Forum Time has come for an end to military research University should adopt Stresmger plan Bv Shannon Oliver The net mi lease ot l' S mill t.irv spending between 1081 and l'tHa some Sl*10 billion i reateil an estimated 7.2 mil lion job-vears of work over that period I lad the ei|uivalent sum been spent on civilian ai tho lies. it would have generated H.4 million job-vears (Source \Vorldn ittch I'.iprr HU p >1 In light of I orient polenm s between environmentalists and members of the working i lass. _Commentary_ who are dependent on natural resouri es I believ e it to be of the utmost important e that the I'niversilv recogni/.e the need to divest mu interest in federal mibtarv spending The most i nt ii al negat iv e re percussions of militarv spend ing on the economy and higher edui ation is in the area of re seart h and development ( air rently. the researi h intensity of militarv produi ts has been esti mated to be as high as 20 times that of i ivilian products I he share ot publii resean h and tie velopment outlays that goes to the militarv is as high as 70 peri ent in the 1 'nited States ('ll or/i/u.ih Ii I’.ifirr 'll1) p. 18) In the United States, com billed military-related K&D e\ penditures in the mid '80s may have been equivalent to .is mm h as 4a pert ent of total government and private spend ing. at i ortling to the ( smut il of lit onomii Priorities in New "i oik This mibtarv cornut opia starves the i ivilian intrusion lure of funds A prolonged heavy emphasis cm defense related research and development impairs our ooun tr\ 's innovative r apat il\ h\ drawing scientific talent awa\ from the i ivdian ser tor. leaving our i ountr\ imalile to address sor ini or environmental needs I would like to address the public issue concerning mili larv funding of basic sc lenc e ,rl the I bltversilv At a rally pre c edmg the dedication of the new science buildings last tic tuber 1 spoke about the idea that funding ol basic sc umc e !w military organizations threatens tci adulterate the tvpe ot basic sc lenc e that IS done as well .is the prolile ol scientists who find sue c ess in resean h It has been argued that re search sc ientists should be tree to seek binding from am some es available and w tiling lo bind their w in k In addition, it has been ad \ ant ed that the die tales of ,n a c 1**1 n ic freedom preclude the prohibition ol militarv funding ol basic science such a prohi lilt II ill w oulri i reate the oppe H limit* for political influent es ul researc h programs further, it been asserted that even weapons researc h should be fair game tor the I bn versitv facullv When we speak ot academic freedom, we speak cd an eiu powering right that ensures the abilitv of si ientists to pursue liasic: questions of interest and explore the secrets ot the uni * erse around and w ithin m, I feel that this freedom is ex tremelv important Absolute academic treedom reepnres that no stiings whale* _Commentary Policy The Oregon Daily Emerald welcomes commentaries from the public concerning topics of interest to the University commu n it y. Commentaries should be between 7r»o and words, legible and signed, and the identification of the writer must be verified upon submission. The Em erald reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length if necessary THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Suddenly, a heated exchange took place between the king and the moat contractor er in' nttill hrii between tin fuiuli'r and tin- funded There .ire invariably limitations. and tht'\ are not trivial While it ii absolutely tin' l ast' that military agencies do fund hasit research having no foreseeable' mililar\ appliia lion, it is also tin' i asc that onlv i frtain types of liasli rescan h are ai i eplahle to ruilitarv agen lies file etfei 1 ot this inn Is that the more money the mill tar\ i an channel into hasu re scan h, the greati'I the degree to whil h they are I apahle ol de termining the course ot si len titu tin estimation fills must he u t ter K loathsome to myone who espouses ai adenili tree dom I he ton es that linn! ai .idem it freedom can have very sen oils i onsei|uetu es tliai a tree so i.ietv responsible tm funding research might want to avoid file late (ieorge Stresingei a world lamoits University hiolo gist, developer ot the tamnns /.ehralish preparation that dts tinguishes Kugene in the si ten tifil i ommunity and the man after whom one ot the grand new si iein e buildings is named lust proposed to the I ai it It \ Senate this limitation on lesean h funding Whereas defense researi h is JU/:\T/J:\1A\".S I '( m: i I t CL! a • c«? 11111 WILLAMETTE ! EUGENE. OR 9740) 343 6179 | j 11' > ■ antithethn ,il In tin- hmnanistii purposes d! a l 'tmersilv ,nul "W'Ihm'ims the rational loca tion lor defense rescan li is within the appropriate a ire m les ot the I Jepartinellt ot I tetense. He it resolved that the lai ill ty o| the himersitv ot t trefoil request-, that the President and the administration of the 1 in versily establish a pole \ ot re fusing all i ontrai t or qrant re seari h sponsored hv the He part men! of Defense anil its \at ions brant ties and ot phasing out .is rapidlv as possible an h i ontrai Is as now esisl at the 1 'diversity Professor Slresinger was well aware ot the fai t that M l erne funded In the militarv may he pure and basu re search He reasoned that the freedoms ice saerifii e when we take a stand ait.dust militarism are less inipottaut than I he tree iIiiiiis hi- iram wlien we a-, a so t ielv rejei I llir influent fs (in si limi t' ol ,ni oppressive milt l,ir\ i oinplf\ is killing planet Is.nth .uni limit mg human the vinu \\ ini j ii it is tr sisiri li slnmlil mil lx1 11111111> in tin1 t .n f nt l in vim si Is piiln \ \i>t milv lias tin’ I in lerstlv haimt*il i lassitied ami mu lassifii'il weapons researi li on i .a in p li s tint it also has liaiini'il i lassifii'il anil unclas.i fit'll weapons researi ti at the proposed Riverfront Keseart li Park PinsumahU some views la vor lepeal ot these weapons re seanh hands It is this view 1 11ml most oh|ei.tionahle ami most out ol tom h with the ideals ol at ademii Ireedom Sh.imum (>h \' ! is 111 (1ms /at nl Shnlrnt l a/n/iaign for /tis.u moment INSURANCE AWARENESS DAY MONDAY, APRIL 16,1990 sciikih i i;i) fvfnts ◄ INFORMATION/ ► ◄ KNKOI.I.MKN'T TABI.K ► I ():()()-5:()(). 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