Arizona_ Continued from Pago t"> "She's not really overpower mu ' Drown s.mi ot |ones who sports .in KKA of linnet l' 'itt \\ hilt shi' isis ver\ smart She keeps the trail low and has ( ( ontrol Arizona jumped on (begun early in the second game tak mg a 1 it lead in the first inning alter limes singled to center to si ore Vi\ inti I lulm. who led ott the inning w ith a double to light Held. Arizona made it t It in the fourth w hen hiistin ( mathiet s infield hit brought |od\ Mitlei and Slandering home. (iinnie Sheller si altered sis Inis to get the win for Arizona and raise hei record to It Si this season. With the two losses Wiese dropped to 1 V II) ''This has been a great trip, said Candrea. whose W ildcats also swept (begun State 1 rida\ "We've put ourselves in a posi lion to control our own deslim and that's all \ou can ask this time ol year Oregon hosts Portland Stale Saturday and No 1 ranked 1'( I A Saturday Ph.itu h\ Pm I i Orrt^ni i s ( cs ('md\on look s on ,/s //»»■ l ri/on.i ll/////./fs s/n/f mil Ihr Dili is /// ilmihlrhr.idrr .// (///// .// Hour I irhl Women ( ontinued from Page !•> I thought wo kept iiftoi thorn all during tho moot, and wo got ko\ periunnani es when u o needed thorn, I loinonon said I loinonon noted Mary Andor son s effort in tho triple jump I ho freshman horn Kosehurg had boon hi it bored with had shins and was uuh probable to i iimpcte. Assistant i oai h Mark Stream made tho doi ision to use hoi a dot ision ho should ho more titan happy « itli Anderson jumped !7-0 to take lbird plat o I bat mat k boat hot personal rot ord bv Ini' ilie lies and it tops am leap silo made this year li\ ( lose to t vv ii tori. 1 Irinmit'M said Kamala kolilmcier put out her usual nothing lull oflorl perlnrniunt e hohIilteiei opened her competition with a third m tin1 long jump I.ater on hohlme ini rattled halt ol llie hurdles in the Inn nletei hurdles hut still managed to lie both liri personal lei old |ll 1 .!| and the e lavurite Sharon I ’ollev ol ( a I I ’ol v Kim llvatt and Paula Bern mu e again finished I .! in the javelin llvatt iiarrovvlv edged Hern s mark ol ItiH 11 u ith a toss ot itat 11 1 kfllx Blair nave teammate laurel Roberts .1 sur prise ol her own lit tlit* high 111 it 11 ■ Hi.111 list'd lit'r In ‘si jtnii|) ol lilt- \ fill I 1 'I ’ 1 I to ill'll'.it 111!' I.noil'll Roberts who limshi'il St'l I Hill W it h .1 ItMp III I It 1 I Rosie U ill jams I if I pi-I I the lx Hill relax Irani In vit turv eai lv in thi' tnt't'l hut Ihi' jiinioi • pi inter to pull up near the mil ol her win in the inn due Id .1 sir.lined hamstring. Williams who won the race w 11I1 an I I 8 1 time had to pass on the '0(1 .uni Ivlllll She is t|lifstinliuhlr tor next w eel. Spring Car Care Ttrestone W AMERICAS HOME FOR CAR SERVICE rJiiTbir&nlTYR” Who can you depend on lor their in depth training, computerized equip ment ,irut work hacked by long term warranties'* The Masters of Master Care, ol course 6 MONTHS/6.000 MILE LIMITED WARRANTY COVERS ALL PARTS & LABOR' .i- •»? i iu \r\ tt-,i* imum ■i MAINTENANCE BRAKE SPECIAL Free inspection & estimate! Technicians install premium'grade di* pads or brake shoes and resurt.iee drums ” ro lors ASK ABOUT OIJM COMPREHENSIVE BHAM OVERHAUL. FEATURING EREf RE PLACEMENT PARTS AND LABOR FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN YOUR CAR' s59" plus S I shop Irr TUNE-UPS Tf tio*»n's Solvp Ovt»i (XX) Eng PfubltMTt-i f v»*1 y Day1 • -• . . • A • .! • • • , . , -lU-if’, \ ; , 4 Cylinder $49.99 6 Cylinder $59.99 8 Cylinder $69.99 SI No Appointment Necessary Downtown Eugene —East 11th store only 345-1593 Meed a break7 Check out the EMTERTAIMMEMT section in the ODE classifieds General Book Department Second Level of Store •. mi f *i 7ft *: * ;»' h 'M • ♦ ♦ 346 4331 *