Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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'.*< *■: >«Cs xm< >«K. XKA va»c >3B< >sc< >*< >’
— "LUo*ui P*wm6titq'' & j
r ) A UAui£e I’nf Whip j
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Sceupus Kenra
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These Hair Care Products With This Coupon Thru 4-29-90
The largest selection of professional hair
and skin care products in this town.
Inside Southside Fitness °Pen 7 rfa/s a week
at 2681 Willamette St 687-0138
; Student insurance forum today
' Committee holds open house for talk
Student Health Insurance
Committee meets tud.i\ .it l III
p in in I Ml ' ( <■ n 111 r \ Koom K
(Christian Science College
(Irgani/ation meets tonight it ti
m the basement of the Kiniioiiia
( enter. 1 41 -4 Kiin aid St
lewish Student I'ninn will
hold .1 mandatory group meet
Kt ;ils
ms; tonight it ■ in I AH Suite
\Sl () election pollwnrkers
meet tod.|\ .it t [i 111 111 the
I All ( hums ood Room
OSI’IKt. s consumer hotline
stall me. i s tonight it ti in I AH
Suite 1
\ support group lor women
over 35 sponsored by Women
in Transition meets this morn
ing from it) to 11 to at the
I Ml Women ( enter 1 Ml
Suite l
SIM Ms! KS AMI l i t Kl KKS
"Neolithic Culture ot the I p
per ll.in Kiser m ( Inna" is the
title ol a i ol It >1 ] II ill III to he pie
senleil h\ I'rolessor Wei )mg
W ii ol the Shaanxi Provinc ial
Institute ol Archaeology in
\I.III ( Inna The presc-nt.ition
will he held toil,iv at ! (0 p in
in Room .1 Iti l filbert
"Priorities lor a llealthi So
c ieti 1' is the title ol a panel dis
The University of Oregon School of Music
and the Committee for Musical Arts
steve lacy
and the
lacy jazz sextet
Award winning soprano saxist
Steve Lacy and his Paris-based
sextet will perform in
Beall Concert Mall on
Tuesday, April 17 8:00 p.m.
S10 General Admission $5 Students
Available at the door 346-5678
cushion tn be led by Mary
(THrien tonight .1! ~ tit in tin*
I Ml' i ii Room Ilic disi ussinn
is part ot the K.irth Work cele
b ration
Mi'viiii's struggle In save the
( hiapas K a in forest is tin- sub
in t ot <1 presentation to be giy
en by Custino Morales tonight
at 7 it) in Room 100 Wiliam
elte t he presentation is part ol
tile Karlh W eek 1 elebr.ition
|nhn I’erlin author ot The
llohion Threat!, will lead a pan
el disi ussion on alternative en
eigy past present and future,
today at t III p 111 in the 1 Alt'
I ir Room
"(Consumers lor Recycling"
is the siibjei t ot a lei lure to be
given tiv Hob |enks about the
(begun Recycling \< t today at
i 10 p in in (tie KMl' Hen bill
del Room The presentation is
part ot tlie Karth Week celehja
t ion
"Kiosanity Hemp lor \ ic to
rs ” is tlie title ot a panel dis
mission about tlie legalization
ot hemp tor everyday uses
(1 lotlling papel. eti ) It will
lie held today at 1 til p m in
the KM1' I ir Room The presen
tation is part ot tlie K.irth Week
i elehration
"Citizen Knfori emenl id en
vironmental l aws" is tin- title
ot a present a t ion to lie given b\
I’ele Sorenson publii interest
attorney tin- presentation will
be given today at noon in the
I All ' Hen I Hide! Room and is
piart ot the I artli Week oelebra
t mn
I hese organizations will be
holding interviews on campus
Apply tin the following inter
\ levy s today through W ednes
day in Room 7 i t I leiult irks
• May I 1 St () Corp product
administration marketing < our
dinator bai helm’s degree re
(|uired: prod in t administration
marketing master •- degree
required |
I irst lira nils t mp isales rep
resentatiy e).
• M.n i Electron ii Data Svs
Icms (systems engineering de
velopment program)
I,adv 1 'out lot ker (manage
merit trainee)
Mutual Hem-fit ( aimpanv
(registered represent at ivr*
Ori-gon Department of Rev
emie (entry level tax auditor),
group meeting only May 7 at
t 10 p in in KMl ’ ( a-dar Room
I' s Marine < Imps (pilot
management, law) table in
the KMl!. 10 a 111 to 2 p ill
• May H I’ublii Si bool System.
Saipan (spei ial ediu ation posi
Sherwin-Williams (sunt met
\IIS( M.I .WIK )l S
Insurance Awareness l)a\ a
day of informalional presenta
lions sponsored by the Student
Health Insurance (lommittee
will be feature the lollow ing
• An information table on the
KMl I'errac e about the 1000
AS!'() Insurance I’lan It w ill
be available from It) .i m. to 5
p m
• bust i banco insurant e enroll
itient for spring term w dl also
be belli troll) It) a.in to a p m
on the KMl ' Terra t e
• ()pen I louse tor tlist ussing
insurant e w ith SHIH members
Khe open house w dl be tonight
at 7 in the (Arson Hall Hold
Room. ,uid rolrcshments i\ ill be
• A claims w oi ksIit >[i will be
held at 7. it) in the ( arson I lall
( add Room. w 1th uiloi mat ion
on filing a claim, benefits and
i laim lorms
llalldav tin (tie lull openings
are still available tin kaufman's
(data processing and at count
ing), to be held Irom ') a.m to
noon on \pril l‘l Applitations
are due I Uesdav at a ill Room
7 17 ( iilbert
Hampus Inlormation lx
change elections will be held
today and Tuesday Irom ‘I a m
to noon and limn I to i p in
both ihiys
Engine Service
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