-University IFC approves EMU's house budget the 1 lit i< 1 ft it >i 1 I it ( iimimt tec approved llu' budgets ul 111 I Ml pmgrums .mil Inn student groups .il 11 s Mnndav night iihtI ini; 1 hr KM I hoiisr budget n i rivrd SHO I 77 1 lor thr 1*1*10 '11 budget sr.isnn. .1 ninr _IFC Notes_ prn nit ini reuse Irniu i.ist \ imi s .11 liii .itiim nt S ' 17 , ) 1H 1 hr ennunilter approved thr budget -1 1 with Hennion vot ing iig.iinst tlir allot .itinn l AIt' I’rogram Administrn lion rn rivrd S-H>1 t"> tin 1*190-91. an B 7 pen.ent in rtiMSt' from last war s allot a I loll ill si.1 I till I Alt i rail I >nln in f iwd s II, l> l p lor 1‘1‘lfl ‘! 1 a lout I'i'i i flit mi ir.isf tnim last wai s alloi ation ol S 1 aHIM I'M I ' Nil mini.si i a I uni if i fi\ fil S i I I -'Ml loi lM'lll 'll i Ml Sliuiiml \> 11\ dies Kf souri f I )tth f ifi f i\ ml S 1 ? ) at I Ml ( iillui.il Inrum if t fivfd S7 I.VI.! tor 1'i‘MI 'H a orif peri otil increase Irom las! \ i a r s a 1 lor al ion ol S ..’ fid (■All Hoard ol I litfi tors if i fi\cd Si). I lad tm lllllll 'll. a 0 H peri fill mi if.isf Irom last Vf.il s a I loi al loll ol Si' Oil.! I Ml Child i a if and I )e\ f I iipmcnt i**t med vo n o tui llu* 1 m*\ii u 1 budget season l All ( hitdoor Program re ( ei\ ed S ’ * 4 Im tin* I'lOO 't ! budget season .1 six pen ent de i hmm1 fmm last veai s allot a tmn ot S-‘ 1 H ( lull Sports ret *• iv«m 1 S »H i) \ » Ini 'll a tl\ e pen ent de i tease from last \ eai A allot .1 t inn < >f Si)O.HH 7 In nttin business tin* < uni in111**«* voted unammousK to a! Ini ate S 1H.U \ i In the Intel n.i tmn.il Students Assiit latmn and S in IJ i In I hsahled Student Serviiestoi the 1M‘M) 01 budget Stull's strength lies in negotiating Bv Birgit Sc hreibcr Sivesind Emerald Contributor I)es( rilling himself .is ,i pen pie-oriented person. Inc idem lal l ee (umilTlittee ( andidicte Don Stull s.iiil lie believes lus abilitc to negotiate and com promise w ith people is a major <111<1111v lie i an bring to file com miltee Stull, a junior, said be plans to work with people on the li t indie ideally to see how be i an best serve the committee as a w bole I he rhetoric and i ommiinic a lions major said be has bad no experience with student gov eminent or student government finance, but that be lias bad ex pelienc e w ith running ottu e ti mine es Serving two vears on the t niversite s debate team. Stull said he learned the line art oj taking one statu e in one round and m la minutes another stum e oil the same issue I think that kind ot llexibili tv is limited, lie said Its best advantage to me is that I \e been able to ai tuallv bet tune mui b more involved on both suit's til all Issue ( hihi t lire at the I 'Diversity is an issue Stull sues lie wants to address d elec ted to li t Stull explained be would tie lav the hiring ot state employ ees tor t In Id tare anil direct child care funding toward stu dents through work study and subsidies RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Hide Share brings together people needing and offering tides anywhere m Oregon or throughout the country f • *r more information call 345 7600 Stull s.ihI he believes lie i .in 11 ml people to till i Inlil rare work sloth positions who would he as qualified as a stale employee Stull also feels tile rising rust ol tuition is a problem the I mveiMtv vs ill fare in the III (lire file groups that are oil this i ainpus bet ause of the use in tuition, are going to have to be (oine more sell snttii lent and more sell a onlained, he said When a! local ing funds to rumpus groups Stull said lie will t tinsidei thic different i ritena the amount ol student involvement behind the budget request, how and to whom the funds will serve the group or i ainpus. and how to maxi I Inn Stull lllize thi' hinds hrmt> rrquesl Oregon Daily _ _ Emerald I* n »i..y »!'