University— Hughes wants to bring experience to tee committee Concerned about AD, EMU Bv C atherine Haw lev Emerald Associate Editor Ini idental Fee (Inmmittee candidate Tim Hughes sa\s lie i an provide experiem e and sta bilitv on the i umniitlee and will ensure slow steads grow th lor student groups Hughes. ,i philosophv major wlio is running for a two-veui seat. was an I Ft memher dm mg the 1'IH 7 KH si hool year "Student groups need better Picks_ Continued from Page 7 they're both pro-gay rights." Peeler said. "Next year is a big leg islative year. Should gay rights issues come up. we need someone who is not only non-discriminatory but pro-gay rights." Peel er said. He added that GALA "felt it would involve a lot of on-the-job training (for Maples and Cush man). Kirk and Sheila are there (working in the ASUO); they know what's happening.” GALA also announced they were endorsing Jen nifer Bills, Tim Hughes and Freddy Vilches for IFC seats TERIYAKI ALLEY Japanese Chicken Curry With Rice & salad $2.95 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 * IMJNDGRIANP * ,Mt A' fOH PAMTltS AND BIHfMOAYS 5^wmcn ALL games work V11 UtU WlTMNlCKtlS GAMES ADMISSION 1 so 5IH STREET PlitllC MAlUfT • HiCf«»H3»464 Save some money!! Use ODf coupons. 1 representation on IB he said Hughes s.ini il he were elected. he would help student' groups better understand the budget profess and also coat h then, through budget prepara t ions "People do not have a genet k predisposition for this kind of stidl. he said Hughes who has been in yoked in student government for four years said the essential task of li t ' is jo balance stu denis' desire lor low on idnntai fees with their desire lor the services provided In student organizations You're not going to save monev In micro managing some student group's postage budget. " I lughes said Rather. I lughes said he u ill llV to keep let's low b\ examin ing larger li t alloc nitons. espe I i 111 Hughr* t i.ills those toi ihe Athletit He pertinent .md the I Ml lie milled he would like to see mure ui (ount.ihilitv Irom the I Ml .md \I hid u I )ep,irt uient including hnving them silhmit line item budgets .is other student organizations do Hughes said .motlter \\.is to keep f11-s from in* reusing is to help them find other soon es o! funding, including ial support from I'niversitv depart merits and imfependeut tiimt raising it.mi r.u v thrown .it stiulrnts on this campus is krrn, I luvjhos said I i ,ui holp slu drills undrrstand it llllghrs said llir Ill iirrds srvrrul inrinliris uilli r\|>cti rni r to rnsurr (hr i iiiitinurd stalilllt\ ot tin- I imrrsili our ‘You're not going tit save money by micro-munuging some student group's postage budget.' — Tim Hughes Hughes said hi* raised SI I .001! tin till* t .1 Mii l.esbl ,01 .Mil,OH I- .is its tour Hit ill ii-I tm ,mil Ins wot k with I ‘nit l*ll St,ill's Stllllllllt Assill |,l| mil tor thi* |uist two visits has given him an inside Ir.n k on finding grants and other outside tnontw sottri es \fv kmiw ledge iit llie tin nl onK live s< liools in (ho n.i (ion whoro stuilfiits loos .no,i^i’tl t ntirolv h\ sHulonis Anvono who tollows (ho nitnbliiigs i omo (rum Inuli or tip knows the powors ho in Sali'in .inti l.ngono u on hi liko in ftiko o\ oi II (: llut>hos s.nil | want In pro stirvt* si in It'tii . onlrol 'summer with a Japanese heavyweight can be a very uplifting experience. Recruit Co Ltd , Japan's largest publishing company, is ottering you the chance to put your knowledge of Japanese to work by taking part in our special 3-week internship this summer in our Tokyo headquarters With all expenses paid! For a select group of students, THE RECRUIT INTERNSHIP, SUMMER 90 provides the rare opportunity to experience the many facets of Recruit's businesses Through lectures, team projects and practical experience interns will learn about Recruit's operations in the advertising, publishing, and telecommuni cations fields The best way to learn how a Japanese company works is to pin one And considering the many industries we re involved in, there's no better place to help you explore your career interests than at Recruit. This summer accept the challenge and work with a heavyweight' RECRUIT INTERNSHIP, SUMMER 90 Mid JULY-Earty AUGUST QUALIFICATIONS: Sophmore, Junior. Senior, and Grad students Intermediate to advanced Japanese skills All majors are welcome to apply, but you should be interested in Business TO APPLY: Send resume and a one page letter of intent to Recruit USA Inc One Memorial Drive, 1 Oth Floor Cambridge MA 02142 Attn INT3 DEADLINE: April 23. 1990 If you have any questions call 1-800-2S8-USA1 RECRUIT U.S.A., INC.