Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1990, Page 20, Image 20

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    ^^01*23FI * ontinui'd from Pam' 1
lit ipnti'il lli.it it- dmijands lot
ilr.istit w.r.'.i- .mil licncfit ini',
would 11■ ■ u 11 in .t sti tkt .irul
m,idr .irr.iiHifiiifiits limn bifori'
milking it*- pl.iiis known to tin
Ii.irlv in ttIHH Moio,m .n-k(*d
its hllVl'ls to (1 v 1'islot k \ 11 I>1.11
doors in until lp.ition id tin
sl-rikr l ill 11< * r I slid I It- s.iid
Morg.tn IiiumI .t i onsiill.in! w itli
i'\)ii'riuni u m stnkus .Hid l» ;.in
to ,id\ urtlM' tor n‘plm i iiiiml
W oik i ‘I ■ liofon' .iskliu: worker
III! till- 10 pen ••ill W age I 111
\p|i.iii’iii !\ ('.ilbi'il said,
Morgan management thought
the sit ik** would Iasi no mori‘
111.in !da\s .uni iiassmed
slot kliolllot s lll.ll till' Mllltll II HI
was under t onlrol
Now nearh two gears Inlet
Morgan lias faded In ie.a h the
„'U pi n i'll! prulit mark il set mil
In .11 lues e h\ i lilting IIIIIIIII
wages, even though file re
pi.if i ineiil w i u k fori e is u nrk
mg .ll III below ll|e ImlH wage
!t‘\ !‘|
Mi ii -..;,in stm k h.is falirh ,iuil
the i mnpam h.i< lust millions,
ill dollars In i ,111■.i .it tin -trik*
Knhinson stud Hi' e\pl,lined
tli.it Muni,in nnilitmi”- to lose
11 jo I) i' \ e\ i’ii \\ 1111 tin- i ut in 1,1
Imr i I Isis ill-1 ,|||M- till- slide h,i>
hurt tin- 111it11>it11\ s iiii.iui- ut
high qllalltv
Moreau lias Inst i iistoiin-rs
.n11i investors h.ivi pulled mil
nt I In -1 ntnjoin In -i ,nisi- i it Mi H
g.in -• pint arious lin.mi ial'posi
lion. Robinson s.nti Morgan is
also burdened with tin- added
expense ol ongoing training tor
replm ement workers and
nninii tln- i lor k sin uri!\ guards
at the plant
I he*, vo lost more than
111e\ vc gained t lilherl said
Morgan has rolused to enter
into binding arbitration to re
solve the dispute, despite urg
ing horn the Springfield ( itv
t on nr r I and slate legislator s
Morgan defended its position
• 30% OFF Re i ■' "■ r 1 , !i , ■ '\i\t ‘ ! 'i m' ; - i A ■ ■. I
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on arbitration in .in .id in the
•S/I I inctiriii M’lV.s ill 1,11)11,11 \
I 'IK11 wliii li ri-.id .
rill* part it's III till* I lil lrnt
l.llmi i 1 < •• * 11 u • 111 . Ilk'1 must nth
ri*. in tin* I > ri v .i! * * sci tor. i Ihim
to list* tlir i iillri Inr bargaining
l>roi i'ss In iii'gu!inlr i'i ununiii
ismii's Hind ing arbitral inn is
traditionalU usml in tin- |iul)ln
si'i In: v\ lirrr til'' i iglil In strik•
III lm knut IS lint ,n ,ii 1.11111 ■ ti I
tin- part ins
Morgan managemi'iit < I i s
puti's must ill tin- 1.1,lints ni.tiii'
In tin' union .mil tin \I.KH
has sidud with Mur'.;,m in most
id thi'i asi's involving unlaii la
In n pr.n I ii rs
In tlir Sprintilirltl Xr us .ids.
Mom.m '-.ini tin- \iiul.ii (.'uni
pain Ins! inontn in three ol tlir
Im* sears immediately pieced
iiits purchase In Morgan,
and said no basis exists lor
union claims that Morgan was
in debt u lien it pun based \it
< >la i
I.eeRos I’asquim. human le
sources manager (or Morgan's
western operations. said in an
Minus! 1'IHH lettei It IS not
nor will il over be. our iiiten
lion to break the union. We
bar e worked diligent l\ over the
past two veals to real li an eijui
table agreement through on go
mg dialogue and lleguti
Iknvevet. Robinson ills
In I In negol ial ions Morgan
set up a Iiered pa\ si ale that
tut the wages ol the common
workers the most Robinson
•aid lie added that Morgan ol
Iered slight pa\ mi leases to
woi keis w ith spei ia! tet him al
skills who could not enxils tie
leplai eil ill the e\ ent ol a
Robinson said lie tielieved
the disproportionate wage cut
was an attempt to weaken soli
darity among union members
I low et el mill III ol the 100
original strikers have returned
lo w ol k al \ H ola I a in I Robin
son said the majoritv ol those
w ailed im ire than a \ eat before
o'tuining to work
As the i ontrovers\ between
union leaders and Morgan
management wages on \u olai
workers strikers as well as
replai eiiients ctmtiime to
lee! the filet Is
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■< I t t * M» ‘moi 1.11 Union