Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Election, Earth Week opportunities abound
MK1 ll\(
Im idcntal I ee (ommittne
will hold ,i budget hearing to
night .It h HI ill the IAH Board
K(>imi im tin' j All (it needed!
and tin' AthlctK Ili’p.irtmr-nt
Campus ( rusade lor ( hrist
meets tonight .it 1 SO in Room
10(1 W illamelle
_Et als_
Housing l .isk Inn r meet
tod.i\ at -I p m in IAH' (nil
lur\ Room II All members and
interested students should at
OStMKC will hoi d a t h.iptei
meeting with guest speakei
Quine \ Siigerman tonight at >
at the koinoma ( enter lilt
kini aid St
Student ( ampaign tor Disar
mament meets tonight at 1
the koinoma ( enter till km
i aid St . to discuss the nu( lear
tree /.one i mss military ta
hling. a milsir al fundraiser and
future agendas
\ letnumese Student Assoi i.i
tion meets tonight at li in Smith
Lounge tor the elei lions ot next
sear's oltiiers The meeting is
mandatory for members
Asian-t’acitli American Stu
dent I nion meets tonight at
in Room J'JO ol the Counseling
( enter to brainstorm lor I leu
luge Month ot Ma\
\ mandatory Saleride meet
ing will be held today .it u a m
and tonight at 7 in I All' l ledai
Room K.
SPI \KI KS AM) 1 1 1 TCKl.N
"Culture nl I’aleolithii Age
in ShUiin/i I’mv »in i- Mirth
west ( hina ' is tin- lilh' nl ,m
Asian Studies Anthropology
seminar In lie lield todav >il 4
p ut in Room dots Condon. Ihe
seminar will lie given In t’ml
Wei |ing-Wu nl the Shaanxi
I’rtivim nil Institute nl Alt her
ulogy Xian. China
Oregon s high deserts
Knum I he presentation is pari
(tregnn's i nastal sail! tuanes
given Iiv I'.ilmer Seknrn ttidav
at 1 to in the K\H ' I n Kutim
Karth \\ eek uelebratinn
\ i iirest Inurnev Ihe I nr
I'sts tlistnrnal Hole in Sin ie
tv " is the title nl a presentation
to lie given In John I’erlm to
dav at J SO p m in the KMI
Hen hinder Knum I he presen
tiitit>ii is par! ul the Karth Week
i eleliration
The presentation is part ul
the Karth U eek i elehiatlun
I liese org.ini/atinns
Apply lor the fullmMiis
•Mai .1 i ■
lion management trainee ai
counting management trainee!
t S I’e.u n l mrps. group
meeting Mai i .il 10 p m
! slide slum I in the I All VVal
nut Room An inform.dion l.i
hie i\ ill lie in llir I All M.n
.Hid I from 'I .1 in to I p m
• M.n -4 I’lrii: u-r I in i i; -a i l.i i ! e
Inner ( o (territory supervisor!
I ' S M.inue ( Imps I pilot in.in
.igenien! I.ivv I I.dile m the
I AII ! f roin 111 ,i in to t p in
Sign up sp.u e is also ,iv.nl
able tor the billowing recruit
• \pril 1 ‘I lien i Mi .wt Si-,
terns. Ini | pnel in t mu design
engineer mei lianii al engineer
inarkeling and sales. Imam es
and at i minting)
I Intense ( amtr.u I Audit
Ageni \ lauciilor)
llert/ Kcpiipment Rental
t orp (sales i oordinator. sales
i oordinator internship)
John [.ahatt I not Is (diet I ran
i isco |programmer)
• April 20 ( opeland I umber
I o |stoi k andilia trainee piir
i hasing assistant i imstrui
lion real estate assistant)
Public Schools Personnel (lo
op (edut ation positrons, spec ial
education positions)
\I!S(I i.l \\l-.( )I S
\ 1111111ii ln-.itinj- mu pi..
posed amendments to 1'nisersi
ts 1 lili-s governing smoking on
i ampins ,iml prohibiting upon
umbrellas in Aut/en Stadium
u ill hi- upon lor puhlii rum
mi-nl tod,is .it i p m in the
I All ' U .ilnut Room Muriel
laekson, assistant viee presi
\ I ill I,mi' ot i nsimnmi iit.il
i ss.ts s .mil pot-ms
\ss.ini I heater
perform.i u e. ssdl in- held to
d.iS .it -1 i'l In tilt- Pot.kel I Ilf,i
tel \ illiiid 1 i.i 11 The perfor
m.mi e is port ol the K.irth U eek
l elebi at ion.
\ debate un the nui tear tree
/one is ill lie held tonight at
m the I Ml I n Room
An Karth Hall ssith (dan
l)\ ken and lonessoll w ill be
held tonight at H in the KMt
-v. % i i
• Full dinner menu
• 23 varieties of Pizzas
• Whole wheat and
white crust
• Pizzas to go
-cooked and uncooked
15th and Willamette
Mon.-Thurs. 11 00-Midmght
Frl. 11 00-1 00 a m
Sat. 5 00-1 00 a m
Sun. 5 00 11 00 p m
Kr.il World Suit|i
'I III .1 m in I p in .hi tlif I Alt
( .impus l iivimnmi'iitiil \u
clil urns i iiiiti'rriit c
hold Hus HHiriillu; .it 'I in the
I AH' III Km till
t I) K()\l tiiton.il i tin
I*.Ms (jjithlir .dt.ursi ii.it.ilj.iM'
u ill III' Ill-Ill ti«|il\ it .10 [I III
ill tho Ri'lririur I li'jiiirtiilcnl
k mulit I iI>1.11 \
linnmi; a Si liol.istii tlmini
Sol irl\ ! hr lit!'' i i .\ 111'k
n111111 lii lit- lu'ld inii.iv .ii ; in
|l III 111 KlIOIII till ( tlrgoll 1 1. 111
\Sl ( ) ( .mil nl.ill's I .nr
In- hflil tod.i\ f11mi in ,i m to t
|i in in tin- I Alt 1 (Murtvard
Mlsl'lltl'f YlltlllK l"l till'
\SI () I,In lions u . 1 1 -i ■ (n'ii! -
wei■ k trum 'i .i in tu , p m hi
the A SI () ..tin i- I All Sintf I
BUY 1 get 1 FREE
10PK. EZ Whip Cream Charges $3.99
selected regular priced posters only
Lazar's Bazar
57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall 687-0139
MONDAY H (Kilt ( ,M ‘ k'll)
Thai Style
( f s \r\! !f) t i >t ( ) lu)i tk stoic
In Case
YouVe Been
For a Sale...
The wait is over.
We’ve got the
ensemble to put you
into a pleasing frame
of mind.
The ensemble sale
package includes our
exclusive three
position Kaleidoscope
frame, cotton futon
and futon case '
So wait no longer
Sale t>egins April IS
and ends May IS.
Twin $175
Double $220
Queen $265
*Selrt t CtLV'S
9IRlay fret* finam inj{ available
Eugene 1030 Willamette Si 3421762 • Portland 400 SW 2nd Ave 242-41057 • 3443 S E Hawthorne Blvd 235*0977
* vmn SU Kilim («»