Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Wheelchair hoopsters to face Duck men's team
Photo l»v Martin I >»•»•!
In it Hiilvr Iv.ini nwnibris I i.m.i I n/vr .mil I art'll I ii'.lu in; n ill
ffiii' llw mi'll s li.iskvlb.ill tr.ini ,i Ivssun on ./ ncit n >M In l>l.i\
llwuiiniv.il M.n Court I'bursil.n niulil
Intern with JCPenny
Become an Intern at JCPenny store and div over what a Manage
merit Career in retailing is all atxiut FROM TFtF INSIDE '
April 17, 1990, 7pm to 9pm
Cedar C, EMU Building
April 18. 1990. 8:30am to 2 30pm
; as a ; ':':h ■ V" 'v l ■ ,■ i • Kt f
• Typesetting
• Paste Up lay<>ut
• I )esign ( onsultat ion
• PM I s 1 ransparent ms
Spotlight on abilities, not disabilities
IU Daralwi Irnppe
( mcrald C cintrilnitor
The Oregon men's huskethu!i team will pln\
m M( Arthui ( unit rhtirsdav Ini! it will be a
whole new ballgame for them
Thursdav night .H the Duiks will hue the
Lou Hitlers ,t hu ,11 team of wheelt hail athletes It
that sounds like an uneven matchup, consider
the tact that the Dinks will lie pinging in wheel
c hairs also
The Low Riders is a team ot III people who
tor v arious reasons use vvheeh hairs to compete
in sports I hi1 team was organized !vears ago
h\ the Kai red Heart l)regon Rehab!Iitation ( entei
and is a member ot the National \\ heelr h.or Has
kethall Assiu nil ion
1‘roceeds trom the game will he divided lie
tween the I niversitv s services tin .Indents with
disabilities and the ( )K< sports program but l ow
Rider team members liana Inzer and l.oreri
(lushing agree the game will serve as more than a
fund uiiser
"We tm us on the abilities ot people w ith dis
abilities. (.ushmg said AW it* real interested in
the awareness opportunity of this tvpe of game
ill v\ i! I show peopfr i lfi.it e s i’ti though we it* in
ss lieelrhntrs vse hase ,m a< live lifests le
All of us whether lu*'ii* uhfflih.ii! ath
h'ti*' or list* walking .iitis or whatever u.ml peo
jilt* lo look hevond tin* adaptive ri|tii|)infill unit
mm* us .is hum.in humus. ” hi* s.iid
lo/.er is tin* mils I nivetsils student on tin*
If.mi Shi* was hit In ,i thunk tlrivfi two sears
.mil spnil sfsfi.il months m S.u ifti I It*.ui Ifospi
l.il I In* ()|\( spurts program eveiilu.dls in*i .mu* .i
p.ut of lift ri'h.iliilil.iliun
I fieri* ,m* no sports iifleretl on i ampus for
ilis.ihlfil stuili*ills so ur hast* to go out into tin*
luimrnunits ' I'o/er s.ml
There an* several umveisities around Ihe
t iitmlrs that do hast* sports prngiams tor wheel
i hair athletes, hosvesei and I o/ei w ill gel tilt*
i ham e to pl.is tor one ol them nest seal
She graduates from the I 'nis ersils this spi mg
and will attend grad mile s< hoo I a I l lie t ’ Diversity
lorn to floops, Page I I
The Honorable
george McGovern
Eighth Occupant
Wavnc Morse Chair of Law and Politics
University of Oregon
April 16-17, 1990
Eugene, Oregon
Pl’Bl It' APPlAKANt I S:
7: 50 p.m., Monday, April 16
“New Perspective* on America’s Role in the World"
Introduction by President Myles Brand
A reception follows the address
O’Neill Room, Lugene Conference Center, downtown
I bus tkLJr^u atul reception are presented mo* <fteralion uiih the l i£v of / ugene
jThi dw l utfne C Juimher of C ^immerie
Nikiii I: SO p.m., I uesday, April 17
“The Peace Dividend: The Challenge of Converting to a Peacetime hconomv"
Alumni Lounge, Cierlinger Hall, 1 4t>8 University Street,
University of Oregon
The Wayne Morvr ( harr ua% waled at the ( 'njcmitv of ( heg-n m 197* a*, a in ing to civ
LiW < begun \enaUrr arki farmer iieanof the l < ) School "/ / *iu l he . hnr i*. an eiuluued [nufe\,;>r\hif.
fitviru ed by fmuiLt >L >ruiltom nutU htd by a federal c hti’Jenge grant
The cufnmt w wi/> ted by the l ’< ) frrfiident "based -m civ yfuabuei .in.I m hiexeme’it\ etengibfied ,n civ
Ufe ui Wayne l M ♦ v >ur.uy integrity, irklej>etulerue, tea* hirig ahtbty, sLUe\mnnship uh^Ursiw/'
jn.i nirUndti.-ns u,-the erduituenient f the rule ' Liu refnesenUtn.e »; n-eminent, irul u l'<-.us
WXttd to