Sports Arizona wins pair over Oregon B\ Irat \ Sumner t morale! Sports ! ditor There's an old philosophy in baseball and snltliall about Ini ting lhal goes something like this: I lit il where they ain't There were times Saturday in Oregon’s sottball doubleheadei w ith third-ranked Arizona when it seemed there wasn't anywhere the Wihh als weren't and the result was a pair ol .1-0 Arizona u ins at (Iregon s I low e Field Arizon.i. whieh leads the I’a eiiit 10 (ainfereni e in hitting also shelled Oregon's all-Amer ican pill her Katie Wiese lor a c ombined 22 lots to drop the Kith-ranked Ducks to 21-10 overall. 2-11 in the Par-10 Atizona improved its rei ord to 42-“i and u 1 to pull into a f irst place tie with l!(d .A in i onlerem e standings "It seemed like we'd lot the hall well and the\ had magnets in their gloves." said Oregon cour h I ami Hrovvn 'They 're sound all the wav around I’hev just don't make mistakes At izona i oai 11 M ike ( Andrea whose team hasn't been scored on in eight games, said his team's detense lias been the ke\ to its sui i ess this year We don't have I tie kind of pitchers who get eight oi 10 strikeouts per game, but we have a great detense out there that's plav ing superbly l .andrea said I think tod,i\ a good es ample We just didn t make any mistakes he said lor Oregon m islakes are what cost the Dinks a (.bailee ROSES s7.99 doz. Phone orders welt unit* Delivery available In the Parking Structure t»V Sai led lli'iut on 13th St ■/Pmbfetiftu. f I DWI HS AMI (#1! I S HI M • III t It \MI!I KS • 4;> . I ' I \l\ I KS| | \ • t.n . IK - for wins in both games Ihe i )iu tv. u ho .in* averaging al most hvn errors .1 game on I lit* si'.isun, committed 11 \<■ hum in*s Natnrdav. mil tiding two hex n rurs m the sixth inning of tin* first game l p ! II \ri.iin.i st.irtril the inning with .i hit to 1 enter field b\ third b.isem.ui \n hi Dennis first biiseinan ( Catherine Med man followed with what would have been a groundnut, but an error on second baseman Kristi Okuhara gave the Wildcats run tiers at first and second with no outs ()utfieldei I isa I luise tol lowed w ilb a bit to left to load the bases, file Ducks got two outs but shortstop lube Standering singled to center to firing m two runs to make it i-n. Arizona Y\ e need our detense to be tnuri' sou in I U r II hr w orking on Hrown said t )rrt>on i ami1 i lost' to tv ing it up in tin- se v filth w hi'ii. uitli two on .mil no outs Oii'kohs I'ratev Simmons blasted .1 shot , ivor tin' left fit'll! triii r ! "i ft'l't outsllll till- tool poll' t )Isu11.1 ■, 1 lint'll to I filler and p 1 m li hitter \1111a Poore itroundfil to pili her lulu- |nnes to end It |ones v\ ho piti Itfi! tin' four hit shutout to run hei ret oril to it. u as 111 wrh pel lei t tin \ri /on.1 uoini; past .1 two hall t mint only 0111 e in the Kami’ |ulie's just been pheiiome iitil t aniliea said ^ mi 'll never see he! throw the same piti h tw 11 e w Ill'll you'll' at the plate She is throw niv; really well lorn to Xrt/ona, Pane I " FUN - HIKING - FISHING - BOAT TOURS RAFTING - PHOTOGRAPHY | >tm• this m mm I like w hat vou would like ti i do ti ir l hr summer'' \\* have positions open in all aspet ts ul resort work at tw-o different Oregon lui ation*. ( rater I ake National i’.ek .iml t >re-ton ( aves National Monument tins is .1 ipeal v\,i\ to meet now people .mil develop Ir letuKl'iips tn an hu (edible outdoor environment I’ln.ise i oilt.H I votif Mu di nt I mplov men! i it In tor an jpplii at ton and inter V lew nme V\e will he on hie I mversitv ot ( )i,-i;nn . ampus \ptil I < )pportunit\ I tnplmer / Win the computer you need to succeed in the real world and a chance to use it there. Itsiuv, lost ir\ i Kir Kc.d Wkllirmiioii .t Macinti»sl * uxnptiic! u>t-iin i \pplt kc.ii ; v.»ii pM.iki -» It vihi rrmu (i[ i t (inind IYi/r winners \ Vxirt-.iih rant I\\ c;ihv it is to nv .itul how Hindi mu1 < ntilthio lor .mi now Vm 1! .t|'|>ti-mti' the ,i M.«.'itiltislnixn|xittT alter uni k"i\it.iiii|His.iin! tieadiHit into tin* real work!, !m !'.ui tk* ’ takr •ivufi! lor it i <«th- in and trv .1 M.u miiisii .ini! vr tor ’.(Hirylt Ami i! mhi \uii iIk-rld Sweeps!;ikes and whi aHilcl win ;i week at one of these leading organkitii )iis;uida \ladntosho >mputer. I nter \pril Kith Mas tin m the MieriKompnter Nippon tan J(L’ < omputinn ('enter, -i t(> i tUJ Ilnurs Sion I ri Wain Spin « r • 1*11 M«|'f • ****** I'lru' i^pa**^y»»raaM^gcr=--: ,t, » 4'OlMl » ! S* «* * Apple’s Real World Sweepstakes A' i u!5>-! - ABC News imer Active B800 A> Ben & J^j'y s HomefTirid** ik Ccyneii Jnivetsily :.i* Coi*qc * s A V:agy * !'• of KPWG Pe,* M.*> t» The Gath'ie App*e Eduction Research Ptograr set :.:es. t ir t • } or janicaoui Appte Computer me i*"car f ip'f'.s Publishing Corpw <*"-»* CUvis Corporation National Foundation ' ' 'npfovef’wi? of f duC^U'Cr Steed Hammond 3aui N.r ruu . wary of Med • «• n:h U 5 Communications Corporation r