Flowers Add CELEBR Springtime Parties Roses dd To a I ATION Balloons or |iist because’ lugenis Jlow it nomt T Hf UNIVE RSI'T Y I LORIS I 610 E. 13th at Patterson I A\JP\ Reg.S330 SALE $299 FEATURES SCC HEAD GT MECHANISM T-10 II TUNER 7179 QRB FM/AM CASSETTE PLAYER 24 STATION PRESETS AUTO MEMORY BI-LEVEL CAPABILITY Drive into the Future ALPINE ine Stereo Eft 30 E. 11th Avenue Eugene. Oregon 342-2463 — Take a short walk & check oul our selection VOLLEY BEACH W_ iiLV, N£W COLLB — 343 1288 94 W Broadway OPEN Sal 9 am 6 30 pm Sun 11 im $ pm Mon Thurs 9 30 am 7 pm ft 9 30 am 9 pm ATHLETIC Spring Sports RUNDOWN: Ducks in fast lane with Williams Sprinter looking to NCAAs Bv C am Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter Oregon trot k has long been known lor lls distant e runners, but Rosie Wilburns mm i hange nil before her ( .ireer .it (Ire gun is through U I lb.i ms the si hool ret ol d holder in the loo .mil 200 me ters. has made a lug impart on the I fin k -- ti ai k program ever sun e transferring I roll i Oregon State before the 1'IHU season The Heaver tr.u k program ex pired after the 1'IHH season and Williams made hei wav to ( ire gon The ( aliforma native i nosed to a personal leiord !1 art in the loo at the f )t tridental Invi tational last May while running ■ i I'K 1.1 pi in the 200 that same month at the linghum Young I -Hst ( ham e meet Hut Williams loudest memo ry < ante at the I'at.iln lo ( on leieni e i hampionsliips last The junior sprinter i up lured the Pat 10 title III the 200 12 101) anil notched .t sei ond Ill till' 100 Last Yt'.ir, I really wanted to do wfll .it tin' I’.k 10s." Wil liams said 1 thought that I i mild win. hut after the semis it was ills In the finals, every thing finally < In hod .mil that was im biggest accomplish ment here Williams failed to make it |iast the preliminary heats at the N( AAs ill 1080. but she IS not finished b\ a long shot. She has the gual to he an all Allien i an this year, and there :s one ua\ she would like to do it "This v eat. I'd like to go to tile N't A As 111 both the 100 and 200 and make the finals in both. Williams said. \ final appearam e in both events would make her an auto mate all Amerii an hast veal was a learning ev periente for W illiams, and she hopes to take advantage ol that edili at Ion til is v ear 1 was pist happy to he then last year It gave me a taste for what the N< AAs was like. W illiams said "So now when Rosin W illiams 1 go but k I know w hal it's like so 1 i an malls' locus on what 1 has c !o do I iiturc goals ilo not slop ss ith this yours \( AA moot \\ i 1 Turn to Williams, Pago 1 I > m jr We Bake Our Bread Fresh Daily 2310 W.11th 804 E. 12th 345-9707 343-1141 FREE 12 oz. Beverage w/Purchase of Any Sub Sandwich 35* OFF Any Small Sub Sandwich (6”) 50° OFF Any Medium Sub Sandwich (9”) $i 00 I OFF Any Family Sub Sandwich (2’) 1478 Willamette Street • 345-4811 OPEN 7:30 on Weekdays 9:00 on Saturdays WATCH FOR OUR FRIDAY PIZZA COUPONS! ■■ ai innki ■ I I I I I! I o o c -o o . , fl SLICE OF C^r 2 VOV^ REDEEM AHl.K HEFORK 11 :U)AM Offer good thru April MO. 1000 1478 Willamette Street • 345-4811 ■ ■■■———.COUPON..,,, I I I ■ z o a => O o