ill lies who is t urrentIv tlie
act tug I I t > liaii iiuii is run
rung for Ins second term as ail
tuo-venr i tuiiniillee memtier
\ lit lies a senior majoring in
psychology and Spanish liter.i
tore said lie dei ided to run
again hut ause lie feels lie lias
the experiem e and i oinmit
inent required lor the joh
'I've heen on both sides of
the table " Vili lies said. ' sub
milling budgets and being on
the lit
\ di lies was m charge of the
budget tin Ml ( h.\ v\ ben be
was t o direr tor bom I OH 7 HH
lie also served on the Hook
store Huai d of I Jirei tin s from
I i .in bring i ommitment
.md i think i'vn shown it
through inv two yciirs involved
w ith tin' ltd ." he said
I think I vf already 111.1111' .1
dlffurt'IK i‘ Mill r I bl'l ,11111' .11 t
mg 1 hairpersou. hr s,d(i
llir lit will hr ilnnr with
budget hearings in .ibout .1
wrrk mid should not have am
problem meeting the May dead
line. \ ill lies said
The 11111st important thing ,111
li t . member should lie doing is
advocating lot student rights,
making sure that their money is
spent in the best possible wav.
\ ill ties said.
It's important that members
nl the II I . be very aware 1 it the
lai t that it we don't .11 t respon
sibly our right to control stu
dent fees iv ill be taken aw a\
be said
I’m here tu make sure we
1 ontinue having control over
our money and lees, be said
It I get eld ted I w ant to
slarl planning from the very he
ginning ol next \ ear. Vilt lies
said "so all groups know what
to expert, when budgets are
due and when hearings are
Ibis will avoiil any misun
derstunilmgs and speed up the
pun ess. ' he said
Vile lies said he also wants to
make sure that hearings are not
inconvenient foi groups ami
1'reddv \ ill lies
lie members
I don't want to have hoar
ings lasting all night with peo
ple waiting for their turn." he
said adding that he plans to
distribute hearings evenh to
avoid de|a\ s \\ ith budget ap
"There will he plentv ol 11me
to get on with the budget il it's
done in a svstemalii alls
planned way " ViIt lies said
The lit needs people who
w ill keep their ollii e hours at
tend meetings, and have the i a
pahilitv of preparing fair budg
ets he said
Tilt lies said he employs vot
els to elec I people that have the
qualilii ations and the willing
ness to i oinuiit themselves to
their job
Umbrella, smoking restrictions
to be subject of public hearing
I'utilii'. hearings on (wo rules (hat would
h.iu open umbrellas in Autzen Stadium and
extend smoking restrictions in many Universi
ty l.ii.ilities \x 111 be held today at 3 p.m in the
I All: \\ .limit Koom
I nder one of the proposed administrative
.imendmenls the smoking ban would fie ex
tended to include AutKen Stadium, and May
ward and How e* fields
University athletic department officials
proposed the bins on umbrellas and smoking
out ol concern for the health and safety of fans
Sports fans had complained that the use of
umbrellas during football games blocked their
view ot action on the lielri Athletic depart
ment offii ials citing similm bans in other col
lege stadiums, are com oined that the pointed
umbrella ends could injure boisterous tans.
Tile proposed smoking ban is designed to
reduie the risk of fire. Moreover a spring 1H8P
survey on smoking in University buildings
found that one-half of University employees
favor a building w ide smoking ban
The public may comment on rule changes
oralh or m writing at the hearing. Written
comments may also lie filed bv 2 p.m today in
Room 202 Johnson Hail.
The proposed amendment to ban umbrel
las at Autzen would prohibit open umbrellas
in .til seating areas, seating area aisles and
standing-room-only locations during Universi
ty borne games
The amendment authorizes fines for those
people who violate the smoking rules.
Smoking would be banned campus-wide
in classrooms and in workrooms and buildings
ventilated by recirculating air systems.
Moreover, smoking would be prohibited
m any building designated by building users
as a non-smoking facility and in Universe
tvowned vehicles operated by more than one
Copies of the proposed amendments are
available for public viewing in the offices of
the president, vice presidents, assistant to the
president tor legal affairs, athletic director ami
in the reserve section of the Knight Library
University administrators will consider
the testimony submitted prior to and during
the hearing for two weeks before filing any
rule changes with the Secretary of State's of
Restaur.i nl
U cst 1 Uli \ ( 11 \ View
ai i m:\TK: mi aic.w dimm; i\
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