Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1990, supplement, Page 11, Image 11

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    Spring Sports RUNDOWN:
( ontinuod from 10
Hams is thinking lugger ami
better lor hei senior x ear
"Next year I'll hopefully
v\ ill the N't A As That's a long
ways axvav. hut it m\ training
keeps going as well as it's go
mg right now . then I don't
think there’s anything that's
really in my yyav except girls
xx ho are tastei than me." \Vil
hams said yy ith a laugh
Things had been going pretty
well bn \\ illiams until last Sat
urday s Pepsi Team Invitational
at I lay yy ard (•''ield U illiams
xxas undeteated in bulb the too
and JtMl going into the meet
Williams yyas xxell ahead in
tile Kill, but yy.is toned to ease
up at the end by a strained
hamstring. She still yvon the
rni e yy ith a time of 11.81. but
her day xvas through and she
was relinquished to a cozy seal
and an ice pack
"My hamstring felt tight all
xveek and I felt it three times
dm ing the rni e. ' W illiams
The injury probably yy ill not
keep Williams doxvn for long
She might possibly run one
event next xveek. but she is
i onenitrating on getting
healthy for the Drake Relays
April 2H m lies Moines loxxa
Despite the strained ham
string. Williams has enjoyed
her HIM) trai k season Hut
things ,ir<■ different this \ tMr
I list \e.ll I Ill’ll' UUS SI) 111.111 \
<>1111■ r people tli.it I looked up tn
.mil I respei ti'il This vimi now
1 hi one of tliii older ones .mil
everyone kind of looks up to
me \\ illi.inis s.ud It s hard
et hut .is eat li tl'.li k meet goes
along It s easy tor me to ,11 I epl
th.it role .is being .i team lead
Oregon assist,ml (o.iili Mark
St i earn agrees that U ill jams is
a vital hi! tor to the sut r ess of
the Ihu ks
' 'She's i ertainh a y ei y im
port.ml person She's a it.tlitm
at i lass pertormei in an area
that s i iitir al to ,nn tra, k
team Stream said She adds
an .iwflil lot to the overall level
ot ( ompetilion ol mu team
The progress \\ Illinois has
made sini e joining the i idle
gialc ranks is something that
has impressed Stream.
"I think she's made great
strides in her Inst two nolle
giate years. Stream said !
would atlrihute that to her
training program
U illi.mis has not alwa\s tak
en Irai k as seriously as she
does mm ll look a sprint t oar h
hum Slanlord her |unior year ot
high si hool In put her running
abilities into for us
At first I took ti.n k as pis!
going out there and doing it
Golf teams face busy
second half of April
April will be .1 bus\ month
bn both the men’s .mil worn
en’s 1'i'Ml editions of Oregon
Holt with the men traveling to
lempe An/ this weekend to
t.ike part in the Sun Devil
I hunderhird (llassii and the
Women traveling to the I ’.it 10
championships ill Stanford on
Apt il _’n 211
Senior f im I Is al ol Beaverton
leads the men svith a 12 round
average of 7 1.8 this sfiring I he
all Amerii.au i undulate is lea
lured in the latest issue ot Hull
It eek magazine as the colic
giate plas er ol the month
Hs al also led the I hu ks in
tournament s ii tones with lust
pht< e finishes in the Dm k Invi
tational and the I resnu
State 1‘epsi (llassit
t'luis I In I/.gang i In (is in svith
a 7.1 "> average s\ hih* l oin
Smith averages 7-1 a and Roll
Kiinmm 7 1 ii tor the Dm ks
Tlii‘ I >in ks ha\ e taken third
,iml si'i oml |»1.k e f i 11 islles ill
tournaments tin1 l<(st two
Weeks ( heRtin I• >< >k ninnerup
at tin1 Western Intent ti I It'Ll i.i It -
last week w Ith .in HM1, si\
strokes behind Iirsnii SI,ilc \
lew days I'.ulici ()r*-i’(m was
lliiril Irehind I resin i Stale and
Arizona Sl.ilc a I tlie I Vpsi ( I,is
mi rIic I tin k'- also won llit'ii
im it 1*1 li'.im Dm k itn il.iliun.il
\l,m h 1*1 Jli wllll .1 > t In'll- I"
i.d ill mi
Sophomore SI,III,I 'i nil.Ill,I
lc.itIs the women with an HI 0
average tollowcd In sophomore
\ani \ ( a aw lord s ti 1 II mark
I lie women I led tin lath al
the l.ad\ Sun I >m il Iru italion
al April *1 I 1 shooting 'Mill
\rizona 1 late took team honors
al HM2 V, mad,i topped Oregon
at 2lllli followed In < raw lord
lied tor 2 lid
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Afti'i wiiti hii>k inr tht* Stan
ford i Dili li s.il dow n .uni l.ilki'i!
In me about it \\ illiams said
He ^avc encouragement and
tnlil mi' I had potent ini In I"'
the best He said all I had to di>
was put iih mind to it Some
times niv mind nets oil of it
but I always think Ii.m k tn how
lie sat there and talked to me
she said
\uu that Williams is serious
about !rai k she has set some
high goals bn heiself that go
hev i md her i areei at t begun
Williams would like to make
die I lilted Stales ( Ilympu team
m IfMti It she does not make it
die said she would lie lust as
mpp\ d not more so. to make
! to the World t .hampionship
n loot
To me ttie World t'liam
aionslitps are more ot a good
thing than the ()lvni|iii s be
ause almost everyone is
there, W illiams said W here
is in the ()lv trip If s a lot ot peo
pie bovt otl Imm iiiist1 thi'\ don't
tl.-.tl v\ till that t ountrv
l li.- (llvmpii s i-> .in op
(ion loi U llli.iins .is well
II I slav hfiiltln I II keep
running until I'l'Mt and thru d
tri that it's ovrr \o nioir
V\ iliiauis said
\ human srr\ i< rs major
Wlltlilllls Would 11 k t' In wml
u ith .ilniscd i hililrrn .itti'i lr.it I
in through
I (iotl I like In sec IilI In kill
lining .iluisfil l il like In hi'lp.
U illi.niiN s.tid
< o.u lung truck is .iKn sonic
tiling \\ illi.niiN would like li
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i;i'l tOkpclkl ,iuvrk tills MMltOief ,i! tile < fT^.iIU/.i
Irnii t■) U*ir t ImrV !:s!i •! Mnw wiiere 'in II vt
M.ui!it'4:,ixiijiunrv Imp.I i! work \i-.I ivUn >*;
t Inane ns, .Mil nvui new Mtoiilinh M 0
h> Anti’ \«Hir ri/suilH ,Ukf Mi"1* r.|> letters
Hun a ill .listi he JO Kirvt lTi/e w hurts wln>
will tvcene Maunimli Sh . >aii|siters ami M«»0
Vu'U,1 If: I a A1? a " ;'r! V, ■; 4. ' ’>
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lundsiifi _i Uklllliftl: Uii.ll lit! ;|I<M i»Kf UH! di>
vf l*!U t'.lM l! |A !'I !!■* .111.' !»ivwm«h.*» ■ >K.
. !i i |t ir 11 * 11 * m
V*i I! kill* ilk*lutt* "! .i M.uiniiidi. <mi
;** ■ itTi ! -■'*! • am ,n■:!•• id ■ hi! ; ’• > rl >
n.ii iwirttl.lui Ituiikml t:iki‘i*ir \*«*rii for it (unit'
.lull: .1 \U :■ ill 1*11 .ilk! m*' l«if .i*iim<I \i*ii(i'*i
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