Earth Week to offer speakers, panel discussions I .trlh Week 1'MM) begins !• d.i\ with activities faking place throughout I lie < it v. Ini elehrn lion of the ! nth .» variety ot speakers and workshop^ an- he mg offered on i ampus The* week will (ulminate with i.arth Dav on Sunday \ fair that includes music speak <‘i s and food booths vn ill be* lieitl at Alton Baker I 'ark Monda\ rnvin mitienfal litigation at 1 tn p m in tie- I Ml Hen ! i ti.ler Room • A a tn s of hemp the u til be field at 1 in p m m the f Aft I ir Koran • Quim \ Sugar mail < )Sl nmmental advnt ate. will address the love hate relationship between I' S t onsumers and tfieu garbage ,il i Hi p m in the I Ml Hen Iunder Room • A p.t: te: •'! i 'Mi i. ; > ■ ■ ‘ • :; tial ot sniai eneigv will be held at l an p m in the I Ml Kir Kooin • I .Mi u a be mt the t )regt in Rei y < 1 mg At t m the IA11 Hen I .Older Room at 4 an p m • Rev11> ite d i m i -.M'hi s j H •.( mm •• in ( bide Mar\ O'Brien. biologist and three tm of Northwest Coalition toi Alternatives to I'estii id< Robert DeSpain founder of an organa alh grown food ttt op Barbara kellv tonndei and director of ‘save our i.( t»s\stems, and |errv Howell, edi for of Ki’mii/m #• /vet mrn Hurt land an p m m the I All i it Room • Oitei i iat a ■ 11 a ! • peakel :■ • inti file struggle to save the (Chiapas rain forests ot Southern Mexico 10 p m. in Room UK) \\ illamette luesdav • Knv iron mental md etl dent organizations present findings ot the i'niversitv s environmental audit at U a m in the f Ml i tr Rooms • \ slate presentation .imi : sinn <•! Oivviun's High Desert .nul tIk* Sterns Mountains at 1 id p m m (tit* I'M! Hen Kinder Room • \ k it ( > i - i i i • loastal Hiivinmmt’til and wdditie with Maimer Sekora Irom tin- I S Kish and Wildlife Service will plat e at 1 10 p tn ill fhr KM! I it Room • \ . ■ . ■ .k • 1 ’ 1 forests nt Eastern Ament a and Mu rope with author ami scholar John Mori in will take place at K iO p in in the 1 Ml Hen Kinder Room • students will be at i ID p in m the \ I tall I’ot krt I heater • free /.one at will he held at OD P 111 ill the KM! I If KuotH • egon Trial lunwers present steps you can take to t rente. protect. ot onion e environmental laws at (Mi p in in the I aw S< hot)I • to i elehrate rot k and dam * leer fl*r Karth -it n on p in in the I Ml Hail room \\ etlm sdax • t ied resources is depressed when the pupulantx of ret vt ling is grow ing at 1 in p m in the I Mi I if TODAY is the LAST DAY! to purchase ASUO HEALTH INSURANCE for Spring Term. 5147.00*”includes Summer Room 15 EMU bring Fee Card X a in in tin- I- Ml Fir Room • ■ is! Un ftir« i 4 ami trim i sum prialumr will nxplurr itu tiornn struct urns that ran In hofh rroh^n allv ami r*t onoinn all\ sound ’ iff p m l Alt5 Hallo*nm I huistla\ • ns \ aim’s and t im*r points of tu o t,0p- .it noon m tin* IM! f our! vafd • i?< ologv nromuims ami politics ol I'm if it \n| thwvs! am it’ll! forests at ! Ui p m in t hr* I Ml Hi'ii I imii-r • \ ; i1.. >» • i \ ■! : \ . ronmrntahsK and labor work together .iiu! share i nmmoti urgn merits against trmln-r i orporufsou'.ont'n! and union busting at t to p m in the IMl i tr Knout • Imu .out edm alum 1 hegnn \ Nrsourt os t .unit il ami Mike Ko suite. (O founder ot Kartli first! ami Rainforest At tioo Xcluaik will dtsf irss the struggle to save the an i lent loo 'K ot tiir |’a» it a North v\rs\ at p m m |h» | Ml Hail room I I 111.IV • ami gender relation ships in mu iai change nunenients will hr held front B to a in to » p m »n the f Ml ’ I n Room • rights a» tivisin worldwide In Shaium Titus iitim Amnrstv Inter national will hr held at . p in in tin- IMl Hrn l.tndei Room • I'lii ironnirngtl ps\ i holouiM arid t<»tiit«l«*r •inn tor ot tin National \mhibon No< ntv N f spi dilion In a itutr at to p in in tin IMl i n • fiun uf faith l fay fiatimn^ aiming *»111 * * i *■» i 'imt-iMh Singrr^ guitarist Inn St tiff and th»* Mollm! 'IVmjiU' t htltifrii s t bun will It*- hr* id at in p m m ihr I Alt Ballroom S.llUl da V luriiiy .11! tmiMi and y.mirs vviIMm* hold frt»;• | ! a m in -4 p tit m flit* 1 cim atum Building ( on rt yard • • , . t *nrutahnn will inllodur t* I hr? ap }>l it at tun and training tor * an’t.tkors Innn 1 t .t m fo i' in p m in ft** i \|i ( • alar rooms ( and I) •A ■ 1 • tt*f Is ut hit m U*•'.}!•(n i )rt*gnn (rum nuon to * p m in tin- Mu runt i»t Natural i hstory • \1 ‘1 p m and u in p in in Konin inn IM C • \ • ’ ' - ' I him dn tar\ i hou »■ .»f|«m i-, flu* inv i runitnml and mir health at ? p in in t In- f Ml Hal In m an • ;).(!!..■ • !i • • • • t . H ■ !■'.>. i.11 \ngoU Inllnwrd bv a data* with ktidana a fuvp-ia- marimba band at a in p m in tlic I Ml Ballroom Bring in a Roll of Film and get a Valid only at the Villard Street McDonald's Start Spring With a Free Big Mac ■ ■■COUPONi--^ Fast NEXT DAY SERVICE! Bring your film in by 1pm — ready by 2pm NEXT DAY! Big Mac Just bring in your * color film and get a Free Big Mac ! with this coupon I I I Store Use You must present this « uupon to The Shutterbug with a roil of film to be tU‘v*‘U >{•*•'. J and pnntnd .if our every fay low post.* The Shut ter bug will vali •: if* " ip> ■ T -Sf tf (hr Vrfi.daf.-d < u; < as !■ M. Dm ii d . 1 f* 1 i ■ ‘ 1 -. . i •;'! ' S ; ■ ; < ■ » ■ i i f r •1 • ■ f *i ■ j *»1. i Sand,*. .■< h T h * - pon must f validated by th** Shutterbug Coupon validated April 16 to Apr Y< *u II a, , ;r . i }.|?*- 1 ' ' ’ a Ff»»r Bn, Ml Aj ' •• it Mi 0*i! Js Limit One ( . >up< < per pers< • wdf ■ - i more • Iis •’ * n N ‘hmI ,.?* him p»< ••• J hmd Oho B".j Ma- pm VALID ONLY AT THE VILLARD ST. McDONALDS