•* Fwu**»« « Tf,f- ()'»• i.j n [i.H, published M day V ».yh f • !a» «* J • < aci.'o and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emm aid Publishing O if lb** Urn-msitv "I Oifn)y‘n Eugene Oregon The Emerald 'S "piddled independent >y :jl the University A th trs » the i i !r * E'b Wfi”i ' i U i" ! i * the As-.- 1 -i!• • ! H’• ■ The truer aid pnv ite property The umawtol fer»u.>*a< ’ use at papms is j !<■■■-, Managing Editor E ditorlal E ddor Graphics Eddor Encore Editor Al. E ddor ' • i • cv Wheeler Don Peters Mark V ■■ News E ddor Sports E ditor Supplements Editor Night Editor Christopher Eilan Christ’ >pher fit an Associate E ditors Community *• i * • Student Government Activities t" M Higher E ducation. Administration "features Reporters • -• ‘ i t- 1 ■ A . ’ • , - i t ■ ’ . ' t Hi and »■ Ki-.Jd i a,. ••• l aM-hs? Pal Mala n Stepha •> Mnun • .,■> : Ah' »• Thorrdc Photographers r ' *•* > ' Advertise g '/ i ‘ ■ :> • " . ’* '•* *• A-- , M " .t1 * Mr v- . i No- i '' i,! ■ . , i P«-i' 1 K it’ . > " Kr Sin her t dw r 1 Ww ■ Productior • A'. • . • *• v f r• , t i * no" iotU‘ Child, Jim Em. n Yvette Cun Jennifer Huc»y L mda Kiaasfad f li-.a : r n. M « !y 1,1. •• A ,• i M an r l’,r • A A i H«-- , . , • r • ? s I Shot I l' * =;.«'► M.l't Th;»*i J. nri.for Tf m i■ ■ Jt*f ' v ia' jhU WM© Kt-iiy W . an , General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher • . Production Manager M n, Advertising Coordinator > ImI • ■ Classified Manager ' B a " Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom 346 f>611 Classified Advertising 346 4343 Display Advertising 346 3712 Production Graphic Services 346 4381 NAT U R A i Jw F I H F. R S 85 | F I B E R S Q MALI T Y|j| CLOTH INC 3 AFFORDABLE! P R I C F s THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Uh-oh Carol's inviting us over for cake, and I'm sure it s just loaded with palm oil." Introducing: The Bestseller You won't find at the Newsstand. Here's .1 hook tlmls alwass on the host sellet s list With .il l ane () cheek j^ine account. sou won’t base to lead between the lines to tind the moral ol the slots { "> i . mictvsi paul to * son on sout loss monthls balance i m* niwnninn w , .iin mit'fttn ^ No M'| S Is s' Its ll SOU ** * in.iuit.im .1 V't K) ha I .lilts’ 'l on pas mils S ' il sum balance tli<>pt he loss S2(K) i U 111 I Ittlli'lf t hs s V S I 3. ( )s cislrall I’lolts Hon ISMlh MUI1M 4 I uv Amu k .m I \puss I i a\ ck* I s chcv k s .'•J tn .icti's'i t>> sum .icomnl (hrntiuh I he I uhanfe .nut ( n ms IlClW i >i k ^ 6 I HI I t lk\ k-- w itli ill u t I depoMi "I >«hii 1 nil) p.i\ i Iki k So. iIk- next linto \ou read the leatures ol >oui elieek hook, rememher a l Lane <) eheekmg aeeount has a happ> ending uo I . Illti & h-m St. 6X7-2.U7 m*o ihjj I of () sludt nls A tmpknrt' NCUA CIRRUS What Can You Buy For 50C? Come to Original Jo&’s'Lounee and Find Out! Also.... • Student Night Specials • Food Specials • Free chips & salsa We’re Celebrating All Night 7-close. Outdoor seating available for nice evenings Original Joe's • >\ West t»th Street • Kugene • Across from the Hilton