✓ Classic World Travel 34 3-1992 R \ iMt tin N>\ it t l hh'ii 1 (i d.i\ lour >/',k i' i- I nutted <■ S otMl.il! lenses ill sfoik lot MniMV Mine dav humps f s35 off j soft contact lenses (with complete exam) ' 1 ipirrv Apnt JO rainbow optics Sports_ I'tiutii li\ Mr\ !■ I ,ii il (hr umi \i>i>hnmi)rr I.nirrl Kolwrts Inn A sn mu! in llir hii;h juni/i In frt'shnmn hrlli Hl.iir. who rri onlril .1 ~>-'l‘j Iv.i/i tor llir Dot As I'r/isi Ir.ini Ini it.ilion.il l it Ion .it I l.n w .ml I irltl llii.i> Kohrrls //i s/ /iiss o/ llir l /'.// Wessell, Smith hand Ducks a win B> < .tm Sivesimi I morale) Sport' Reporter Stirprisf vi ill' liv .1 pair ol Steph.mil's ht'lpi'ii tilt l lit'gim women’' ti.K k team t<• ailotnei virtorv S.ilurduv m the I’epsi ifiiin Invitational ,it Hayward Field <)iimm initt hi'il a .Ml point win over reigning N( \A Divi sum II riiainpiniis I ,il l’ulv San I ms (ibispo. deteating the Must.mgs I H i Ki t Washington State grubbed tliinl with l ill points while t.eoigetimn rounded out the Moling with ‘10 Stephanie Messell overtook teammate la/. U ilsun in the last GREEKS...Having a Party??? 5-Foot Subs s25.00 no 1 Cheese and Cracker Platter S19.95 LET US DO YOUR FOOD FOR UNDER 75.00!!! Veggie Nibbler LG $26.95 SM $14.95 CALL NOW AND ORDER! 683-8670 shaams, M food wa YOUR TOTAL FOOD STORE 17 COBURG ROAD HOURS 7AM-11PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 683-8670 1011 mi'h rs i it I hi ■ i .1)00 to i ll it k ,i lli .’ti (III l lu‘ tunc lic.it U cs sell s own meet record from las! ie.ii In more than 1 I sei (mils lint the warm wealhel kept fid 111 sei mills oft the \( VA qualifying mark Uessell s.iul she felt am thing hut emitiilent before the r.n e hut that a talk from I trefoil roach Turn lleinuiten helped the junior get Im used I om s.uil lie consei i alive and just sc wh.it I < mild do Uessell said He told me to li\ to sta\ in the pal k I lemmien had U essell pegged Im tdth in the rai e w ith Wilson and U St s Jennifer Robertson. last veals league champion, battling for the lop spot along with freshmen |amie Parks of ( .ii Pols and (leorge tun n s ( liristi ( auistautin Wilson finished second In a ten leel. w bile l ainstantin tin Islied mure than 10 sei onds be hind U essell for third Stephanie and Liz really got us going, I leinonen said The other half ot the Steplia me Surprise was in the ifisi us Then- Stephanie Smith had the fnggei upset when she out distanced Washington State's l.emgelte Heed With a toss of r.j -1 Reed who had already won the shot put w ith a meet record 'ill l'i had won both shot and liisi us a week earlier at liav w aid I leld "Mi i nritideiii e is up,"' Smith said "It s a matter of that one throw I love to con tribute to the team Smith finished third in the shot put and credited her win ill the disi us to a complete si v lr i hange m.iiit• 111 prat liir List v\eek \\ itli the suit ess tlit < 11.»nvi** brought lift Saturday Nmilh is looking In surpass the I 1)11 foot Ill.il k |ust lii get n\it that hurdle would In’ great, Sinilh said Ml day lung dm mg tin- meet I al I’olv seemed to never go away kt't-pmg ihu lluiks look mg over their shoulders l)is lam i- extraordinaire 1 eena ( uleblook .i nalivi'of i’clurboi ough I ugland inn .m ay y% illi lusts in |hr l .'ilMI and HIM) and ran Ihc am hot leg on tile sei ond place 4x400 relay {iolebnink ran a 4 1 li.'li in I lie I all) and ( locked a 0 i 4 1 m the HOI), setting new meet ret ords in both eytails ( al I’olv t oat h I .am e I lartei was mi|iressed yyilh Ills team's pel lot mam e '( tuning In i lay y\ ard I icld , u c yy ere kind of slat strut k at first.” llarler said "This is a jrl.it e most kitis only heat about t )nt e his team got settled, ilartei was confident in its po situming tor the remainiiet ot the meet those luijies quit kly dwindled however, after Shanin Stevens, the favorite in the tut) hurdles, hi! a hurdle and fell midway through the rat e Stevens' fall gave Oregon the advantage and Dinks jennifer Nettling and Tint it; Looney lilt isltetl 4 4 Heinonen smiled from eat to ear after the meet though it may have been bet ause lie 11 Hally got a break from the glar mg sun as he sat m the shade lorn to Women, Page 1 Japanese Software Company: Bsat inc. Is interviewing on Thursday, April 26 •\sk lor details 6 sign up tor the interview at the Career Planning and Placement