I'm a - WHALE watcher As many as 10,000 people flock to see huee, sen tie 2ray whales H\ SIt>v»• ( urcl I mcr.ilil Photographer \\ h.ile w .ill lung i mil nines to ijrim in popularity ,is thou S.lllds lit spei l.tlors tint k 111 the ( )inr ( o.isl (iurmg the .iMim.il migration ol the gra\ u h.ile As many ns 111,null pttople me inputted I.) have heen on life lookout till I he III loll main Inals liming the (ihiislmas sea soil s.iui Doll lilies ul the Hal held Marine Si ieu< e ( elite! in New port Whales will lie visible oil tile l liegim i oast until nhoul lln set inn! week ol Ma\ as lhe\ eoiilinne their northern migra Inm I lie gru\ whale is an Hind t . teel long alwml the length ol tun I ileyhouiiil Imses alnl is the tartbest migrating mam inal on I arlh making a round trip ol 1 miles Irom the Choke In and liering Seas north ol Alaska to the warm lagoons neat Bata Me\n o (.ties said populal viewing areas atinuui I loieni e tin hide t ape I’erpelua Sea I.ion ( ales and the month ol the t!mpr|tia l • I' V s 's|l if' life llit- iimiilm ul liii' gi.ivs is cslmi,ilnl Iij hr .! ] Hilll I In' |itipiii.it inn dropped In .is li »\\ .is .' Mill will'll Ihr will ill's Will' 11 U 1111 'll III till' I,ill' 1‘lllls .uni i -,ii K Mis l.ilrs s, ml llit' nuinbi'i is now .it in ,ilui\ r lIn■ If• V l■ ls lu ll ill' lln- lli'.iv \ i'\plill I.it inn li ti >k pi,ii i lie s.lid I think I In- biggest problem we l,n i' today is tlic possibility nl nil d 1111111 u "II ill'' Olrgon lli.isl kmkr s.ilil An nil spill w mild ha\ i' ,i i atastroplm id (i'll mi llii' wli.ili- population," sin- said ' f ill' nil w mild lilli-r mil llir sunlight th.it allows till' mil nisi upii plant Idi- In grim Tins would interrupt llir loud i ham, ultimately alii'i ling 1 hi* u li.di's kmkr said Ihr :ia\ wliali- is mir id the must primitive surviving baleen nil,drs which strains its food while trrdiug lift llir ik ran I lour I In- w hairs sla\ w itlini liv e miles nl slime during migration and am huge si ale ai tivit\ within this pathway is puten ti.dly hat mtti 1 according III a report issued hv the ()\Kl Photo !>\ Sti-vr l 4f«i Kumiinx whole watching .mil sfmrt tishiiu; r\iirilitions is >' it eekcntl /mo/csmo/i tor I’.il Si hrnk . skippi'l ot thr X.iuti-I nth Durini; the week Si hunk is .1 junior hitih school ninth lent her in IIit .11 o. It nsliiniiton. I'h.ilo h\ Slrvt* t ard I’enfile hiifiinIn , .ih li nl »/ i,-/.n whole". either .it the hnih.in .ulrni Dm k in \en/to// In Im.irtl mu- nt t'ii:hl ho.it", operated In \eniiort s'port l i\hin».