_Sports_ Invitational (,mtmu,,dirom14 OR EGON j imwr /fii/irrssi t r iirrlurnimn rs In Hri.tn Wriiiht in Ihr -WO-ini'ti‘r hurtlin', .imI the l.HOO-mrtrr rvl.n hrl/n'tl Iht■ l)m As < lint h Ihr it in • iblr to 'i on his fourth attempt to break his own m bool re< ord ot .'til set Iasi week Skipper also broke tin- meet ret orti ot l 44 4 I didn't think I'd (tiniw that far today." Skipper said When something hurts vnu’re really babying it Hie weather was great and I think that's one reason why the groin didn't rip apart I'm shooting for a lot tar l her he salt) "(Throws eo.ii lit Stewart (Togher) tells me it I i an get some height and get some lift 1 I all throw a lot tartliei As e\pe< ted. t Georgetown s John Trautniann and Oregon s I.m Peterson battled it out in the 1 ail) meters w itli I rani maim holding on to w in I rani matin set a meet rei.ortl with a time ot i t • 'iJ is h 1 If Peterson i Im ked 4 4 . Bt> there was a lot ot jostling throughout the rai.e and IV tersmi said a mistake he made proved i ost I v I made a t.n t ital mistake with less than 400 meters to go lie said ' 1 raiitinaim jumped around me and I was Irving to i rowd the other (Georgetown runnel (Mike Met i ai krul But Peterson was still pleased W itll tills pierformaiK r " \1\ toi us today w as to r.n e him ( rrautm.mnl '' he said As far as other runners m the nation, he's as good as it gets I'm not trying for .1 time, be i ause that's going to < nine in .1 more low Lev meet that's not as tai tii a! Danny hope/ added another win in the steeplei.base and was iliaei really pushed, win ning in a time ol K 40 87 The Ducks got a big boost in the 400 meters when Curtis Wilson held oft the (.ougars William Knight in a time of 47 ‘I f to Knight's 47.98 Ore gun's Oliris Thomason 1 nine in third to give Oregon some mm h needed help. Another frig surprise for the Dm ks i anie from Jason W alton in the high jump. Walton a redshirt freshman from Richland. Wash . came into tlie i ompetition with a best of 0-8 D . full 1 le,lied ti 1 0 1 < oil his first attempt to finish third I Ilia 11 W right once again won the 400 meter hurdles and was third in the 110 fiordles lint his biggest role 1 amt* in the List e\ ent tlie 1 meter relav w lien the meet w as < till there for Washington Slate Wright's strong third leg on the relav dine lied file w 111 w lien the Dili ks were sei ond and the ( iuigars tliirif 111 tlie e\ent Oregon wouldn't fiave been in tii.it position though if it hadn't been for a pair ol un heralded jumpers CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted 346-4343 PI.K ASK RK \D • ; • ■ ■ i • • i • II i mil Jil 4|>|M Ji ' MX "> >i i tl< • -*H PI ' I"" I I1 f«M »«n rnii-m m iIm m- \l dj* > i"«». • I I tv j.ls^hMiiwfii »ill K- jd»u«u-.f I lit ( MU ( \NS< >I Ml KI MNINMHI I M»K II I I (. IHI I H \ N | >\N UI I INI. 1)1 ADI INK: I PM |)\\ 111 ( OKI 1*1 111 l< \ I 11 IN • Kui.' ji. M **«» M . v , #»v. 4 '4 » MINIMI M ( II MM.I MINIS V\ K I > N N S4 SO first ,l.i\ \ FlMI t * mi mi uli\ r ti.i\ \ Oregon Doily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS NuitiUl ..I III* ___ ItH I».|- • _ Viimix • *•! >Sj« ' !>• mu __ K»*vi*mJ In I llvt 1I4I1 ' ll ||||| t IMIM I III IM I ( •MlMVUllH Oj> < lul i‘> I •<* jl 4lll'“llll (lldk \ I I Nl* _ liowd ‘ \ t-s No □ VKRSCHIKDKNHKIT Diversity /vO^' 00 ? U +1 DIVERSO DIVERSITY BAILEY STICKEL ASUO PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU pom7 xxjsee mi kb 7 tue GOTTA STOP FOUUNG OOP HABTTAT’ sum kb call OUPSUVES tNVlPOHMtWAi ms, BUTUJHAT HAVE TOU QONB latbly tosavcthc PlANET7 FOR INSTANCE t H/Wt YOU (CHUCK ONUOR/HORU)- 1 'SePARATK? YOUR RWSABUS FROM YOUR COM PORTABLES. 2 BOYCOmP PVCS, 3 ’NVUSTW IN LXJRABUE 4 5EN9VZEVA LOCAL OFFICIAL* s?-> '-♦a / FOR INSlANCi HAVt XX)(CHECK ONt OR MORI): 1. TtV XXJR RtVSABltS FROM TOURCOM posiA&te, 2 gmoTTtv pvc5, 3. INVtSTBPIN 4 StNSmZtP A UXAL i ^ tmai ? 7 \ He's getting TO ME-.. G#R*E*E*OE YACHT CRUISE Summer Sail ON SALE! s2195 small group, relaxed flexible schedule Pace includes round trip airfaire from Portland all ai mmodations. and most meals ALEXANDROS TOURS 683-7101 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiimiin