nOregon Daily_ ¥ Emerald I'lit'sclav April 1 l'l'iu 1 11vi*mu- ( Irr^un \ nlumc '• I. \umhei I t. _Inside_ ■ Candidate profiles. Pages ■ Campus events. Page l» ■ Umbrella hearing. Page B ■ Sports supplement. Page 7-12 McGovern asks U.S. to change world role Military emphasis not neededhe says B\ Peter C ogswell Emerald Reporter (h-orge Met in vein i ,tl I i ng U'.ivne Morse one ot the men lie lias admired most in Ins politu al i a reel. spoke on "New I’erspei t is es on A mere a s Role in the World" Mondav in the Kugene ( on fereiu e ( enter The former I' S senator Irom South Dakota ami I‘l7ii Oemotralit nominee lor president is in hugene as the eighth occupant ot the ue Morse ( 'hail ot I .ass and Pol it its a I the I niversit s It is always a delight for me to he in ( iregnn because of the fond memories of the people I got toknoss in the earls 70s' Mi (invert! sa id Mi ( a is ei n noted that thro e does not appear to be much ot a different e betsveen the tsvo politi i al parties these dass 1 here is kind ot a loose consensus ss here thes go along ssilli nisi about alls tiling, he said "Imagine it Morse ssas ill the Senate during the Savings and Loan Si antlal Mi Govern said S >()u billion and no one is saving anything about it No senator is standing up and saving U lis •' Who -' Mi Govern said lie is shot hod at the irrospon sible spending that has net lined for the hist dot ade He pointed to the mi reuse ill Ulllltars spend mg ss liile taxes were ( ill as an example of this ir responsihilits Kelalions bet ween Russia and the I lilted States, as ssell as the turn-lit problems in the l .istern Hint hast' been i ommuiiding most ot Mi (.mem’s attention latels "One sees a drumutii ditlerein e ill the ssas the Soviet l moil is dealing ssitli problems Indus than it would base lout oi hso seals ago In said McGovern pointed to an osereinphasis on military tailors and an tintlerempbasis on ecu nomii soi ml anti moral fat tins as the leading cause ot the current eta mo 111 it problems in the the Sos let I moll and the t lilted States I'Iio Isso defeated possets ot World Wal II (iermany and japan that set out to conquer the ss or lit over the last III seals base taken a differ lorn to McGovern, Page I I Photo lit Mai k N Ini hirmrr Di'iiuu nilii t .iniliil.ilc l.coriic \ti (iovcrn lours i umpus \Umil.i\. .iliini; with \fari;.irrt ll.illutk. dim lor <>l the I niirrsi t\ '% I .ihor I (lui utiiin .mil Wesr.irt h ( min Mc Govern talks world politics with local press Bv I I’mvwll \ mcruld f ditor When Kic hard \ ixon was olli ( let!i\ dei I lied to hr ’but k he made tin* to\ ri of lime may.tzinc Ni\uh's presidential opponent ( inn re \Ic (awi i n is bat k loo and onK flu* I u^ene media an- taking nolle e \s brills Ins status as i • I < I * * I slab- .man Mi ( iovei n spoke to IliemhiM s ol thr l',ut;eue pi ess Momlas .Hill ottried opinions oil « m i»ail world politic s I hr main theme to \h( aw n n i omments was \mrin a s loir m a • lian^in^ world I hr i old wai is over r> we've kll()W 11 11 o\ ri I hr Iasi I » \ mi s doesn't in. ill wo lr romv’, lo h.W r a trouble 11 er world \h ( n \ rill said W itholil I hr Sov I r I I 'mem as a \ It (.t j\ ri 11 said ihr vpeatest i hallenge lai Hi-.’ tin* I lilted Slab's is n i > no 111 H i otnprl ll ion tioin |a pan and \\ rsI ( .rn11an\ t )UI part in thr future will he dtdlilt'd h\ how we develop our et onoim ‘ to meet that challenge Mt(»overu said Onr wa\ to ilo that is lo begin. in a business like mantlet to i on \nt excess mdi!ar\ expenditures to a tlsrtid peat el line e< onoiilV \b ( a»v n n said Mi ( aw ri n said President ( a oter Hush hasn't taken full ad V ant.r.'e nl (he pr.H r d l \ idelld to i tit mditarv spending lie i nti i i/rd Hush s i out limed suppoi t for expensive Stai Wars and stealth programs \b ( aw r| n said the l lilted States w i(h a retooled ei onollU i ould ' ontiinie to help developing turn to Visit, Ihige I * End of the road ,\ junked car hoi times ,i sv tnbol ol Amaru .m uastef allies*. until .mil cm imnmen (h•struction. .is p.irl at the Youth Croons i clobr.itinn ol I'.uth W eek Course Hush iv,is Intel hut noil in cffif(\ .done, w ith .in Amerii .in II,i,u t he < .11 n ill remain u here it is lor the ran,under ol the term Photo by Dafna Kaplan Officials pondering future transit change Hv Pal Malat h I mt'rakl Reporter I in a! traiiMl iittii i.ils i il\ ami i. nunt\ i omit il momlM-rs .mil otlioi inomlifis ol llio i dim iiiuniU liuvu boon galltoi mg .il i ■ hi in 11.11 ill1 moot mgs lo iifloi anil dismiss ideas t.tint timing ill ban transit ullornalit os I lie goal ul llio rmmtllatiln mootings is In 111si iiss wavs In out utirago anti provide inion 11 vos toi people m llio i i mi III ti nit\ In nso tin ins ot transit nth or llio single in i n|i.inl i ai ()ur t>< la I is mil In i ciino tip w ilh spot it ii plans hut to upon up llio tlist ussiou " saiii haiio liansit llislml representative Mark Pniigbom ' llio pavutt Ini transit is m llio lung lorm Derisions I .us Angeles in.nlo about rail anil transit in llio thirties is now t tuning to Pangtiorn suit! llio Ku gono Springfield i niiiiiniintios need til look .it till'll i llllrlll ill' i isnins m tinli'i In get leads liH tin' tsvents first i riiturv In tin- Intuit' \vi' mav s.i\ . ii nnlv Hi' wiilllil base thought .iliulll tills ' llinsr .II I- till' k mils nl nr .in- raising (.it tin' roundtable tllsl tisslullsl I’.mgbiim I Ill'S 111.IS lint pas nil Ini ti'ii s isiis lint In' ,11 linn' sonii’imi* ssill li'.ills |MI(I nil Meeting organizer K.iikIs I'rini i' mu' .n tion l inin' frntn tin' meetings is the I n i • 11. ir. it li in nl .1 i|in'stiiiim.nrr lor piili'ii! piilitn .il i .nidi dates I’rini e said the ijneslinn n.lire ss i mid Innl mil svliere tile i and elates stand nil the issue nt is e transit A projei I that 1‘angborn lias lieeii working nn involves Hath ernig together some iif the lies) ideas and legislation that have been adopted in other i iimmu miles and seeing boss tiles Turn to Transit, Page 1 1