^Cl Q VPrn Continued from Page l (-lit course lie said 1 By p.tv ing attenl inn to edu i .it ion .md i’( miomit: I r.n 1 • ■ these i ountries are making hardheaded business judg mt'lits inleriiatiiniallv that m have neglei ted ini some lime Mil itarv stlenglh is gum ; In lake a hai k seat In ei.onomii si length - "lie said The ke\ (|uestion now is u Imther we in the l aided States should put forward i new range oi polii ies. Mi (Iovern said He proposed live sle|is the t nited St.ites i mild undertake to ( reate these new polii ies I he first step asks the I lilted States to eliminate its polii v oi com entr.iting oil the diitei ein es between it and the Soviet I nion and instead i oncentrat ing on huilding the areas ni mutual interest The second step i alls tni joining the Soviets in a i mu plete mu leal testing ban Mi l iovern said this i mild he done Transit_ ( ontmued irom Page I would apply to I .ini' ( ounK Sonic id these ideas arc meant to encourage compact urban grim lb in the i ore ot the eonrrnumH II von want to encourage use ot alternative transportation you must put people into dens ei areas move people closer In things.' I’aiigbor n said "Since the late twenties the notion ol i ompact urban growth lias been the central uu dei pinning ol urban planning programs " said \ed Itorjlduiul of the Kugene Planning (ami mittee Kugene ( an i onlrcil the amount ot grow ill In not otter mg inc entives sui li as w alei and sewer servil es. In dev flop eis who build outside ol the ill ban growth boundurv set up In tile cits. Horjklund said lie added that there are a lot ot supports and incentives lor till mg appropriate emptv spai es within the citv limits I’anghorn said there are main things developers i an do to en courage the use of alternative transportation lor instatin' cul-de-sacs limit access and hinder the convenience ot Inis lines "Someone who lives .it the end ot ,i ( ul ile s.ii has to walk to the main thoroughfare to i atoll a bus.' he said At ( ess is ahsuluteh crucial II We could somehow get buses right up to the lAll' our ridership at (the I'Diversity) might even rise " In an effort to encourage use ol. and introduce people to. Lane County's public transit system, LTD will be offering free bus service on all routes and si hedules Thursday April l'l "(llean Air ( 'ommuler I las is one of several local ai tivities organized in conjunction with the 2Uth anniveisarv of Larth Week Some larger employers are doing internal promotions in conjunction with the LTD tree ride offer Sacred Heart Hospi tal will enter the names of all employees who ride the bus on Thursday into a drawing tor a prize. Horjklund said * WUNKRIANP * GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTHDAYS 5|4U|nCn ALL GAMES WORK F,,UtU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION 1 50 STH STRUT PUIIIC MAMET * EUGENE • 613 1*64 uuilateialk \ ban m mu It'.i! lest11m ir,ills tn tin1 third step. wlm h is in i til milit.m spending sitjnifi (dill k We ought In shill our dm phdsis in I hi- next h'ls wars U r dll' sjII • in11nm Inn null h l lii' tmirlli step i dlls Ini sup pm I nu; Uif Thud Wnrlit in ain V\ d\ Wf* 1 dll \\ In i .11 r\ nn i ntiHiiimit .1 linn n ilh 1 ninnuinisl giants hill hi1 tearful nl \ 11 -t 11,1111 diul I dlhil Mi (Invcri! said ()in pnlit \ toward 1 ,'uh.i nid\imi/i's Sn\ ini rut 1 m*ii< e in ( uli.i diul ininiini/.i's nur nu n The lindl point Mi (in\rrn III,idi' I nncerils In n areas nl till' world the I nili'd Stall's has the opportunik In involve ilselt with i he first are.i i out erns the pnpnliltinn and htingei prnlilent in the world and the set ond 1 nni erns the issue of saving the p1.11 let Visit ( unturned hum l\u;e I nations Hr said japan amt West (ii'rmanv as rnhuilt na la ins tlii-msrl ves havf a jm'( ial old mat inn In irnlp dfVfliiping nations Mi < ioviTii ( ritii i/i-i i lapa iii'si’ [imti'i.tiiinism 1 i * 11 - ilorsf am ai lion that I on it I* "ss ( unlit taki’ to tnrii' ia I>.iit to Ir.uli' tairlv . hi* said Mi t an ai n as jnvssi'ii i:on i fins inn ( an man reunifii a lion am! militai ism I If sanl if111nIn ntnm must lunge mi (tfiniain s at i fptam f ut Ihf i urtfiit borders with I’olatui am! liniitalnins on ttif siy.f nl its standing arnit As Mi (iov fi n v\ as offering Ins insights lif uas asked whether lif thought ilif if i If fiiifd \ i si in had am I him', u oi lliw lulu lo sav Ihfif u as hlilf billfriifss to IIm man w Ini was soundl\ tnmni ed bv \i\tm tti .1 I It- said Nison h.id mm h In sav in tlir foreign polit v ,iii' 11,1 (‘spin i,ills m pressing 1‘residenl K111i.i111 Keagaii In tin 111 Sill 111 (1 u t w ill) the Sul lc! 1 ninn iml in offering ,ul v it (- mi him to flf.il ivith ( lim.i \ i \i hi i i hi Id have a pusi live lllllllelll I I ill ( ill lliese | e lat a ms \|i ( a iv ern said ,\! a lime vv Ill'll tile ( iiil IH'se all'll t doing so hot ll s llli e to have solllelindv who's popular llieie as the man who opened the dooi vv In i I (lev'll listen too \h ( aiv ern said I don I hegnidge | \ i son I lor sav mg something on lot elgll polii v Mi t .1IV el 11 i oik lulled siv Iv II In starts adv ismg us on innsli tiitinnal government I might raise an ev cbrnvv ol two FULL COLOR Laser Copies • I arpo copies up to llvl~ • 50-400% enlargement or reduction • Color copies from V-unm slides, negatives, or VI) ol'iects Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E 13th 44 W 10th 344 7894 344 3555 CeCebrate “Earth (Day! ApriC22, 1990 At the University ol Oregon Bookstore we want von to know that we care about the livability ot this planet tor generations to come. VVe are committed to progressive decision- making in much ot our operation. Our accomplishments in the past year include: IMPLEMENTATION OL A STOREWIDE RECYCLING PROGRAM. REMOVAL I ROM OCR SHELVES OE ENVIRONMEN TALLY DESTRUCTIVE PRODUCTS; SUCH AS THOSE CONTAINING C ICS, WHICH DESTROY THEOZONE LAYER. MAKING RECYCLED PAPER PRODUCTS AVAILABLE TO CUSTOMERS AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. STOCKING A WIDE SELECTION OE PUBLICATIONS WHICHCOVLRTHE COMPLETE SPECTRUM OI ENVI RONMENTAL ISSUES WE NOW I ACE. More can be done. We encourage \ our suggestions on how we .is .1 retail business can better serve the needs of our community and the environment Please voice vour ideas at our suggestion table located in the main lobby of the store. Together -we can make a difference! UO Bookstore