342-3177 1601 W 7th. Suite D Eugene AGENCY RENT-A-CAR • Low Daily Rates • Unlimited Free Milage • Free Pickup and Delivery $59.95 Student Weekend Rental Special! Jl ■ 1 TAKE CHARGE (VISA or MASTERCARD) 1 mi) da> \mi t an charge \om t lassilled ad either In phone nr in person! ( all 346-4343 (tail) . S am In 5 pin Room 300 Erb Memorial Union Spring Spans RUNDOWN ' L_ l it SA//>/<«•/ /1.1s ,1 licit iii.ii/i. .1 ni'ii .illiltnlr. .mil ,i nr it xluml rrt ortl Im Drriitin in Ihr /.it r/in Skipper ( ontmucd from H \ 11 til those people Welt' t timing up to mi- itnil telling me wli.it I vv.is lining wrung Skipper said rlliw would s.i\ vou re doing tins wrong or llnit wrong you need more height on vour throws All of these people were telling me vvh.it I should do find I didu t even know w ho thi-e pei .pie were Most ii| these people .dtuost ditln t get ,i ehiiiit e to know who \rt Skipper Ir was lliough Between Skippers sopho more and juniol years in high st hool he went in the hospital for a tonsiller tonn and almost bled to death be< ause ol i om pin it ions from the surgery To sa\ ihi' least. thiil incident put Skippet s throw mg on hold tor ,i w hile. but In- i atne bin k to have ,i solid junior siwsiin .md tlirn tlic unforgettable stmuii year \nu it .ippi-.irs Skipper con IroK bis on n title it be i .m st.n aw.is trom injuries He bad to ice lus groin intmediuteh at tin llie compettltun in I be Pepsi meet and one ot the biggest problems with voting javelin throwers is injuries. It's (the groin) been hurting • ill week Skipper said atlei the I’epst meet 1 need to keep trout getting hurt skipper would like to will .111 \( title but it will be Ullil (lilt lllls St MM IM lift .HIM' Sur den's I ’.it r i k linden til Texas set ,i ncu world record with .1 throw ol J1 * -I -! last mouth Skipper might have to w.til 1111 til Model) leaves altei this sea son to w ill at the \< \\A meet lie would .list) like to make the 1‘ttfJ 1 S ()lvmpit Team and compete in the ItitlJ ()I\ m pit s in Hart eloiiii Spain I ie w ill undouhletlK lie at the 1‘1‘lg Olvmpit Trials and the luture seems bright it Skipper s|a\s injury tree The Olvmpit s are something that Sk ipper v\ ouldn t have thought possible a veai ago Hut a \ear 1 an make all the dd ferent e in the world FOOD \ALUE l‘H>n 1 K.Wkl l\ HI A I). Al)| U IM KM AMfl MI\lltA\KII\ HiAII Prices good through PEPSI 2-LITERS 891, 7-UP 2 Liters.89C GLACIER BAY 12-1202 PARADE parade CHARCOAL SUNSHINE KRISPY CRACKERS KRISPY SALTINES 79e 16oz UPTON LOTSONOODLES Liptuai LOTS O NOODLES 5/5100 1.7oz PARADE MACARONI & CHEESE 4/$-| 00 7.250Z SEAGRAMS COOLERS 4-PACK 12oz bottles KELLOGG’S RICE KRISPIES $-|49 13oz